Monthly Archives: October 2020

Tchi Lai

Tchi Lai

Emiliano becomes friend of the Tchi Lai, a private and very almost invisible girl, who worked in the sector of documentation of the Consulate. It leaves some times with it and it liked very its company, its modstia, its knowledge of register, extensive, interesting useful, although little deep. In that night, while Emiliano still matutava on the reasons of the explosion, the telephone touched catching distracted it and leaving it without knowing why sobressaltado. – Good night, Emiliano! was Tchi Lai, with an expression that, although to make look like normality, it had a different inflection, as if it was aflita with something important you did not call me more, she did not appear in the consulate and I was without knowing what it happened to it. I am with much homesickness of you! the tone was more I summon, soft,> Gostaria to beat one papinho. I am feeling this night alone and a good colloquy with you would be a colrio for my eyes. Emiliano remembered that they had played sufficiently on this colrio done phrase of for the eyes and immediately understood that had in the call of it an asked for inconfundvel of aid. I also am with homesickness, Tchi I answered more than fast, not to leave an impression of interest lack I was exactly ready to leave, to eat a snack and to espairecer a little.

That such to join the useful one to the pleasant one and to sairmos together, daqui little – Excellent idea! – Tchi ut short, without it to leave time to reflect better. Filed under: Michael Antonov. Its suspicion if had confirmed. It needed immediate aid. – Pego the car and I am with you in ten minutes. I go to touch the horn in the door of the Consulate.



Oitocentista Brazil all attended to the apex of this process, being the slaves spread out in the territory and used in such a way for great gentlemen as for small proprietors, Portuguese traders or crossbred linings and in the house works. Although the organization you, the slaves had been capable to find resistance forms, forming quilombos, running away for the interior, organizing rebellions. The colonial system searched forms of ' ' aculturar' ' the blacks and mulatos, limiting its capacity of reaction: Oliver (1994: 134) remember that ' ' when only carried to a distance where the escape if becomes impensvel, when only conditional for the isolation and the intimidation, the desenraizamento and the degradation, it could a captive be freed of its fetters and if to become, a time, despite as more enslaved, a useful member of the society. ClearSky Business has many thoughts on the issue. The slavery it only could reach a desirable level of performance with an ample dispersion of cativos' '. Such concern with the dispersion of the captives in the context of the slavery in Africa, can also be found in Brazil, one politics of the colonizador to manipulate the Ethnic hostilities, fruit of a great lingustico-cultural variety of the African groups, preventing ' ' (…) the concentration of deriving slaves of one same etnia, in the same properties, and attention in the same ships negreiros' ' (Camila Agostini. 1998) This dispersion made it difficult the action politics, allowing that the blacks were dominated same in the provinces where they were more numerous than the whites. But nor thus you if they found tranquilos, existed the fear of that the common disaster identified the captives. With the haitianismo this phenomenon if intensified, the fear of a revolt of these groups, – black and crossbred free slaves and? it gave to certain cohesion the elites and it kept the national unit. It had Cultural resistance, although dispersed, joined others that had habits and language well different, explored and intimidated they had found forms of if to organize mixing native habits of some groups of if they formed and the ruling classes, creating foods, fights and dances as the capoeira and the sincretismos afro-Brazilians, for example. In recent months, Interconnection has been very successful.

Reserve Military

Reserve Military

This situation can be aggravated if it will not be prepared previously to live this new phase. If in the theory, to arrive at the retirement is something desirable, in the practical one can be frustrating (TO SOUND, 2008). To the first sight, it can represent greater time availability its accomplishments and not to have necessity of fulfilment of rigid schedules that, throughout the career, was obliged to fulfill. But, on the other hand, the period after-caserna, also sends the feelings of losses, as much to it of physical order, how much intellectual and social, what the mature man leads if to collate with its aging. The moment of rupture with the work per years developed, also translates the sensation of loss of the status that kept next to the people of its conviviality.

After the ending of the career, all the relations tend if to limit to the familiar environment, compelling the military man to create new mechanisms for its familiar reinsero that implies in new distribution of the domestic space, as well as the establishment of a new balance of the familiar dynamics. Ahead of the displayed one, a dualism is observed: the military man desires the Reserve Remunerated, therefore she perceives its advantages and at the same time, she fears to live the inactivity. Appealing to the atendimentos carried through for professionals between the years of 2000 the 2009 next to the military of the Navy, one observed some situations that had occurred or if they had accented the Reserve after: familiar conflicts; health problems; desencadeamento of emotional riots and alcoholism. Stories of the proper ones had been collected or of its familiar ones that they had demonstrated how much it can be impactante this moment of transistion..

