It is certain that principles as the equality and social justice, as well as the direction of the search for managing actions that promote the autonomy of the citizens permearam the Politics of the Social Assistance, tracing itself as paradigms the efetivao of the rights, through collection to the State in arcar with the responsibilities of its court of appeals and fulfilling with the rights assured for its proper legal device through the delegation of the society during the process of magnifying of the democracy. The legislation, in regards to the right to the social attention defines that the same one will have to be given without entailing to the interests politicians or staffs, openly to whom of it to need, disentailing it of any character of financial contribution, since the professional work of the assistance does not possess nature of social insurance, if processing from resources of the budget of the social security, foreseen in art. 195. In this aspect, the LOAS defines that the contribution of the Social Assistant stops with the aged one can be come back in the following actions: Definition of intervention with the assistance to the aged one, in order to propitiate the consolidation of the foreseen social rights in the legislaes of federal, state or municipal character; Elaboration of action politics that stimulate the participation of the society in the assistance to the aged one, as well as its enrollment with the society; To integrate social entities and the public agencies, serving as mediating element between the citizen and these institutions; To structuralize mechanisms of valuation of the elderly; To organize presentations that integrate the aged one to the family; The society how much to the paper of the aged one acquires knowledge, in the direction to prevent that the same it can be victim of maltreatment. Such attitudes if must for the fact of that the aged people whom if they use of the Politics of Social Assistance, are individuals essentially unprovided of protection, generally are excluded from the structures of the social security, inside of this segment perceive implied the situation of social risk and on the other hand the intention of the involved agents in instigating the promotion of the families, improvement of the quality of life, social inclusion and equality of chances and respect to this group etrio.
Monthly Archives: April 2018
Agricultural Reform
For this it is that the lobbistas exist, that are people who form a group organized with the purpose to influence the decision on substances argued and voted for the legislative one and to hinder or to speed up the proceeding of laws that disfavor or benefit the ones that they are to represent. In the case of Brazil, the agrarian reform can be affirmed hardly that if it will carry through, thus is praiseworthy to appeal what Art. 138 of the federal constitution: It competes to the Union dispossessing for social interest for ends of agrarian reform the agricultural property that is not fulfilling its function social, by means of previous and joust indemnity in headings of agrarian debt, with clause of preservation of the real value, you rescued in the stated period of up to twenty years, from as the year of its emission, and whose use will be defined in law (FEDERATIVE CONSTITUTION OF BRAZIL, 2007, P. 125). From a simple analysis I break up of it above, can be observed that it is not easy to promote an agrarian reform in this country. First, because it remodels agrarian is not simple land distribution for who does not have it.
Second, that to carry through such fact, the State would have that to offer to all a social, financial structure and politics to these social, credit people, through politics, in end, the federal public power, assisted for the other spheres, it would have that to construct to all a base of support to these people, what the proper constitution affirms that not simple, without counting the other mentioned factors already. It is praiseworthy also to consider that, with the insertion of the capitalism in the field, other form of if distributing lands had appeared, as example, for the way of assalariamento and arredamento. Many other authors already disrespect the necessity of accomplishment of agrarian reform.
' ' that semelha in very to the space of the primitive man of the caves, dark and located in refo- it them of the quarter. What it indicates a place of difficult access, where the ones would only go to venture themselves that was obliged for a survival question. In this exactly stretch the author places in evidences one another space, as the reality of the dream of the reality of the life was divided: Azevedo (2005. p, 1) ' ' … when leaving master Par frog the land … ' ' The reality, a laborious one and sacrificed life for some changed, the dream was the progress of the industries that had forced this exactly master to launch it the world in search of wealth and, for which, returned now as Sir.
We can perceive in the form as the spaces are placed in relation the individual that both are real. One represents the reality that one day banished from its limits the man who now will return as master after to have extorquido the wealth of a people who exists in another reality, the other space, the reality of Romo, that it supports and it finances the reality of the old Par tro, that was dream, while it did not make use this of the ways necessary to return it. Romo Joo represents the evolutionary jump of the primitive man, with its limited and deficient original capital, for the mercantilism, that requires the ownership of the ballast capital for its operations. Capital this that most of the time were fruit of the brazen exploration by means of the land ownership and lives on behalf of a bigger power that if constitua in the state monr- quico absolutist. According to Nicola (2004. p, 125): ' ' … While in Brazil predominated the manufacture and the hand of enslaved workmanship, in the European countries the industry if it developed fully.
Regional Center
Paran4041.0% S R of Cssia050,0%083 Savassi3200,8%Rua Pernambuco3700.9% Cafezal030,0%286 B. Preto3150,8%Av. Raja Gabglia3680.9% N S Aparecida020,0%52 S.Efignia3130,7%Av. lvares Cabral3570.9% Mte Is Jos010,0%203 Lourdes3050,7%Av. Christ.
