Monthly Archives: January 2012



They had a collection of models for copper casting. In the manufacture of a samovar were involved in various working specialties. 1. Navodilschik – bent copper sheet, solder, and maketh it the proper form. For a week he could allocates 6.8 pieces pieces (depending on the form). 2. Tinker – covering the inside of the samovar tin.

Do 60-100 pieces per day. 3. Turner – sharpened on the machine and polished samovar (the worker, who turned the machine and helped turner – called vertelschik). Turner could carve a day 12.8 units. 4. Locksmith – did handle faucets, etc. (Pens – to 3.6 samovars per day).

5. Collector – of all the individual parts assembled a samovar, soldered faucets, etc. A week to make up to 20 samovars. 6. Cleaner – clears the samovar (up to 10 pieces a day). 7. Woodworker – manufactured wooden cones to covers and knobs (per day – up to 400-600 units). Carding production samovar was long. Masters of the villages were made parts of the samovar, brought them back to the factory. At the same factories, assembly and finishing was a samovar. It is known that entire villages were engaged in manufacturing samovar parts. The work was conducted in a residential cottages all year round except for summer time, this time conducted the field work. Engaged in trade samovar and whole families, and alone. Samovar & Parts produced no only in Thule, but also in the surrounding villages within a radius of about 40km from the city.