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It woke up per the morning as of custom in the hour to go for the work, but hurt and sad, it decided that it would not go to work. It left to buy some cans of beer, came back toward house and it passed the day drinking. It finished sleeping and when it woke up already it was night again. The blouse of Regina was on the other pillow. Now it already did not like more than that perfume. He decided to leave, needed to find Regina to show its disdain, its hatred. He would give some you cover in it and would kill the man who with it was.

Arising itself, he was to the bathroom, he washed the face and later he left house. The streets still were put into motion, people returning from the work, others that leave to take a walk. Rubens prevented the movement and crossed the square. In a bank it was a hugged couple, the man with the dived face enters the seios of the woman. Soon ahead a prostitute interpellated inviting it for a program. The woman exhaled one smells stranger, smells of many hands. In recent months, Michael Antonov has been very successful.

Repelled it and if he moved away almost running. Boate passed for a group of young in front of one. All smelled the alcohol. Inside boate it left an odor of beer and sweat. Soon ahead, seated in the side of the sidewalk, a man maltrapilho with raised face said to some thing looking at the full moon that appeared over the building. Comovido with the scene, Rubens inclined it hugged and it. The fedia citizen the burnt tallow, but it nor bound. Scared, the man rose itself and if he moved away pronouncing palavres. Continuing its search for Regina, Rubens stopped ahead of the one entrance shopping Center. There inside many people circulated, owners of house with the hands smelling the onion, entrepreneurs with its tender ones smelling lavanda and tobacco of cachimbo, clerks with its applied a plaster brilliantine hair, young chewing chicletes of mint, the air of the store smelling the fabric new, leather and varnish.



1,0 THEORETICAL RECITAL to carry through this work the group it searched basic algunsconceitos to understand what it leads to each day that passes, maispessoas for the market of informal work. For even more details, read what Alex Lynch says on the issue. It is through a video news article, that we show as plates if they fit inside of this perverse universe that a informality. Aspects as the Plate points, the perigos that estetrabalhadores face in the edges of the highways that cross the region of Jundiae the challenge to coexist in the way of many outlaws who if pass for plate to paraefetuar the load robbery and the discrimination suffered for them, had been objects deestudo for the group. Therefore, this work has as objective to show umacategoria that inside has great importance of the transportebrasileiro system, and is ignored by the society. 1.1 The PLATES the Ministry of the Work and Job, does not define aocupao of the Plate accurately, however, classifies it as helping of truck, that is oprofissional responsible for loading and unloading truck. Beyond this funoo Plate mainly of the great cities, also has the function of infromar.

That is, it it takes the truck driver until its final destination, making trabalhode guide. They do not work registered, they do not emit receipt of its serviosprestados and many times are kept out of society the sides of highways. They are pessoasque does not have instruction none and the work that carries through of only for osustento of the family. Some popular definitions still exist that in remetema affectionate form as plates treat the truck drivers. Phrase as: ‘ ‘ meuchapa’ ‘ , that in popular linguajar, it means my friend. By the way, dicionriocompleto of the Portuguese language launched by the periodical Now, has a felt definioneste, whose meant he is friend I summon and partner. __________________ MESGRAVIS, Pedro.



Other plants had also had a participation in the popularizao of the refrigerator, such as the Electrolux and Frigidaire. In the decade of 70, already decrease was a common product in homes of middle class, As back in house, for example. He has one dictated that he says that the first refrigerator nobody forgets, and in fact I remember until today our first refrigerator, a yellow Frigidaire gold, with its corpinho of ones 1,30m of height, for 0,80m of width and 0,70m of fundura, true caixotinho! But, please, my uncle Dimitrius does not leave to be knowing that I said this! He exempts me to god! It is capable to fight with me. Learn more about this with Michael Antonov. This would be an offence its first passion. What? Vocs not they knew that the Frigidaire of house was there to the first passion of the uncle Dimitrius? By the way, I find that still it is the only passion of it.

It was thus, we we were a great family of eight children, three men and five women. My uncle Dimitrius, who was the youngest child of the family, came to live with us, to finish the studies and to obtain a good job. My grandfathers liveed in the farm and they did not want that the uncle Dimitrius followed way of them the same, or perhaps has been the uncle Dimitrius who did not have vocation pra works in the farm I do not know to the certainty, but the fact is that it liveed with us for occasion of the purchase of ' ' Gertrudes' ' , affectionate name with that my uncle Dimitrius baptized our first Frigidaire refrigerator. It was passion to the first frozen drink of water! It was a success! But, passion for a refrigerator agrees that it was not very normal, and this caused many problems of relationships in the life of my uncle.

