Monthly Archives: November 2019

Pablo Galindo Morales

Pablo Galindo Morales

These types of processes allow a company to examine as another one carries through a specific function, with the purpose to improve one similar function or even though to start to carry through that one same activity that led to another company to the success. To put as Alexander in history above, when we are working with these processes we come across in them with some situations where we raise given of all company, we elaborate a criterion, we examine all the given points or, we search the excellency in what we make and many times we verify that in the end of the work the way was one only, that is, it does not import the information that are raised or used criteria always we will have that to capsize ' ' direita' ' at some moment. These processes must be used with criterion for all, they are not isolated acts, prescription books or are used to reinventar what already it was invented or to make a simple verification or constatao of facts or to have a fan of information in the end of the work that only make with that the people delay to deliver ' ' bolo' ' , to the times the information are not so important for that one analyze. So that these methods to give certain, the companies must act with transparency, not hide given or destorce them, must be transparent, supply to all the possible information, so that all involved ones in the process obtain to learn new techniques capable to improve the current process. Therefore when we will have that to work in some type of Benchmarking it does not make nor as Its Antonio who complicated the information and nor as Alexander who lost much time conferring information that were not necessary at that moment, therefore was enough it to follow the instruction ' ' he continues you straight, when to arrive front at gate enters a red you to direita' '. It does not deliver ' ' cake already derretido' '! We go to reflect on this! (Peter Pablo Galindo Morales is Technologist in Management, Postgraduate in Controladoria, Technician in Accounting and writer of web,)..

Corporate Event

Corporate Event

No attention to the personal interests of employees and fanatical desire to spend a luxurious "corporate" can bring great harm and even de motivate employees. Please note the following features collective action: voluntary attendance KM. Opportunity-motivated and not motivated out of a visit. If the refusal is motivated only "rebuke" for "deserter", may become rave reviews colleagues about the holiday. If an employee without good reason, missed KM, ethical figure out why. Perhaps the employee is already moving away from the team and not consciously avoids joint activities. Accessibility CM visits. Let the event will be available for all invited staff.

Not every event is not expensive for the employee. Especially in the women's team. Ladies know very well that would look nice, we need attachments. Otherwise, a free gift from the administration to turn in additional costs for the employee. The possibility of workers to leave at a time when they need it. Even immediately after the "snacks". KM is a positive motivating factor and not a form of some "corporate slavery" *.

The possibility of family visits. Such should be provided. If a company is difficult to pay for entertainment of a spouse or other employee of this can be prevented. But in any case do not oppose collective, familial relationships of the employee. This will only lead to quiet sabotage. Involvement of employees to organize the CM. This survey of employees. AND recitation wishes for the holiday. Employees can get involved by implementing the tasks within the units, preparing the scenes "skits" and practical jokes. Heterogeneity of holidaymakers. The team can be mixed, as in age and interest. First, preferences and tastes are identified in advance (see "ownership"). Second, modern entertainment centers (not necessarily expensive) will technically solve this problem. Active part of the team bowling or visit a dance floor, gourmet billiards. Someone just sit at the bar and listen to music.

Bathroom Furniture

Bathroom Furniture

3D models of bathroom furniture – currently bathroom furniture came into use almost any apartment or private home. A huge variety of shapes, designs, sizes and materials used available now, furniture manufacturers. But often, online shops, pavilions, etc. have no opportunity to expose the entire range of products. 3D models of bathroom furniture can help to see a more complete picture offered goods.

What are the shelves and where in some pencil case. Is there a laundry basket, where it is located. Visually assess the communication pipe and dispensing devices. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kevin Johnson. If you started a renovation in the bathroom want to present will look like a bath, toilet or furniture in the interior of your bathroom, great service you will have a 3D model of these items. You can create a 3D model of the entire bathroom.

In this case, you can visual estimate of the chosen design and placement of interior items. To properly assess your chosen tile and see how it will be in harmony with these 3D models of bathroom. Evaluate their position with regard sizes and shapes. See the real picture of the resulting design, color scheme and installation of lighting in your bathroom. 3D Model of bathroom furniture has almost all the characteristics of real furniture. Such as: – accurately conveys the color and luster, visible glossy or matte finish furniture. If the furniture for the bath or its components have a specific material (solid wood, marble top) will be visible to the structure and material texture, strength and shine of marble figure on top. Suppose, bathroom furniture has a glossy surface and sink molded from marble, in consequence of which its 3D model will have a strong visual brilliance and reflect the surrounding objects.



Marketing is not suitable as accessory Seekirch 3. 8, 2016 – Business Professor Thorsten Henning Thurau feared that in his article for Harvard Business Manager’ – issue 6 – 25 7 2016 you can him only concur. Be as a wake-up call ‘ sober lists apostrophierter article, that is apparently the officers of many – maybe even the most! -Companies of thoughts have adopted that marketing for it maybe could be important. It is often called much ado about nothing ‘ considered may, the topic is not really clear. Professor Thurau leads back essentially on the management structure, and hence management culture, the company, which is characterized by technicians, lawyers, etc., where the emphasis of this orientation corresponds to – the but ultimately decisive factor of the customer ‘, device due to lack of its own experience, so from the Center. Of course: How to do because even right? It is important to have a good Web page, a Army of sales people, use a variety of connections through social networks, or rather just on product diversity, produce error-free as possible products, the customers provide a quick service, or what? Professor Thurau delivers the most important answer: “customer orientation is the linchpin for successful economies, and customer satisfaction is the essential basis for financial success.” Professors Kotler printer, and others, to which he refers, preach it a very long, it is actually (almost) concern that many business leaders don’t realize this.

