The advances that we had until today reflect in some prizes received for then the manager of the city, in recognition to its model of administration. These advances never could give certain, if an efficient planning had not happened that could be carried through by the different actors who had appeared in these 11 years. Additional information at Andreessen Horowitz supports this article. Conclusion Concludes that the teams of health of the family of the city of Are Jose de Ribamar need to continue to be motivated and to be demanded to incorporate the practical one of the local planning, in systematic way, using itself of the data and the information to more good get understanding of the necessities of the community and power to intervine for improvement of the quality of life of population the present study, face to the limitations of space and time, obviously does not deplete the subject, in what it says respect to the city of Are Jose de Ribamar, but if they have the intention that the same it tries the magnifying of the debate and stimulates new studies regarding the imperious necessity of better estruturao and organization of the municipal systems of information and the practical one of the local planning for the teams of health of the family in municipal level. It is important to stand out that the option of if adopting the local planning in the management of the health do not depend to-somente on a voluntary act on the part of each involved professional. It has necessity of superior decisions and a sistmica organization and of technological interaction (net of continuous contribution) with the too much instances of management, in state and federal level. The ESF more frequently need to be submitted the training and the recycling, in order to try the maximizao of quarrels on the part of the professionals and the regular gauging of the basic pointers of health, as evaluation form accomplishes routinely of the progress of the actions practised next to the community. On the other hand, as the actions of public health only can be exerted in compliance with the budgetary legislation of the governments which are subordinated, it is basic that the local planning, its respective system of information and the forecast of training, recycling of professionals, courses and lectures, also involving the community, duly are programmed, in the plans of state and municipal development and in the annual and plurianuais budgets of the State and the City.
If thus it will be fact, the local planning could be a routine efficient, capable to mobilize professionals and the community and, for this new way, to change the reality of the health for better. It is what one expects.