Tchi Lai

Tchi Lai

Emiliano becomes friend of the Tchi Lai, a private and very almost invisible girl, who worked in the sector of documentation of the Consulate. It leaves some times with it and it liked very its company, its modstia, its knowledge of register, extensive, interesting useful, although little deep. In that night, while Emiliano still matutava on the reasons of the explosion, the telephone touched catching distracted it and leaving it without knowing why sobressaltado. – Good night, Emiliano! was Tchi Lai, with an expression that, although to make look like normality, it had a different inflection, as if it was aflita with something important you did not call me more, she did not appear in the consulate and I was without knowing what it happened to it. I am with much homesickness of you! the tone was more I summon, soft,> Gostaria to beat one papinho. I am feeling this night alone and a good colloquy with you would be a colrio for my eyes. Emiliano remembered that they had played sufficiently on this colrio done phrase of for the eyes and immediately understood that had in the call of it an asked for inconfundvel of aid. I also am with homesickness, Tchi I answered more than fast, not to leave an impression of interest lack I was exactly ready to leave, to eat a snack and to espairecer a little.

That such to join the useful one to the pleasant one and to sairmos together, daqui little – Excellent idea! – Tchi ut short, without it to leave time to reflect better. Filed under: Michael Antonov. Its suspicion if had confirmed. It needed immediate aid. – Pego the car and I am with you in ten minutes. I go to touch the horn in the door of the Consulate.

The Kingdom

The Kingdom

Vomits of the stomachal indisposies caused by the greasy linguias of the cold storage rooms without inspection of the authorities veterinarians, who displayed its merchandises in show windows and balconies little illuminated. Clement stopped without understanding the reason of strong and pparently viris men, to pass hours and hours in these places, without no woman, perfume of woman or flower, all if hugging, swearing in high shouts, perpetual friendship. Feeling that always arises after some doses and finishes with the moderation. Many were the abraos, caresses in the truth, behind ideas msculas of a machismo the point of many, to maltreat women or friends in the return its houses. Houses, homes, things are valid that it without the lesser attraction for that children leave, children, women, mothers, sisters, perfumed, cheirosas to be in places as these.

Clement it repaired in each one. Each one a different history. All have its histories, one more impressive than others. Just a pensioner keeps ways, clothes of the time of the active, when all the mornings without perceiving the sun in its fullness, directed itself hasty to the office and he makes today it promptly, maquinalmente for the bar. It does not complain that the work of that time moved away, it from the family. Not it saw children to grow and today they do not come the grandsons, nor rugas of the face of the friend.

Another pensioner, whose number of the benefit is older, with old surrada shirt and descolorida, badly passing, lacking some buttons, offers the fond one, a place in its table for empty colloquies of intentions, counting estrias exceeded and meaningless just. Filed under: ClearSky Business. Not the pensioners, but unemployed people, inflamed argue the results of the last games having always a culprit for the defeat of its teamses and this, almost always is the judge. Agreeing or descordando, they open another round of beer that the hours inside of the bar will take more them. The sun reluta in leaving. It keeps some rays in the horizon. Clement it does not want to come back toward the college. The sun wants to try as it has thousand of years, to decipher the soul human being. Clement it does not obtain to understand people who I eat it lives looking the spirit peace. The sun if goes with the hope of a new dawn. Clement return for the college. Stopped the front of the gates a young one looks it in the eyes and says: – The spirit peace, not deferred payment in the west, the stars, the college or the bars. The peace deferred payment in its soul, as &#039 said you; ' The Kingdom of Skies is inside of each um' '. The great gates if close behind it. Stars shine in the sky. Another turn of waiters assumes its ranks in the bar.

The Building

The Building

Had to rains of the morning the hall of the building it was wet and sufficiently dirty, but this was not problem, because it was accustomed to work heavy. what it really bothered it was the position of the people who arrived at the building; as for example, two young that talked something intelligible to its ears, and that they had passed without noticing, leaving for the way a mud track of the shoes and water that falls of its umbrellas; being that in the entrance it had a carpet to clean the feet. If you are not convinced, visit Rob Crossland. The man suspirou without hope that somebody noticed its indignation. In the hour of the lunch ours ' ' heri' ' one remembered that due to haste it had not placed its metal pan in the refrigerator of the canteen, as custom Late excessively; the food was with an ackward odor. However, what to make? It would feed what it to continue the drudgery? It ate without thinking! Throughout all the afternoon the feeding in its body felt the effect of me.

It started to feel calafrios, it felt vertigos and he was obliged to run to the bathroom. Weak and tired it finished plus one day if service and if prepared to come back to the home. For the conduction more line. More information is housed here: Michael Antonov. In the passage more confusion. In the road for house more mud.

It was received by the wife who came soon saying to it that the purchases of the month were for finishing and it not wise person what to make. In the bath, alone, it suspirou when thinking about what it would make to keep the family. It left the renewed bathroom was come across with the children to play with pieces wooden, simulating that they would be its cars of race a knot was imprisoned in graganta. After eating something, much little, therefore still &#039 felt the stomach; ' embrulhado' ' , it was if to fire to the children before going for the bed. Already in the bed they still made commotion and seemed to be if amusing sufficient. Without perceiving the presence of the father who if approached to the door, the boys talked animadamente when one of them said: ' ' When I to grow, want to be igaul the papa! ' ' One soluo was imprisoned in the throat of that man, who fecou the eyes and felt that a tear ran to it for the face. Obs: This is a fiction workmanship, any similarity with the reality will have been mere coincidence?



