Monthly Archives: July 2020

Inca Empire People

Inca Empire People

Most beautiful and smart girls were carried to be educated in the temples or be destined for slaughter. Some, that best skills demonstrated were educated to be Virgins of the Sun, priestesses who should make vows of perpetual chastity. The less beautiful, reserved for community tasks and were called huasipascunas, girls rule outs. 3 Writing and literature education in the Inca Empire was reserved for the nobles and taught in schools located in the city of Cuzco. Be taught arithmetic and astronomy.

Taking into account that the economy was based on agriculture is understood the importance of these Sciences to measure land, and calculate the changes of seasons. The amautas were responsible for teaching religious precepts, political, historical knowledge and handling of quipus. The rest of the people had no access to a systematic education. It sought, notwithstanding, that all inhabitants of the Empire learn quechua, but more by political interests, than educational. We can say categorically that the Incas did not know Scripture as being a highly evolved, people is possible that in the quipus and the complicated cave inscriptions, as well as in textile designs (tocapus), is the key to your spelling. The existence of verbal traditions about the legends of the Inca Empire and the richness of his fables make indisputable the existence of a literature, whose most widespread expression is the Ollantay drama the quipu was a set of strings, a long main, of which hung smaller ones.

The system consisted of a kind of small rope that hung several threads. These threads were knots of various sizes and colors, which, as they were closer together or further apart, had different meanings. Not everyone knew deciphering the quipu: the quipucamayoc were specialists in charge of them, reading them and save them. The sons of nobles learned in school reading of quipus. Through the quipus is could know, for example, important matters had passed under the Government of an ancient Inca, how many people lived in a town, how much corn or other food drives had in the deposits. In the provinces there were chroniclers enforcement record important events, which were transmitted by oral relationship with the help of the quipus for management of events. They also had haravecs, poets and inventors, composing songs for the real festivities, especially for being sung in meals. Much information on the education and the culture of the Inca Empire was lost during the conquest, already that the Spaniards, many of them uneducated people who only was ambitious for the gold and silver, is dedicate to plunder and kill the nobles and the people who ran the Empire, destroying forms of expression, culture and organization. According to chroniclers and historians of the time, the population of the Inca Empire was approximately seven million when the Spaniards, leaving years later reduced to only one million enslaved and humiliated by the conquistadors arrived. Please visit our blogs, where are displayed as a catalog, our original works with exclusive designs.



Budgetary funds are used either in the form of appropriation, either in the form of grants. Direct appropriations from the state budget allocated for the current and capital expenditures of-Raslie, providing free or concessional basis public services (education, health, etc.). Grants are allocated unprofitable industries (intra-urban passenger transport, housing and communal services and some other sector-li), industry, serving the public (for compensation of price difference). In the budget 1992 the share of compensation for differences in prices of 27.3% of total spending, to finance municipal services. For In order to mitigate the loss of the population in the transition to a market economy, the budget incorporated a significant proportion of the costs indirectly affects the income of the population, which takes the form of premiums to purchase prices, subsidies agricultural enterprises, compensation for fuel, reducing the value added tax for agricultural enterprises, payment of compen-pulsations due to the pension fund and other big impact on earnings population has a credit system. Providing loans to the cooperative and individual housing construction, as well as on consumer credit directly may affect their incomes and increase, in spite of the fact that the credit relationship between the state and the population are recurrent in nature. In terms of inflation debts of the population is essentially converts the loan into the source of his income.

However, it should be recognized that the transition to a market economy in Belarus is painful and vulnerable segment of the population is experiencing significant difficulties (pensioners, students, low-paid categories of the population). In financial security of the entire reproduction process occupy a significant place cash savings of the population, acting as an important element of financial resources. Savings of the population – part of Money income (earnings) of the population, designed to meet the needs in the future. As a deferred cash savings serve as a loan provided by the state population in the form of deferred consumption of material goods.

Groups Article

Groups Article

Now attention! Delete from this list first (upper) purse and move the second purse to place 1 st, you have erased, the third place on the 2 nd, 4 th place in the third, fifth place on the 4 th, 6 th place on the 5 th and 7 th to 6 th place! And in the 7-th number, which was empty, enter the number of your wallet! Now the main thing. Place the different job postings, and possible and this article on various sites, forums, etc. The main task is to find new customers, but for themselves. The more you put, the higher your income, which depends only on you. Repeated to generate income, should be sent to each of these 7 purses for 10 rubles, or 0.35 dollars. Rob Crossland often addresses the matter in his writings.

Otherwise, the network moderator WebMoney purse, you simply will not be included in the system and can not cash income. 3.Delayte in my article, which you want to change but keep the main idea. Put this article on not less than 200 forums, news feeds (News Groups) and websites work. Remember, the more – the better. Placing the article on 200 forums, even the most obscure, guarantee you income 6 Thousands of $ in two months.

That’s the minimum! More placements, more income, moreover, in a geometric progression. Remember that! This business continues to exist and flourish only through fairness and seriousness of the participants. So, when you reach the first position, you will have thousands of dollars just as the creator of the list! It costs only 70 rubles.

Internet Money

Internet Money

In connection with this matter can not remember the remarkable words of Terry Dean: "I always encounter one in the same idiocy. Someone buys me any course, book or anything else, then some time later sent me a letter about this content, 'Hey, I have carefully learned to read all your materials, it took a long time, but I still have not earned a penny. Come on, figure it out quickly what's the problem? " Then I'm having this person three questions: – can I look at your site? – Where you Advertise your business and what type it is? – Do you use mailing lists or avtoresponder? All the questions I get a negative answer, it turns out that the businessman bought my goods, reprint rights to it, and now expects that someone will send him a check for payment. He did not even realize that, as mentioned in my teaching materials! And this, unfortunately – not isolated cases. Blake Krikorian understands that this is vital information. At workshops and conferences, I constantly hear statements about what people are buying huge amounts of money for 'excellent opportunity for business', and then sit and wait, when this opportunity will bring them huge money. my friends, let me once and for all set the record straight over and THE INTERNET there is no universal machine to generate cash flows that can not wait but when you finally take advantage of it. There is no such device, which is buying and clicking on the button which you will only expose the pockets of a send cash. .