Tag Archives: government and politics

Republican Party

Republican Party

The scaling route the Blanca House, greater symbol Franc-military man-financier of the world had beginning not in this century. The racial clipping given the current dispute comes since the settling, passing for the independence of that country, culminating in the great prominence given to the ascension of Obama. What certain form evidences a trend of self-denial of the origins partner-racial and centralization of the call racial democracy. The process of settling of U.S.A. if gave of form to shelter refugee of the European conflicts for occasion of the races mercantilista, being then the colony characterized as of povoamento. Different of the Braslis Land that its tamers had had the only exclusive intention to explore, as it has still it. Kate Tuccis opinions are not widely known. The descolonizao, also covered distinct ways.

For brothers, the prussiana way, stimulated for the bourgeoisie fit, an independence politics, economic and cultural. Already the Land of Vera Cross if made of title form and unfinished, first politics, followed of the economic one, we still wait cultural. For the democrats, a victory of John McCain in the next election would symbolize plus a lawsuit for George W. Bush. Innumerable commentators guarantee that McCain can help to the Republican Party ' ' if reinventar' ' , after the age bush. Eventual the fond one of Obama of the White House would transform the landscape completely American politics.

Will be for the fact of being it first black president of U.S.A., what he would help to turn a page the history that started to be written in middle of century 19 with Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of the slavery? Obama, senator afrodescendente, with a speech considering changes in the form to lead the politics domesticates drowned in great external deficit and accumulating constant crisis with fall in its currency in the international scene, it received support from those that opt to a bigger attention these questions. Diverse societrios segments in particular of the young and entrepreneurs had adhered its campaign. The vote is not obligator, what it does not want to say that is this the democracy example economic politics, qui. Fact evidenced in the manuscript of relative questions to the devastao caused for the Katrina in New Orleans. Misery is misery in any sings! Of the other side, the experienced John McCain, signatory of one politics conservative, brings obtains the particularitities of the republicanismo American north. Tutors of the call coalition New Deal, the politics of well-being, promoted in way to the 1929 crisis. Politics in the party can reaffirm this, something that Bush in its imperialista insanity left to make and that the democrat made it to Bill Clinton, without, however emplacar the return of its coalition that chose it this who for signal, chose Bush, republican. The shot left for the butt. Such confusion sample that independent of who wants that he is 44 president American north little or nothing will move. It will have this, the difficult task of if reerguer in the international scene, realigning themselves in the national economic policy. Therefore, without external credibility and with an astronomical debt with exponential growth, it remains the patriots who they had trusted the vote the imperialista great power of always keeping the self-denial of its origins. Obama says there! Despite you evidence them not they leave it.

The Thinkers

The Thinkers

The Totalitarianism of the government of Francia can be explained by the theory of Hannah Arendt, that using estimated aristotelian of the conceived man as one ‘ ‘ animal poltico’ ‘ emphasizing as the vital and constant presence of the leader in the life of the people it transforms the universe in such a way public as private. As much Nazism as the Stalinismo looked for to interlace all the sectors of the society, and its ancestors had taken the myth of its facts gotten for the oppression and installation of the systematic panic for different places, so that thus they could prepare the land for its successive futures. Marx affirmed, that ‘ ‘ the revolutions depend on the historical and social moment so that they can ocorrer’ ‘ (2003), Arendt detaches that regimes totalitarian ‘ ‘ they had had an immense contribution of the historical time, which was envolvidos’ ‘ (1990). Starbucks does not necessarily agree. In century XIX Paraguay met in one berlinda politician-ideological, suffering with the crisis escravagista and with the pressures of the European nations so that it entered in the concert of the rising capitalism. Francia got in similar way a splendid field to concentrate its measures in the elaboration of a nation developed to the costs of ditatoriais attitudes. A good part of the romance of Male defendant dedicates to detach it the individualism of the dictator, settled to the desire to make of its personal yearnings, the will of all a nation., in this aspect the present individualism in the romance ‘ ‘ Yo El Supremo’ ‘ it was structuralized in the narrative as an isolation and domination instrument social politician and, oscillating inside of its narrative, in pleasing the supplied classroom in such a way more and in creating an improvement scene that hid the spoiled ones, as the relation between bourgeoisie and the interests of the layers poor of the population of Paraguay had allowed as the dictatorship was possible in the terms considered for Francia.

