Monthly Archives: March 2017

Modern Clients

Modern Clients

All we are consumers, and today are exposed to massive attack advertising, information overload. Modern client quickly raises immunity. Triggered defenses and many sales strategy, very soon cease to work. How did reach the minds of your potential customers? There are lots of strategies, and now tell you about a simple but highly effective. If you build the whole process properly, with a subtle approach, the conversion soars by 30%. Checked. So here's a very welcome.

Often their training, I advise participants to monitor forums. This is one of the most accurate methods if you want, what lives and breathes your target audience. During the training, "Creation of goods sold A to Z "- we all learned the specialized community, well-attended forum. So it is necessary to accurately select their niches. It was important, what people are interested. What they need today.

A powerful thing, for example, when creating new articles, posts on the site – is to give content to the new, popular titles to the forum. If you still are not using this tactic – take it and use it. Such a technique can significantly increase precisely targeted traffic to your resources. You go to the forums. According to its niche. Learning titles from the series 'HELP'. Preparing a response, the survey – depends on the circumstances, and give a useful answer to new issues of great concern. Try it – you will not regret. But I digress slightly. Scandal, hype, criticism here is the story of our team order to solve the problem of attracting new customers.

Germany Factory

Germany Factory

Foreigners, looking for VAZ, many (Jhonson Controls, Faurecia, Leer, etc.) – they are interested in is to act with AvtoVAZ and Renault-Nissan joint venture vehicle. As strategic partners VAZ considered and Magna Steyr and Zahnrad Fabrik Friedrichshafen (fraction vazovskoy delegation traveling to Germany, was recorded in Kurumoch). From Magna – old acts, which begins today vice president of sales and management according to Maxim Nagaytsev but koiya ended in a stalemate (or at least more time Magna has collaborated with the gas). Follow others, such as Starbucks, and add to your knowledge base. Rumors that if ZF is a partner Urn, stretching back to 2006-2008 years, but as long as adherents of 'Russian Technologies' changed at the factory seats, and functional steps in this direction is made that way and never has been. Some developing ZF, truth, long used by designers in vazovskim control mechanism and a gear box for model number, and the 'Cornfield' ZF components are installed completely official. Meanwhile, ZF actively cooperates with KAMAZ, participating in joint ventures 'FIT-KAMA' according to the production of transmissions for trucks, that way if given the creation of holding 'RosAvto', ZF only faster come and at the WHA. In general, as explained at the factory, in the true time of negotiations carried out with all the mass producers of auto components. Suppliers in the form in which they operate in the Russian Federation is now more closely can not organize, certainly, no 1 carmaker – localization of virtually all foreign manufacturers of cars assembled foreign cars here, close to zero. For example, in AvtoVAZ to this day near 270 lines genpostavschikov, taken separately, they deliver the details – probably no system suppliers.

Henry Ramirez Devany

Henry Ramirez Devany

To tell on pleasant, modern and mainly ad hoc icons the intention of our site, projects a strong sensation of professionalism in its design, trying that all the used icons have the same style and graphic consistency. Creative use of libraries Javascript Slide, accordions, merry-go-rounds, tooltips, abatis, etc. Exist a infinity of frameworks that we can choose to improve the performance of our sites. The Web is full of sites and groups use that them, but the point of differentiation this in creativity of its use and mainly in the personalisation that we give him so that they integrate perfectly to the concept of the design that we propose. Attractive photographies and of good quality Many sites obtain a strong identity thanks to the use of attractive photographies and quality in their interface, in fact some exist that to their exclusively base it impact on it, but beyond these cases the use of quality photographies allows to give to an image of professionalism and vividez, important aspects in the formation of bows of confidence with our visitors. As we have already said it the quality in the design generates confidence. Important text design Two great typesetter tendencies exist that have revolutionized the form in which we presented/displayed our messages, these tendencies are the use of typesetter sources of great size and the graphic design of important messages of the site.

Both options are good to create distinction and personality to our designs, besides contributing greatly to obtain an effective communication of the important messages of the site. Originality The encausada originality distinguishes and creates identity. When we managed to create a design that denotes a total conceptual originality and own use of the graphical elements, the formation comes in addition from a noticeable identity. Here there are no advice who are worth, here only counts our I devise and graphic audacity, by all means accompanied by a good criterion, technique and style. Taken care of final of the details But that an option must become a habit in our form of work, to take care of of the details of our design it is the key that power to the maximum our design, I have seen many sites that emphasize solely certain areas of their design and neglecting others and I see as my appreciation of its professionalism is fallen. Some of the details that we must take care of: – That does not exist unsquares of the elements of the design – Its correct presentation in the different navigators – Its correct visualization in different resolutions from monitors – Aesthetic and usabilidad in our forms – Strategic Use of empty spaces – Correct Operation of framework – Etc.

