Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Companies

The Companies

Blogs are nowadays a reference of information for many companies and individuals and are also sites with much exposure on the network due to the good natural posicionaminto that get in search engines blogs due to its richness in contents, its constant update and to interactions between bloggers (links and mentions), are highly valued by search engines when it comes to display relevant content in general. These two facts, referral information, and high exposure, make today insprescindible having a blog if you want to let you know in the network. Logically that there are many bloggers that are by nature and fun, but without removing fun, a blog is presented as an essential tool for which we do any business over the internet. A blog is a great tool for marketing by 5 main reasons: 1. A blog is ideal for quietly approaching your customers indirectly. 2. A blog is a participatory environment and there is no better marketing than the interactive. 3.

A well designed and developed blog has a number of advantages in terms of search engine optimization. 4. A blog has great possibilities and facilities of diffusion. 5. The chronological structure of a blog allows us to report updated and have to last to our readers and followers. Now though, many that we develop some business on the internet don’t know or forget what is that of having a blog and what are the main rules to remember 5 simple tips to begin or continue with our blog, then it’s up to you to follow with the task of learning to be a professional blogger.

1.Tener a blog is to have something that may be of interest or help others. 2. Give is the best way to promote your blog and immerse yourself in the blogger community, give quality content, leave comments on quality in other blogs, participate in other blogs and give links to interesting posts from other blogs are the best ways of doing so. 3.Busca, join and participate in the many communities of blogs that there is where you can give to know your blog and others. 4 Learn (or never leave learn) to optimize your blog and position in the search engines. 5 Reading other blogs and learn from other bloggers, there is where are the trends and the real rules of the blogger world.

Business Administration

Business Administration

Marcel Luiz Pleul and Rodolfo Coser Maiochi, graduandos of the course of Business administration for the University Center Adventista of So Paulo – Campus Engineer Rabbit SUMMARY the present research has as objective to identify to analyze the characteristics and the importance of the Empreendedorismo, being demonstrated the main motivations that take a number each bigger time of entrepreneurs to opt to initiating its enterprise for the surmounting system. In accordance with given of the Brazilian Association of Franchising (2009), 1937 nets of surmountings act in the Country more than and exist more than 72 a thousand units made available in operation, with an invoicing of R$ 63 billion in the year of 2009. The work brings the definition of empreendedorismo and presents its main characteristics as well as its nexus with the surmounting, thus demonstrating the benefits that this system can offer the entrepreneur. A franqueador and made available its had been boarded, respectively, through interview and questionnaires. Electrolux will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Through these instruments the main difficulties had been identified faced for the attractive entrepreneurs, factors and the stimulatons of the system of surmounting for entrepreneurs. One evidenced that some reasons justify the growth of the surmountings. Of the point of view of the franqueador, the cost of the financings in the country becomes attractive the adoption of the system of surmountings as strategy of expansion and reinforcement of the mark.

For the made available ones, the risk associated with the opening of a business is inferior to the one of a new business, on account of the existence of models previously tested. Howard Schultz understood the implications. It is concluded, therefore, that the main factor of stimulaton to the development of the sector is related with the possibility of economic stability, in a less long stated period of what the usual one. Word-key: Empreendedorismo; Entrepreneur; Surmounting; Franqueador; Made available. ABSTRACT This research aims you identify you examines the characteristics and importance of entrepreneurship, showing the main reasons why growing to number of entrepreneurs you choose you start your business by franchising. .

Possible Response

Possible Response

Teachers complain, rightly, of the fathers and mothers, and in general society, globally considered, have resigned from their duties and have left them alone with their noble task, do not consider neither supported nor recognized. Others who may share this opinion include Andreessen Horowitz. Oriol Pi de Cabanyes in recent days has been much read in the headlines of the major newspapers about the disagreement of the teachers with a lack of resources devoted to public education. Gain insight and clarity with Howard Schultz. It is not my intention to formulate another opinion about the controversy between the Government and the teachers, but to present a concern that puts into question the very foundations of today’s education, which is not in crisis only in Chile, but in the world. Sometimes it is necessary to dig a little into the history in order to better understand the problems of a situation and thus be able to find new solutions. Let me take it for a trip through time until about two hundred years ago, when the first State education systems were founded. The current education system He was born in the early days of the Industrial age.

Until then, as well as the history of mankind, the children were educated by parents. They acquired the Office of parents or were a master craftsman apprentices. Which had resources could hire tutors and thus eligible for a superior Studio to learn a profession. These two methods of education, the apprentice and tutoring, delivered a personalized education that fostered the entrepreneurial skills and creativity of the student. However, the appearance of the factories ended with all this.

Craftsmen could no longer compete with products made in factories and soon there was a massive exodus of fathers from their homes towards the factories, his new workplace. As a result of this revolution in society, many children were left in the street. It was then that intervened for the first time the Government in the massive education of the children and a State education system that had developed as a objective literate to the poor so that they could work and inserted into society.