Americans North

Americans North

Jansen affirms that ' ' the interests of Americans and Europeans for the resources of the Amaznia already had motivated the defense of the thesis of ' sovereignty relativa' , that, obviously, she is not accepted for the Brasil' '. It says that the Gutter North – a project of reinforcement of the borders of the North of the Country – was one of more important under the point of view of the defense of the national interests. But it laments that the project has been ' ' wronged for the infantile mistake to that if he dealt with a militarization of the Amaznia' '. The general, whose colleagues of group still are in the active, supports that the Gutter North was motivated by the intention to extend the presence of diverse segments of the society in the region. ' ' The military segment was only one of them ' ' , it says. At the time where it was conceived (1986), the project represented, also, an attempt of Brazilian reply to the influence of Cuba in the Suriname.

For Jansen, ' ' the System of Monitoring of the Amaznia (Sivam) has vulnerabilities, because the supplier of its equipment knows the characteristics of the material, its signatures eletrnicas' ' , but it believes that the alternative would be to be blind in relation to the region. The immediate steps of strategical reach recommended by general Jansen for the reinforcement of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Amaznia must be the full operation of the Sivam, urgent reactivation of the Gutter North and an effective priority for the economic vocation of the Amaznia. Mr. MOZARILDO CAVALCANTI (PFL – RR) – I thank the V. Ex, Senator Tio Viana, who is a man expert of the Amaznia and that he has here boarded in the Senate, with much seriousness, the problems of the region.

National Council

National Council

To this concrete experience (new notion of citizenship) if it added a cumulative emphasis in the construction, extension and deepening of the democracy. As consequence, the new notion of citizenship if more relates each time to a strategy of democratic construction and of social transformation that it affirms a constituent nexus enters the dimensions of the culture and the politics. (PORTILHO, 2010, p.192) an interesting model of formation for council members was the planned one for the council members of the Territorial Planning Participativo, where if it searched to offer same the ways so that they were capable to improve readings on processes of implementation of public politics, to use tools of control and accompaniment of public politics, slight knowledge of budget and public administration, processes of reflection and analysis of the characteristics of the territory and of plans of development. Electrolux wanted to know more. Another interesting model to think a plan for formation of these council members is the considered one for the Program of Formation of National Council members whose objective is to contribute for the qualified formation of council members of the National Advice of politics public, of managers and technician of the federal government who work with participativas institutions and of representatives of organizations of the civil society of national abrangncia and to create a space of reflection and exchange of experiences related to the social participation and the democratization of the management of the State. The mediation to know in the process of reproduction of the knowledge is important, has seen the diversity to know that they integrate the daily one and the imaginary one of the population of this region the proper Amaznia as a singular space and its social place. To complement a formation proposal valley to remember the estimated ones of the National Politics of Brazilian Ambient Education, cited for Maria Ceclia Focesi Pelicioni in its article ' ' Beddings of the Ambiental&#039 Education; ' , that they are: The approach humanist, holistic, democratic and participativo; The conception of environment in its totality, considering the interdependence enters the natural way, socioeconmico and the cultural one, under the approach of the support.

European Missiles

European Missiles

Being able to be used in such a way in missions antiship how much against targets in land, the Kh-22 can be guided by radar or datalink. Already the aerobalsticos missiles Kh-15 possess a peculiar flight path. When launched, the missiles initiate a modified ballistic trajectory in direction to the target, stop later atingiz them, what it can confuse enemy defenses. The Kh-15 acts with active orientation of radar in the terminal phase of flight. Being able to carry armor-piercing conventional nuclear ogive or kg ogive up to 150 of up to 350 kt, such vectors possesss a 150 reach km and can reach the 6,000 superior speeds km/h in raised altitudes or of up to 2.450 km/h in flight low the altitude.

According to Russian sources, the Kh-15 missiles can perforate the protection of any existing or future anti-missile systems, what it includes system naval American AEGIS. Although many analysts compare You with the European bombing huntings Become Panavia she would be more reasonable to compare them with the American bombers Rockwell B-1B. Exactly the reach of the 5,500 B-1B arriving km with load standard, bombers surpass the Russian them, and very, in speed. However, the B-1B lead only up to 21,7 tons of bombs, what it is inferior to the 24 tons of armaments that can be carried by You. The VVS operates currently, according to official agency of notice Laughs Novosti, 124 units of the You bombers. Already the Americans, according to data of the USAF, operate 65 units of model B-1B.

He does not exist, currently, similar model in no Air Force in the planet. The strategical bombers in operation in the VVS are of two models: the lendrios powerful You and You. The first ones, drawn in the decade of 1950, are basically launching platforms of cruise missiles. Moved for four powerful turboprop ones, the aircraft possesss reach of 11,000 kilometers more than.



