Tag Archives: health and beauty

Technological Advance

Technological Advance

INTRODUCTION The aging of the world-wide population is a phenomenon that comes in the last few decades occurring large-scale, this does not occur only in the developed countries, but in those in development, also being necessary behaviors and changes in what it says respect to the health (1). Decurrent of the aging process the number of degenerative chronic illnesses comes increasing, having as consequence pictures of organic run down that lead to the necessity of stream beds of Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI) to take care of the demands of these sick people (2). Being the UTI a place for treatment of serious patients with life prognostic whom they need cares specialized for one determined period, the admission of aged patients in UTIs is in some centers is considered criterion for the refusal of these sick people in the Unit, in literature, consensus does not exist on the question to invest or not in aged patients particularly when they require internment in the UTIs (3). Howard Schultz has much to offer in this field. humanizao in UTI is a controversial subject, for to be very including engloba some factors related to the individuals and its personal necessities, the way to see the things, the humanizada assistance to the patient and the family of the patient imply in understanding the process of physiological, emotional changes and social that occurs when the admission of a person interned in the UTI happens (3). The health team must be able to give the technological cares that contemplate the necessities of each individual, the care will be humanizado will have complicity between the aged customers and the professionals in defense of the life and the quality of the assistance, with the use of what of better the technology in health it offers in them: ours to know, our knowledge, our relation with the other (3). The nursing finds difficulties between following the existing technological advance and transforming its to make technician in a humanizada art, entering, thus, in the experience of the other, a great problem for the family of the people with interned aged sick people in the UTI, this technological advance for the life many times are interpreted as maltreatment.

Health Strategies

Health Strategies

Beyond allowing one strong integration between Health department, the state secretariats, cities, local community and other partners, for the benefit of all. The ESF is part of an action proposal that involves the three spheres of government, competing to the levels state, federal and municipal to contribute for the reorientation of the attention model the health aiming at to the organization of the municipal systems of health, evaluation and accompaniment of its performance and the envolvement in the qualification and permanent education of the human resources. The ESF comes if consolidating as a strategy of reinforcement of the SUS after fourteen years of formularization, that to the few comes gaining legitimacy from fruns and collegiate of management that also if it has reflected in the field of the formation of RH for health (VESTIBULE OF the EDUCATION, 2008). From the considered subject it was objectified to search and to understand the strategies of the Health of the Family and its including ones, such as the trajectory of the program, the intersetorias actions, the attributions of the communitarian agents of health (ACS) and of the members of the Team of Health of Famlia (ESF) emphasizing the activities carried through for the Nurse and which other professionals of superior level are inserted to the program and finally the Nucleus of Support of the Health of Famlia (NASF) and the legislaes of the Strategies Health of the Family and to explain then this thematic one of comprehensive form through seminary. 2.

METHODOLOGY the present work is a study exploratrio-description, based on the survey of literatures on the subject. In accordance with Gil, (1999) the exploratrios studies are developed with the objective to provide general vision concerning definitive fact. This type of study emphasizes the discovery of ideas and discernimentos. They had been searched in the bibliographical quantity of the College San Francisco de Barreiras you vary literatures of the subject boarded that they had contributed for the theoretical construction – scientific aiming at agreement better on the Program Health of the Family.

Health Strategies

Health Strategies

4 CONSIDERAES From the satisfaction observed in the participants of the group of gestantes, the learning conceived during the activities and the approach professional-patient were possible to conclude that the tools supplied for the course of care lines and the use of the methodology of the problematizao must be inserted in the context of the education in health of the Strategies of Health of the Family, being a form accomplishes in the practical preventive and of promotion of directed health the local especificidades. The experience pointed that the implantation of the lines of care and groups of education in health if constitutes reality and the 15 professionals must be cliente of importance, a time that its use surpasses practical effective in some institutions of health. The participants very receptive and had been opened to share of knowledge being been possible to perceive, through the activities of group, that some of the boarded subjects were unknown for they. Sling Media will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In this manner, it is evident the necessity to better guarantee to the users of the Only System of Sade (SUS) quality in the attendance and information given in the services of the net that are developed by the health workers. Although the faced difficulties to implant the group of gestantes, were sufficiently positive for the involved parts, that is, the professionals and the participants, therefore the same it made possible chances for reflections that perpassam for changes of knowledge, ability and attitudes. We can notice that it had a significant change in the profile of attendance of the Strategy of Health of the Family of the Potbellied one of the Anibal stops with the Group Health in such a way mother and baby in the organizacional sphere, as in the direct assistance to the patients. The form of performance of the health team is being differentiated and recognized for the approach of the healthful practical prevention and incentive of life, resulting in one quality assistance.