PUC Nurse

PUC Nurse

The present work has as main objective to make a reflection on the humanizao in the formation of the nurse in the course of nursing of the Pontifical University Catholic of Minas Gerais campus Arcs from the education politics and health. conclusion. It also approaches the humanizao concept as ethical principle, mainly, in the field of the health, emphasizes the function of the nursing relating its direct paper with the care to more show the importance of the nurse in a humanizado attendance, analyzes the Project Pedagogical Politician of the Graduation of Nursing of the PUC – Mines Arcs and traces strategies for the inclusion of the humanizao in the Project Pedagogical Politician to become more adequate the curricular grating the reality which the future nurse will be inserted. One is about a research of the exploratria type, where books had been used, scientific articles and dissertaes of the years of 2000 the 2011, without losing of sight previous publications and the Project Pedagogical Politician of PUC Mines Arcs. The inclusion of the humanizao was identified that as proposal of education in the nursing graduation is presented as viable and necessary for the formation of conscientious nurses of the humanizao and capable to act of form more human being, promoting a significant modification in the services of health and, consequentemente, in the quality of the same ones. The present work is a starting point in order to supply to subsidies posterior reflections and to develop new pedagogias for the formation of nursing professionals thus the humanizao if becomes constant goal of the nurse is in the health or the education in nursing. Word-key: Education in nursing. Humanizao of the assistance. Project Pedagogical Politician..



The one that you are realising a diet to lower of weight does not imply that it must move away of the social life from fear of falling in the temptation and ending up eating in excess by shame to say no. If you are a person that costs to him to say does not know that resources exist that can use without needing going to a celebration with a poster of ” I am to Diet ” . Here I give 7 resources to him that will help him when to say not when that plate is offered to him exactly that is its weakness. 1-Attitude. You do not have any obligation to accept what the obligation to accept what the other person simply offers to him to leave satisfied it, or because she feels fear to offend. Saying is not its right and you can and must do it without stopping being amiable and courteous.

Atrvase to say no. 2-No uses excuses to say NO. If to say it does not use excuses is transmitting a message of ” duda” , which will possibly cause that the other person becomes insistent. 3-Use a warm tone but signs. If you say that not in tone of moan or with pain, the person who is offering to him food will interpret, it because you doubt. If his host is a person firm and decided she will insist until you say siiii. For that reason it is very important that you express his will with firm tone, accompanies at the same time as it with an agreed corporal attitude.

4-Maintain the glance in stop. Instead of to watch the food, something that can debilitate its position, it directly watches the eyes to that to him the food offers. Douglas Oberhelman oftentimes addresses this issue. This is a very powerful strategy. 5-Conserve the calm. It does not deal with not reacting in aggressive form, nor assuming a submissive attitude either. Esfurcese to maintain the balance and serenity, thinks how about beneficial will be to fulfill its objective to lower of weight. 6-Avoid to be pending of the food. It tries to move away of or the tables where the food is offered. It concentrates his attention in enjoying the meeting in if, if there is music it dances or it looks for to maintain a pleasant conversation with the other contenders, the important thing it is to move away of the temptation, also is important that it is put from backs to the place where is the food. 7-El plan B. If in spite of knowing the 6 keys previous one does not dare to say No, it accepts the food that offers to him, being thankful amiably, it places it in the table and djela discreetly, aljese of the table not to fall in the temptation.

Russian Journal

Russian Journal

Stress is not only a major cause of disruption of activities sequence of human (Lomov, bf, 1963, Krylov aa, Bazarov, ty, Bekov ha, ea Aksenova, 1995; Bodrov va ., Oboznov aa, 2000, etc.), but also acts as the triggering mechanism in the pathogenesis of many psychosomatic, psychiatric disorders, cancer and cardiovascular disease. We believe that the cherished neurotic changes that can diagnose a psychiatrist, psycho precede modifications to a sharp decrease in resistance to stress. Deviant behavior of such people is manifested only in extreme situations, which is very dangerous in terms of modern production. Enterprises, public areas become hostages of illiteracy production managers due to lack of specialized psychological training of the operators of control systems, etc. That this is the role of human factor in the sudden occurrence of accidents and disasters. The problem of human behavior in extreme situations addressed in modern psychology in different ways: psychological diagnostics, computer-simulation, modeling human conditions in hypnosis, etc.

Several authors have considered that the use of hypnosis in order to study human behavior is the most humane and effective means (Grimak lp 1978., Ovchinnikov ov, ee, Itkin ng 1989 and others). Experience shows that the modeling method in hypnosis various extreme situations is a very effective for desensitization to stress conditions (Slobodyanik ap, 1983, Milton Erickson, 2002), but not in all subjects, as the important role played by factor of hypnotizability. According to M. Erickson (2002), any person can enter in trance state. His methods were effective, although in some cases described by him as required carrying up to 50 sessions .