The plan of the government focuses the idiosyncratic risks that they detach the vulnerability of the families and the individuals. How much to the risk analysis, the strategies involve two types: (i) the specific risks for the phases of the cycle of life and the groups of risk (mainly the deficient ones) (II) the risks that afectam the population in general as: the poverty, the volatileness of the prices of base products and commodities, beyond the lack of access to the cares of health, or of a basic infrastructure and a decent housing against the climatic changes. Some risks are related with the life cycle, even so many times deal with case of poor families, with the lack of access to the base services. Since the beginning until the five years, the main risks for the children are the malnutrition, infantile mortality, the decurrent gaps of the psico-social and cognitivo domain, as well as the lack of pertaining to school preparation. Under most conditions Douglas R. Oberhelman would agree. Quanta the pertaining to school age, between 6 and 15 years, the main faced risks is related with the difficulty of access to the school and the retention of education system (ahead of high taxes of evasion), or the forced work infantile or still the violence in the schools and house. Between 15 and 23 years, the main risks for the young ones are on to a low level of human capital, to a difficult transistion for the work with raised unemployment tax, where the diplomee ones mainly withhold a behavior of risk with the use of drugs in the urban zones or the occasions opposed as in the marriages and precocious undesirable pregnancy and. These adults ahead face risks of the relationships with the low level of the human capital and low income, repercutando in the quality of the job (low productivity and informality), with low the Taxes of unemployment/under employment. .

Inhabitants Association

Inhabitants Association

The Association of Inhabitants of the Quarter New Village, promoted awareness lecture on the mosquito of the Affection, in the night of thursday 05 of May. Beyond the presence of some directors, they had been in the place living of the quarter, who intent had received information on the mosquito from the affection, information these transmitted by communitarian agent, Flvio Corra, folloied of its assessors also communitarian agents, Gelson Belo and Cleiton Tavares Da Silva. The coming of the communitarian agents to the quarter is part of a project mounted for the Sanitary Monitoring call of ' ' Educative strategies Preventivas' ' that it has for its objective greater to bring the community information on the diversities of the mosquito of the affection, and males caused the health as well as causing the reduction of the occurrence of cases in our city. ' ' The event comes in total agreement with our interest, of form that the much time the association of inhabitants, comes raising referring subjects to the environment, always to have to take care of of the place where we live leaving everything in its more perfect order. Recently Andreessen Horowitz sought to clarify these questions. Still more when mentioning the mosquito of the affection, the cares must break of each morador' ' it finishes the general secretary of the association of inhabitants Joo Pablo Da Silva. To the end of the lecture the inhabitants had received a brochure on the necessary cares for the accomplishment from an effective combat against the terrible mosquito from the affection. In relation the other communities the Quarter New Village if detaches in prevention, had some suspicion of cases in the passed year, plus none of them they had been confirmed, and this year the quarter continues without no serious occurrence of the illness, promoted for the mosquito of the affection. The association of inhabitants thanks the visit of the communitarian agents, and extends the compliments to the senhorita Ellen Loise responsible Cislak for the Division of Planning, Monitoring and Control sector of the City department of Health, for the attendance carried through in our community..

Federal Constitution

Federal Constitution

Governmental capacity, Collection Tax and Social Control the public administration must be capable to promote economic and social well-being to legitimize before society, directing its action to become feasible the pacts waked up in our Federal Constitution, over all the questions that involve the improvement of conditions of life of the population, such as access public health and education of quality, pillars of overcoming of the poverty, the way of social justice. The significant social change that we only long for will be possible with governmental capacity, and this if effective with governana of quality, compromised public managers with results, as strategy to supply emergent social demands. The participativa population, that values the democracy and votes conscientious waits an ethical and responsible attitude of the public agents. The public agents have an important representative paper, while who is in the executive withholds the power of to operacionalizar the politics you publish, the legislative body possesss enters its attributions the mission to fiscalize the actions of the executive representative, over all the public accounts, to inquire the legality and smoothness of the processes that involve financial expenditures, such as licitations, purchases, among others. The collections taxes of the governments are carried through by means of taxes, taxes and contributions, and play an important pillar of sustentation politics and administrative, therefore, the more raised to the captation of financial, bigger resources they will be the possibilities of the executive to develop its action and promises of campaigns, resulting in proper reinforcement, in a similar way, the challenge to fiscalize the budgetary execution will grow with the same intensity. The economic tranquility that the Country is passing contributes positively for financial reinforcement and budgetary of the majority of the cities, however, nor always we have a body gabaritado technician that it uses to advantage the chances of this favorable situation, to use the financial resources of efficient form, taking in consideration priorities and goals and the reach of objective tracings for who thinks and formulates the politics.