The Kingdom

The Kingdom

Vomits of the stomachal indisposies caused by the greasy linguias of the cold storage rooms without inspection of the authorities veterinarians, who displayed its merchandises in show windows and balconies little illuminated. Clement stopped without understanding the reason of strong and pparently viris men, to pass hours and hours in these places, without no woman, perfume of woman or flower, all if hugging, swearing in high shouts, perpetual friendship. Feeling that always arises after some doses and finishes with the moderation. Many were the abraos, caresses in the truth, behind ideas msculas of a machismo the point of many, to maltreat women or friends in the return its houses. Houses, homes, things are valid that it without the lesser attraction for that children leave, children, women, mothers, sisters, perfumed, cheirosas to be in places as these.

Clement it repaired in each one. Each one a different history. All have its histories, one more impressive than others. Just a pensioner keeps ways, clothes of the time of the active, when all the mornings without perceiving the sun in its fullness, directed itself hasty to the office and he makes today it promptly, maquinalmente for the bar. It does not complain that the work of that time moved away, it from the family. Not it saw children to grow and today they do not come the grandsons, nor rugas of the face of the friend.

Another pensioner, whose number of the benefit is older, with old surrada shirt and descolorida, badly passing, lacking some buttons, offers the fond one, a place in its table for empty colloquies of intentions, counting estrias exceeded and meaningless just. Filed under: ClearSky Business. Not the pensioners, but unemployed people, inflamed argue the results of the last games having always a culprit for the defeat of its teamses and this, almost always is the judge. Agreeing or descordando, they open another round of beer that the hours inside of the bar will take more them. The sun reluta in leaving. It keeps some rays in the horizon. Clement it does not want to come back toward the college. The sun wants to try as it has thousand of years, to decipher the soul human being. Clement it does not obtain to understand people who I eat it lives looking the spirit peace. The sun if goes with the hope of a new dawn. Clement return for the college. Stopped the front of the gates a young one looks it in the eyes and says: – The spirit peace, not deferred payment in the west, the stars, the college or the bars. The peace deferred payment in its soul, as &#039 said you; ' The Kingdom of Skies is inside of each um' '. The great gates if close behind it. Stars shine in the sky. Another turn of waiters assumes its ranks in the bar.

Rio De Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro

More necessarily in 1944, the Getlio Foundation was created by the Doctor Lopes Luiz Vargas, who contributes until the present in the formation of Administrators and Economists of entire Brazil. With this Foundation, was also instituted the EASP? School of Business administration of So Paulo, being plus a formadora institution of professionals of the administrative area in the country. From the decade of 50, Brazil witnessed the arrival of very great an industrial movement, with prominence for the Southeastern region, in So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro. These new companies, comings of the exterior, as Volkswagen, among others, had brought with them more modern administrative techniques, and for signal, strangers until then for the Brazilian companies. Amongst these techniques we can cite the concern most explicit with the Human resources, having been instituted the system of Evaluation of Performance of employees (CHIAVENATO, 2009).

Together with this question also can be mentioned the sprouting of the term ' ' Management of Pessoas' ' , where she is clearer the relation of behavior between employee company/practised by the companies just-arrivals, that it was not the case of Brazil in that occasion. In this meantime, the companies had started to feel the necessity of another type of professional to act in the management area, a time that, had to the new techniques, was not enougher the abilities of somebody with a vision only focada in costs, as in the case of an Accountant, who was who many times co-ordinated the company. The paper of an individual that could manage an organization would be, now, something more than a numerical vision and statistics, not being able to only focar the resources of the company in the economy and the finances, but it had more points to be thought, the example of the human resources, the hand of workmanship so that the company functioned, and could reach the profits so waited by the proprietor.