Colombo3510.8% Subtotal41883100%Subtotal2315555.3%Subtotal2754465.8% Total41883100%Total 41883100% Total41883100% Source: CDL-BH, 2007. Organized for the Author. Known the total distribution of the 233 CNAEs in the Center-South, was the same one segmented and mapeada in 8 segments, such which: Presented feeding, Health, Education, Clothes, Habitation, Locomotion, Finances and Entertainment in the same order. With bigger concentration of activities the Clothes were distinguished, with 28%, and the Feeding with 26%; in the band of 12% 18%, the activities the service of the Habitation and the Education; e, finally, of 1% 6%, the activities of Entertainment, Health, Locomotion and Finances as represented in Picture 02. Picture 02 the Number of Retail Activities for Segments in the Regional Center-South of Belo Horizonte in 2007 SEGMENTS LABORATORIES, CLINICS and HOSPITALS NUMBER OF ATIVIDADESPORCENTAGEM OF ACTIVITIES (1) Vesturio1170628% (2) Alimentao1101026% (3) Habitao771218% (4) Educao491312% (5) Entretenimento26376% (6) Sade20675% (7) Locomoo14894% (8) Finanas3491% Total41883100% Source: CDL-BH, 2007. Organized for the Author. The distribution of the retail activities related to the Feeding the enterprises of the segment Feeding is of diversity and distribution sufficiently extended: bars, restaurants and snack bars, for example, can in such a way be found of isolated form in a highway, how much dispersed for streets or accumulations in feeding squares. At Kevin Johnson you will find additional information.
Its services, in turn, can be given in the proper enterprise or deliver in the house of the customer. Between all the eight studied segments are what it demands greater frequency of purchase on the part of the consumer, being fit, as none another one, in the beginning of the Convenience of Christller, according to which, enterprises with bought merchandises of lesser value frequently, must be located next possible to its consumers. In relation to its decision of purchase, considered its value and volume, motivate many times purchases for impulse or of small comparison.
Expectations and Behavior
It is added, that to share the equipment rolls brings about a greater understanding between the people and who the expectations are more real, reason thus is less probable that deceptions take place. The main rolls of equipment of a person are those that appreciate the other more because its development and performance are realised with estusiasmo, which must to that they are the functions and abilities where with a greater probability we achieveed the success. In the same way in which we know which are our abilities and what roll we preferred to evolve, we know the behaviors that we cannot make due to our incapacity to develop them of suitable way, happening a limit in the learning of the rolls, which receives the name of avoided rolls. A change of behavior of the people exists that denominates to sacrifice a roll. This it is when for certain reasons we cannot carry out our roll preferred, or because to another it is carrying out it person or because there is a deficiency of a good example of a certain roll in the equipment. One considers that the equipment rolls are developed, mature and even experience and formation can modify with. Also several rolls of equipment in response to the needs can be seen that a situation demands of the subject.
Definitively, the management must be totally identified with the relevance, the reach that generates obtaining to form cohesive equipment, to recognize the importance of knowing clearly aims, of enabling them permanently, of giving support them and of providing the best equipment to the organization to develop its functions. One is due to reach: Tener I perfectly put and functions defined and included by all. Estar perfectly enabled to develop its functions. To be able individually to make decisions. Saber to solve possible interpersonal conflicts.
The Way Spiritual Of The Meditation And Silence
Silence is prayer, prays the Atma Puya Upanishad. And, really, little more we need to arrive at the knowledge of what is essential. In an ordinary, verbal prayer, listen to ourselves; they are words, language, what you want to communicate with the Supreme. And the language is limited, it is an instrument for use among humans, but not to communicate with the divine. Prayer (from the lat. oris-ratio: the mouth that reasoning) could be defined as the reason expressed by means of words and Word or mouth (from lat.
parable Gr. Parabole: comparison, simile) is nothing more than an image that it overrides the object, i.e. a subjective budget for the real thing. Therefore, access to the real us escapes to be internalized in language, as you would understand Lacan, the real no-es, or cannot comprehend. The real thing is nothing. Here’s a Word, nothing of great philosophical importance, converted into an ISM by authors such as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. And it is nihilism is the big mouth of modern and postmodern philosophical thought.
The ISM of existence, according to Sartre, lies in the acceptance of nothing against the transcendent or metaphysical. Let us remember the Sartre key work of the formulation of Existentialism: being and nothingness. What can you do be with nothing? What can you do something against something that is nothing? What can you explain us that nothing pop up something? Make sense being something to be then nothing? Here we have the great dichotomy of the meaning of existence: idealismo-materialismo. Essential against the accidental. Be-Essentials of Parmenides against the be-accidental of Heraclitus. The whole is against all changes. Buddhism assigns two qualities of the existence that deny the essence. The characteristic of non – being or no-alma (anatman) and impermanence (anitya). Buddhism does not speak of nothing but empty (sunya). See the Heart Sutra. And there is a big difference. Nothing It is impassable, but in a vacuum can enter, thankfully.