Emiliano becomes friend of the Tchi Lai, a private and very almost invisible girl, who worked in the sector of documentation of the Consulate. It leaves some times with it and it liked very its company, its modstia, its knowledge of register, extensive, interesting useful, although little deep. In that night, while Emiliano still matutava on the reasons of the explosion, the telephone touched catching distracted it and leaving it without knowing why sobressaltado. – Good night, Emiliano! was Tchi Lai, with an expression that, although to make look like normality, it had a different inflection, as if it was aflita with something important you did not call me more, she did not appear in the consulate and I was without knowing what it happened to it. I am with much homesickness of you! the tone was more I summon, soft,> Gostaria to beat one papinho. I am feeling this night alone and a good colloquy with you would be a colrio for my eyes. Emiliano remembered that they had played sufficiently on this colrio done phrase of for the eyes and immediately understood that had in the call of it an asked for inconfundvel of aid. I also am with homesickness, Tchi I answered more than fast, not to leave an impression of interest lack I was exactly ready to leave, to eat a snack and to espairecer a little.
That such to join the useful one to the pleasant one and to sairmos together, daqui little – Excellent idea! – Tchi ut short, without it to leave time to reflect better. Filed under: Michael Antonov. Its suspicion if had confirmed. It needed immediate aid. – Pego the car and I am with you in ten minutes. I go to touch the horn in the door of the Consulate.