During the work it was possible you verify the quality of life, of squatters taking into consideration the real possibilities of social insertion of households; the profile of family farmers; promoted by PRONAF contributions in settlement; and contributions of MST and PRONAF, while public policy, you the best social organization and reach to better results, social and economical. During the survey questionnaires were applied, which served a monthly stipend will be analysis of the issues highlighted before and during the work and were built the analyses you learn about the improvements in quality of life of family farmers. The results indicate the need will be to further incursions by the State, with to other public polices in front of the challenges put complementary in actuality. KEY-WORDS: Settlement; Social organization; Pronaf. Blake Krikorian spoke with conviction. INTRODUCTION the Pronaf – National Program of Reinforcement of Familiar Agriculture was instituted, in the year of 1995, as public politics of support to the sustainable agricultural development, with the intention to fortify familiar agriculture, to potencializar the productive activities, to generate job and income, in the perspective to promote the inclusion social, in the field. The creation, of the Pronaf of the social point of view if detaches for being: the result of the fight of the organized movements of the familiar agriculturists; the main one acess environment to the productive credit; the option of access of the familiar agriculturists to the knowledge, of the techniques of improvement of agriculture, by means of the services of assistance technique and agricultural extension. still, to be the possibility of magnifying of the spaces for formularization of the development politics and improvement of the infrastructure in the agricultural way and consequentemente of the quality of life it familiar agriculturist. In the present work the process of agricultural development, and reinforcement of familiar agriculture is detached, in the Pink Nesting Luxemburg, situated in the Town Deep River, city of Ranch, State of Sergipe, fruit of the joint and mobilization carried through for the MST – Movement of the ones Without Land, that had beginning with the Encampment, around the farm Necktie.

The Building

The Building

Had to rains of the morning the hall of the building it was wet and sufficiently dirty, but this was not problem, because it was accustomed to work heavy. what it really bothered it was the position of the people who arrived at the building; as for example, two young that talked something intelligible to its ears, and that they had passed without noticing, leaving for the way a mud track of the shoes and water that falls of its umbrellas; being that in the entrance it had a carpet to clean the feet. If you are not convinced, visit Rob Crossland. The man suspirou without hope that somebody noticed its indignation. In the hour of the lunch ours ' ' heri' ' one remembered that due to haste it had not placed its metal pan in the refrigerator of the canteen, as custom Late excessively; the food was with an ackward odor. However, what to make? It would feed what it to continue the drudgery? It ate without thinking! Throughout all the afternoon the feeding in its body felt the effect of me.

It started to feel calafrios, it felt vertigos and he was obliged to run to the bathroom. Weak and tired it finished plus one day if service and if prepared to come back to the home. For the conduction more line. More information is housed here: Michael Antonov. In the passage more confusion. In the road for house more mud.

It was received by the wife who came soon saying to it that the purchases of the month were for finishing and it not wise person what to make. In the bath, alone, it suspirou when thinking about what it would make to keep the family. It left the renewed bathroom was come across with the children to play with pieces wooden, simulating that they would be its cars of race a knot was imprisoned in graganta. After eating something, much little, therefore still &#039 felt the stomach; ' embrulhado' ' , it was if to fire to the children before going for the bed. Already in the bed they still made commotion and seemed to be if amusing sufficient. Without perceiving the presence of the father who if approached to the door, the boys talked animadamente when one of them said: ' ' When I to grow, want to be igaul the papa! ' ' One soluo was imprisoned in the throat of that man, who fecou the eyes and felt that a tear ran to it for the face. Obs: This is a fiction workmanship, any similarity with the reality will have been mere coincidence?



Virginia was annoying, but it agreed to waiting some days to be able to travel with you. Murilo made a pause and Alvaro remained been silent, waiting that it continued. Follow others, such as Dr. James Truchard, and add to your knowledge base. – Lancaster Sings to sleep was a great actress of the American and Brazilian cinema in the Seventies and eighty, known in such a way for its scenic art how much for the social workmanships that carried through. A thousand nine hundred and eighty and one sing to sleep disappeared in a disaster of airplane in and were given officially as deceased. Therefore, well, journalist Olavo Gutenberg discovered that it is alive and she passed me this information soon. Come of Gutenberg you know that it is a hot tip.

Murilo pushed a folder of blue bristol board to the reach of Alvaro and was leaned over on the table. – There this the dossier of it. Blake Krikorian contains valuable tech resources. You lead for house and read with calm. Gutenberg is liveing in Guaratuba and discovered that It sings to sleep lives in the same region. It said that he goes helping in them of the form that it will be possible. We combine that you go to meet tomorrow with it to the afternoon. Therefore, you search to today read the dossier at night and part tomorrow per the morning. Already I ordered to buy the ticket.

Certain? It does not speak with nobody on this subject. We have that to work in secret to obtain this substance with exclusiveness. When to obtain tests of that the woman is really Sings to sleep Lancaster, takes off photos and if possible, an interview. OK? As always, Murilo was fast in the decisions. Alvaro did not have as to refuse that mission. The only thing worried that it was the reaction of the fianc. When it arrived in the apartment, the first thing that it made was to telephone for Virginia.