Stress is not only a major cause of disruption of activities sequence of human (Lomov, bf, 1963, Krylov aa, Bazarov, ty, Bekov ha, ea Aksenova, 1995; Bodrov va ., Oboznov aa, 2000, etc.), but also acts as the triggering mechanism in the pathogenesis of many psychosomatic, psychiatric disorders, cancer and cardiovascular disease. We believe that the cherished neurotic changes that can diagnose a psychiatrist, psycho precede modifications to a sharp decrease in resistance to stress. Deviant behavior of such people is manifested only in extreme situations, which is very dangerous in terms of modern production. Enterprises, public areas become hostages of illiteracy production managers due to lack of specialized psychological training of the operators of control systems, etc. That this is the role of human factor in the sudden occurrence of accidents and disasters. The problem of human behavior in extreme situations addressed in modern psychology in different ways: psychological diagnostics, computer-simulation, modeling human conditions in hypnosis, etc.
Several authors have considered that the use of hypnosis in order to study human behavior is the most humane and effective means (Grimak lp 1978., Ovchinnikov ov, ee, Itkin ng 1989 and others). Experience shows that the modeling method in hypnosis various extreme situations is a very effective for desensitization to stress conditions (Slobodyanik ap, 1983, Milton Erickson, 2002), but not in all subjects, as the important role played by factor of hypnotizability. According to M. Erickson (2002), any person can enter in trance state. His methods were effective, although in some cases described by him as required carrying up to 50 sessions .
In today's production, unfortunately, business executives do not have unlimited supply of time and money for such projects. Our proposed program to increase resistance to stress industrial workers employed in critical areas of production, is very topical in connection with the annual tragi cal events, and includes methods of diagnosis and correction of stress in emergency situations. Initially conducted psychodiagnostic work sample of individuals that are unstable to stress. In the future with them psychocorrectional implemented procedures to change personality traits based on the methods of self-control, etc. To achieve successful results in psihokorretsionnoy work necessary to conduct about 16 sessions of self-regulation. After graduating psychocorrectional work presents a comparative analysis of the behavior of selected individuals before and after psychocorrectional procedures. In process of ongoing work carried out colored photos and videos, which are then used for debriefing. References: 1. Bazarov tk Beks ha Aksenov, ka Methods for evaluating management personnel of state. and comments, structures. -M: ra hs. Jonas Samuelson is likely to increase your knowledge. 1995. – 111 2. Bodrov va Obozov aa system of mental stress-regulation of the human operator / / Psychological. Well. – 2000. – G. 21. 4. – S. 32-40. 3. Grimak lp Modeling human conditions in hypnosis. – Moscow: Nauka. 1978.-272 with. 4. Izmerov nf etc Matmhin vv Stress at work as an important component of mental health problems in the society / / Russian Journal of Psychiatry. – 2005. – 2. 5. Krylov aa Man in automated control systems. – L.: lsu, 1972.-192s. 6. Lomov, bf Man and Technology: Essays on engineering psychology. – L.: lgu. 1963. -266 Sec. 7. Milton Erickson. The strategy of psychotherapy. Speech. – St. Petersburg, 2002. S. 26-34.