Budgetary funds are used either in the form of appropriation, either in the form of grants. Direct appropriations from the state budget allocated for the current and capital expenditures of-Raslie, providing free or concessional basis public services (education, health, etc.). Grants are allocated unprofitable industries (intra-urban passenger transport, housing and communal services and some other sector-li), industry, serving the public (for compensation of price difference). In the budget 1992 the share of compensation for differences in prices of 27.3% of total spending, to finance municipal services. For In order to mitigate the loss of the population in the transition to a market economy, the budget incorporated a significant proportion of the costs indirectly affects the income of the population, which takes the form of premiums to purchase prices, subsidies agricultural enterprises, compensation for fuel, reducing the value added tax for agricultural enterprises, payment of compen-pulsations due to the pension fund and other big impact on earnings population has a credit system. Providing loans to the cooperative and individual housing construction, as well as on consumer credit directly may affect their incomes and increase, in spite of the fact that the credit relationship between the state and the population are recurrent in nature. In terms of inflation debts of the population is essentially converts the loan into the source of his income.
However, it should be recognized that the transition to a market economy in Belarus is painful and vulnerable segment of the population is experiencing significant difficulties (pensioners, students, low-paid categories of the population). In financial security of the entire reproduction process occupy a significant place cash savings of the population, acting as an important element of financial resources. Savings of the population – part of Money income (earnings) of the population, designed to meet the needs in the future. As a deferred cash savings serve as a loan provided by the state population in the form of deferred consumption of material goods.