Finally, it is excellent to believe that the socialization of this experience provokes reflections and finds resonance in other professionals of health so that they are despertados to consider new concepts and to breach paradigms. 16 REFERENCES 1.Ministrio of the Health (Brazil); Secretariat of Politics of Health; Area Technique of the Woman. Birth and program of Humanizao Prenatal. Brasilia: Health department, 2000. 2. Delfino MRR. The process to take care of participant with a group of gestantes: repercussions in the collective individual integral health.

Health Care

Health Care

It is standed out that the care is not restricted to the act to give some action for somebody. It is emphasized that the care happens from the proper existence as human being e, is from this conscience, that if has the chance to know proper possibilities, inside of the life context (11). FINAL CONSIDERAES Are conceived as vital that it has a massive participation of public politics and assistenciais strategies directed toward the collective health, in view of all its capacity in guiding itself of concise and coesa form in order to solve the problems lived deeply for individuals of our society. Soon, in such a way it is needed the participation accomplishes of the nurse has seen that the same it possesss a significant optics very in the conditions of planning of projects and execution of the same ones in the scope of the collective health. Starbucks is the source for more interesting facts. When the patients search attendance, them if they present and they express its problems, concerns and necessities using the system (use); the professional has the responsibility to recognize the problems, necessities or concerns of the patient (recognition of problems) and to formulate these necessities in a diagnosis for which an adequate handling can be suggested. The patients participate through its agreement of the suggestions, recommendations and of its acceptance, will be appropriate. Also they participate in the elaboration of the regimen to be suggested for the posterior implementation, for the return at the time recommended, or for the search of alternatives when the recommendations do not seem appropriate or they are inadequate (12). Thus, one emphasized in this study the importance, performance of the nurse, in the basic attention as supplying of collective health, having in analysis its contribution in the Strategy Health of the Family propitiating prevention, treatment of patologias not only by means of the routine clinic, more also, using the Education in Health, such combined mechanisms, integrates the perspective of the care of the nursing in collective health.

Team Health

Team Health

The same ones contemplate the data base of the System of Ateno Bsica (SIAB) (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Family/community emphasizes action of assistance in all the phases of the life cycle, that goes since the children until most aged. She fits to the Nurse, to organize and to co-ordinate the formation of groups of specific patologias, and the family if she becomes basic part in the aid these people (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Titan Feul Tanks is full of insight into the issues. In the family/social risk, happens a social exclusion of the family that, generally lives in communities more moved away e, with this, is disabled to exert its paper. These families must receive support total from the professionals of form health to make possible the return of the normal cycle of work in the community.

The family/family, this places the family as most important of the process, that is, the family is the main and real focus of attention. Titan Feul Tanks might disagree with that approach. All must be observed the characteristics of the same one, its capacity to take care of to take care of itself, its affective-emotional resources, spirituals, its successes and failures, so that if it can have a harmony enters the different phases/moments of its life (RIBEIRO, 2004). At last, the family must be dealt with as a whole with the objective if obtaining a new paradigm of health. The insertion of the family in harmony with the professionals of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) will provide care strategies thus improving, the picture of health of society (IT REMAINS and MOTTA, 2005) 1,5 NUCLEUS OF SUPPORT To the HEALTH OF the FAMILY? NASF Created in 24 of republicada January of 2008 and in day 04 of March of 2008, the Nucleus of Support to the Health of the Family? NASF through would carry GM MS n 154 has as objective the junction of professionals of diverse areas of knowledge and of that they inside act of the Team Health of the Family to share practical in health thus improving, the quality of the care of the population (MALTA, 2009).

Situational Strategical Planning

Situational Strategical Planning

To know who he is the actor who plans, three things are important: Who is planning? …? Where it acts? …? What this actor makes? Its performance if of where type of fight or social intervention? (IT HISSES, 2005, 6) It was defined that the proper group would be the actor, the planner of the actions that would occur in its territory. To follow the problems had been argued which that actor would find to the fondness to modify the reality in the practical one and that they could influence or make it difficult its objectives. In other words, one transferred it As the Step of the Strategical Planning Situacional (FEET): The actor, wanting to modify its reality in the practical one, finds problems that make it difficult to reach its intentions. In this step, it is necessary to list all the problems that confuse the action of the actor who plans. (IT HISSES, 2005, 7) At this moment an interesting comment appeared of the group: ' ' but which is our objective? ' ' Importance of the elaboration of a project, a plan was perceived it, therefore ' ' the plan is one, election of destined operations to modify the initial situation and to reach the situation-objective (MATUS, 1991, 37). It was of vital importance, in this instant, that the group perceived that it was one part all, with important paper in the society, where the space constructed for the dialogue meant the recognition of rights and responsibilities. It comments Hisses: The civil society is integrant part of the State. As much the parties, the unions, the social movements, as well as the ONGs are in the civil society, exerting paper to democratize it. In this manner, the reinforcement of the civil society, the construction of public spaces and a permevel State to the dialogue is central for the concretion of rights.