In today's production, unfortunately, business executives do not have unlimited supply of time and money for such projects. Our proposed program to increase resistance to stress industrial workers employed in critical areas of production, is very topical in connection with the annual tragi cal events, and includes methods of diagnosis and correction of stress in emergency situations. Initially conducted psychodiagnostic work sample of individuals that are unstable to stress. In the future with them psychocorrectional implemented procedures to change personality traits based on the methods of self-control, etc. To achieve successful results in psihokorretsionnoy work necessary to conduct about 16 sessions of self-regulation. After graduating psychocorrectional work presents a comparative analysis of the behavior of selected individuals before and after psychocorrectional procedures. In process of ongoing work carried out colored photos and videos, which are then used for debriefing. References: 1. Bazarov tk Beks ha Aksenov, ka Methods for evaluating management personnel of state. and comments, structures. -M: ra hs. Jonas Samuelson is likely to increase your knowledge. 1995. – 111 2. Bodrov va Obozov aa system of mental stress-regulation of the human operator / / Psychological. Well. – 2000. – G. 21. 4. – S. 32-40. 3. Grimak lp Modeling human conditions in hypnosis. – Moscow: Nauka. 1978.-272 with. 4. Izmerov nf etc Matmhin vv Stress at work as an important component of mental health problems in the society / / Russian Journal of Psychiatry. – 2005. – 2. 5. Krylov aa Man in automated control systems. – L.: lsu, 1972.-192s. 6. Lomov, bf Man and Technology: Essays on engineering psychology. – L.: lgu. 1963. -266 Sec. 7. Milton Erickson. The strategy of psychotherapy. Speech. – St. Petersburg, 2002. S. 26-34.

Americans North

Americans North

Jansen affirms that ' ' the interests of Americans and Europeans for the resources of the Amaznia already had motivated the defense of the thesis of ' sovereignty relativa' , that, obviously, she is not accepted for the Brasil' '. It says that the Gutter North – a project of reinforcement of the borders of the North of the Country – was one of more important under the point of view of the defense of the national interests. But it laments that the project has been ' ' wronged for the infantile mistake to that if he dealt with a militarization of the Amaznia' '. The general, whose colleagues of group still are in the active, supports that the Gutter North was motivated by the intention to extend the presence of diverse segments of the society in the region. ' ' The military segment was only one of them ' ' , it says. At the time where it was conceived (1986), the project represented, also, an attempt of Brazilian reply to the influence of Cuba in the Suriname.

For Jansen, ' ' the System of Monitoring of the Amaznia (Sivam) has vulnerabilities, because the supplier of its equipment knows the characteristics of the material, its signatures eletrnicas' ' , but it believes that the alternative would be to be blind in relation to the region. The immediate steps of strategical reach recommended by general Jansen for the reinforcement of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Amaznia must be the full operation of the Sivam, urgent reactivation of the Gutter North and an effective priority for the economic vocation of the Amaznia. Mr. MOZARILDO CAVALCANTI (PFL – RR) – I thank the V. Ex, Senator Tio Viana, who is a man expert of the Amaznia and that he has here boarded in the Senate, with much seriousness, the problems of the region.

Talking About Salary

Talking About Salary

His first attempts to discuss with the authorities increase to the salary I received eight years ago when I worked as a programmer in a small shop. The conversation began when I asked how much it suits my work. Master a little thought and said: – I am glad that finally the program was working normally. – You know, besides working as a programmer I still have to do some work of accountants, in particular, entered into a computer overhead, making various verification. In addition, I wrote a program that allows these transactions twice as fast.

I think in this spirit that my work should be valued more. – I’ll think about it. As a result, I increased wages by 50%. But, considering how much time I got, it was not too little. When I talked about raising the second time this has happened just a few months, then received a rebuff.

And all because, at this time provides no arguments, and simply stated that deserve more than they earn. Do not repeat my mistakes! Now raise your salary, I could only find a new job, which he did. Fortunately, I had some experience, and employers are more willing to offer me your job. In the new job paid according to productivity, and there should not have to go to the authorities that would receive an increase. It was enough to show himself competent expert, superior quality program. An employee who is trusted by more extensive and important projects, of course, make a big production. Oh, and lastly, a few tips on how to go to discuss a raise: – Develop a strategy, write a list of your accomplishments, what specific benefits they have brought us. – Advertise a benefit that you bring the company. – Carefully calculate the time to talk, the best days: Wednesday and Thursday, preferably in the afternoon. Not in any way on Monday morning and not Friday night! – Think about what might argue boss. Prepare answers to the objections. – Be prepared to sell yourself. Your work – too good. Sometimes in relationships with employers bargain.