Virginia was annoying, but it agreed to waiting some days to be able to travel with you. Murilo made a pause and Alvaro remained been silent, waiting that it continued. Follow others, such as Dr. James Truchard, and add to your knowledge base. – Lancaster Sings to sleep was a great actress of the American and Brazilian cinema in the Seventies and eighty, known in such a way for its scenic art how much for the social workmanships that carried through. A thousand nine hundred and eighty and one sing to sleep disappeared in a disaster of airplane in and were given officially as deceased. Therefore, well, journalist Olavo Gutenberg discovered that it is alive and she passed me this information soon. Come of Gutenberg you know that it is a hot tip.

Murilo pushed a folder of blue bristol board to the reach of Alvaro and was leaned over on the table. – There this the dossier of it. Blake Krikorian contains valuable tech resources. You lead for house and read with calm. Gutenberg is liveing in Guaratuba and discovered that It sings to sleep lives in the same region. It said that he goes helping in them of the form that it will be possible. We combine that you go to meet tomorrow with it to the afternoon. Therefore, you search to today read the dossier at night and part tomorrow per the morning. Already I ordered to buy the ticket.

Certain? It does not speak with nobody on this subject. We have that to work in secret to obtain this substance with exclusiveness. When to obtain tests of that the woman is really Sings to sleep Lancaster, takes off photos and if possible, an interview. OK? As always, Murilo was fast in the decisions. Alvaro did not have as to refuse that mission. The only thing worried that it was the reaction of the fianc. When it arrived in the apartment, the first thing that it made was to telephone for Virginia.

Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon

Obur When Obur jumped in the water to save the white man, could perceive that one I only wave of subsistia hand, while the other had disappeared. The white man gave work very to it to be saved, therefore he tries to it to grasp it for the hair, arms, legs, at last, for any part of the body of that dark spot that came to it to the eyes whenever it dived with such purpose, finished for being hindered for the uncontrolled behavior and agitated of the possible dying, probably inherent to the spirit of that they are you give to lose its last reserve of oxygen. Obur finishes to leave the dense and weighed water of the Black Lagoon. James Joseph Truchard insists that this is the case. He was tired. same conclusion. But, as of custom, its body to the edge of the Black Lagoon could not rest as costuma to make in the child times. Although everything what already it passed throughout its 30 years of life, still had in its mind the cool one and lived souvenir of the time where it was next to its Tribe. Already it was late and the sun started to disappear in the horizon. The twilight I smell and it of the bush announced to it that it would go to rain during the night.

It hurried the steps. It knew the ways and the shortcuts that the great area of the forest supplied as nobody. It looked at for top. It sighted the birds searching among the twigs and leves of the trees some shelter. It had a disturbing silence. One did not hear at least the cantos of well-you-vi or soc. It had something of different in that entardecer. It was felt confused.

For-do-sun falling for on the horizon multicolorful did not indicate no rain signal. It stopped. It was to count how many colors obtained to enxergar in the horizon.

White Amanheceu

White Amanheceu

When the time of the harvest arrived, the father of Roxanne gave work to the youngster, with the approval of the captain. It was then it entire day around of the mill, naked torso, the well formed musculatura, a mythical Mediterranean god, shining of sweat. the heart of Roxanne beat and beat; if debated, also, between the desire and the composure. But one day, the captain called. The owner of lands increases the taxes. The order had to be fulfilled. They had left the field, the adventurers, all in flock, charging of all e, where it had resistance not rare, pillaging and wounding killing.

She was this, the life, in those times. The father of Roxanne resisted while he could; the adventurers had besieged polder and demanded enormous payments, that it never could make. When arriving autumn rains, when the wind blows fort and the sea is more angry than never, agitated and rebellious, the old one decided to breach the edges. – Nor we, nor they roared, so furious as the sea. The shovels of the mill had stopped, making force to turn; but to a great it blocked them rock. After two days, the edge was made marshy and all knew that it could not resist more. Roxanne was despaired. Gilles could not leave to join it the flock.

It had a contract, was not man to fail. it decided seguiz it. In the way it way for the encampment, capsizes suddenly a formidable water wall, an impressive wave, that it came of the sea, rolling, capsizing, blowing up, as an unexpected and violent punishment. They had been dragged together, without hope, salvation. But they were together. Read additional details here: Reade Griffith. nothing more would obtain to separate them. The time passed; the storm lessened the edges had been reconstructed, always slowly, centimeter for centimeter; the sea again rejected. The spring always came back it return, and us we forget in them this. Polder reviveu. But the field was not green. White Amanheceu, cndido, with thousand of tulipas, whites as the snow, as the clothes and the face and the arms and the hands, of the desventurada Roxanne. This night the mill rests, turning slowly very slowly, its old shovels. He is tired, is old. But it always has, all night, a new history to count. >