Therefore, this Project will be applied in the nuclei quarters of the Program of Eradication of the Infantile Work, with activities involving the different types of texts that are gifts in our daily one, beyond literal productions in intention to help the attended ones to develop its capacity to understand the process of the lecto-writing. 2 Theoretical Base the reading is a process of linking between the text and the reader. It must be understood as a social act between the reader and the author if involving in an interactive, excellent process for a full knowledge in all the cognitivos aspects. Thus the domnios of knowledge (linguistic, pedagogical and the social one) are integrated. According to Kleiman (apud, SOUZA, 2004, p.61). …
the reader constructs, and not only it receives one meaning global for the text; it looks formal tracks, anticipates these tracks, formulates and reformulates hypothesis, accepted or rejects conclusions. However, he does not have reciprocity with the action of the author, who searchs essentially the adhesion of the reader, presenting for this, in the best possible way, the best arguments, the evidence most convincing of possible clearer form, organizing and leaving in the text formal tracks in order to facilitate the achievement of its objective. The reading does not have to be closed simply to the theoretical character, therefore only mechanics will take the pupil to have a reading, but it must previously be made with a critical look interrelacionando with other done readings and its daily one. As Orlandi (1999), this sample as the reading can be a sufficiently complex process and that it involves much more of what abilities that if they decide in the imediatismo of the action to read. To know to read is to know that the text says and what it does not say, constitutes but it significamente. Many of the difficulties in the understanding of if understanding a text are not only on to the unfamiliarity of the meaning of the linguistic codes or some data of the text, but yes to the fact not to perceive and to make the existing relation between different parts of one same text with all.