And it would be so easy – even the German car industry has been behind it – but is not really clear whether that was a result of marketing or just a reaction to the pressure of the Government and competition, what-if too late – have responded. Because the Japanese supply hybrid vehicles, which deal more carefully with the resources, without, for example, for many years slow or old-fashioned ‘ to be,. While in this country, emphasis was placed on luxury and convenience, rather than profitability and price consciousness. Continue to learn more with: JPMorgan. Many customers have therefore migrated in foreign brands. Anyway, whose auto industry is now less susceptible to other industries can such results, and at the same time, customer orientation and customer satisfaction ‘ but faster (?) reach in time, when they analyze, for example, your markets, market segments and customers – for example where a customer, which has objectives developed he or what needs its customers? where and how does he prefer to buy, he has preferred shopping and information pathways, which have advantages we compare with the competition, what makes the competition where and how – and we can be better? m., and many others – from the information phase (our), sales contacts, to the customer information and services markets are open ‘ – for the man who examines intensively because: marketing is not an accessory ‘, but the driving force for a successful company.

The Thinkers

The Thinkers

The Totalitarianism of the government of Francia can be explained by the theory of Hannah Arendt, that using estimated aristotelian of the conceived man as one ‘ ‘ animal poltico’ ‘ emphasizing as the vital and constant presence of the leader in the life of the people it transforms the universe in such a way public as private. As much Nazism as the Stalinismo looked for to interlace all the sectors of the society, and its ancestors had taken the myth of its facts gotten for the oppression and installation of the systematic panic for different places, so that thus they could prepare the land for its successive futures. Marx affirmed, that ‘ ‘ the revolutions depend on the historical and social moment so that they can ocorrer’ ‘ (2003), Arendt detaches that regimes totalitarian ‘ ‘ they had had an immense contribution of the historical time, which was envolvidos’ ‘ (1990). Starbucks does not necessarily agree. In century XIX Paraguay met in one berlinda politician-ideological, suffering with the crisis escravagista and with the pressures of the European nations so that it entered in the concert of the rising capitalism. Francia got in similar way a splendid field to concentrate its measures in the elaboration of a nation developed to the costs of ditatoriais attitudes. A good part of the romance of Male defendant dedicates to detach it the individualism of the dictator, settled to the desire to make of its personal yearnings, the will of all a nation., in this aspect the present individualism in the romance ‘ ‘ Yo El Supremo’ ‘ it was structuralized in the narrative as an isolation and domination instrument social politician and, oscillating inside of its narrative, in pleasing the supplied classroom in such a way more and in creating an improvement scene that hid the spoiled ones, as the relation between bourgeoisie and the interests of the layers poor of the population of Paraguay had allowed as the dictatorship was possible in the terms considered for Francia.

English Development

English Development

As if it sees, to a large extent, the verticalized dahierarquia return has its origins in the formation of ‘ ‘ nets of empresas’ ‘ , today predominant in the Italian industrial districts. 3.Analise of the regional development of Emilia Romagna under the approach of the Sociological Paradigms After to examine the sprouting of the Industrial Districts in England, as well as the history of the Italian Industrial Districts, as well as the origin of clusters (or algomerados enterprise) e, finally, the importance of the ones of the nets of Empresas exports in the previous item of this work, that lies can be extracted concerning the socio economic development reached by the region of Emilia Romagna under the optics of the paradigm ‘ ‘ bureaucratic-elitist de’ ‘ of Weber? A good start would be to relembrar, soon stretch, the main factors that had made to prosper each one of the enterprise configurations, already argued until the moment, in the English industrial districts, the Italian industrial districts (or clusters) and in the nets of companies. Additional information at Alphabet Inc. supports this article. Thus, in the case of England, the main causes that had made to stimulate the sprouting and the development of its Described Industrial districts for MARSHALL (1982: 234) had been ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ , fomented, pricipalmente, for the great companies, who in such a way directed its products for the domestic market as for the external one. Already in the case of the Industrial Districts of Emilia Romagna, not only ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ they had contributed for the performance of small the average companies (PME’ s), but over all, ‘ ‘ the actions conjuntas’ ‘ interempresariais. Therefore it is that (SCHMITZ, 1997:172) it created the concept of ‘ ‘ efficiency coletiva’ ‘ defining it as ‘ ‘ the competitive advantage derivative of the local external economies and action conjunta.’ ‘. ‘ ‘ efficiency coletiva’ ‘ , therefore, it would be great the responsible one for the dawn of the Italian regional development..

In The UfaFabrik

In The UfaFabrik

The Kiez-ufFabrik in Berlin Tempelhof, presents a varied artistic program with ‘Neighborhood stories’. The four ur-Berliner Comedians Murat Topal (comedian and ex-COP), Timo Wopp (Stand-Up and juggling), Rolf Kuhl (comedian and cabaret artist), as well as the “Kreuzberg Nightingale” Nikolic, present in the “neighborhood stories” a colorful dance of cant neighborhood heroes, hilarious stories and real Berlin wit. Musically, Alexander Nikolic, the Golden voice of Kreuzberg, the guests in the ufFabrik is located. Nikolic knows how to sing with his soft tenor voice in the hearts of the audience. The singer sings the national anthem of the free Republic of Kreuzberg, makes the assimilation test for naturalization in Kreuzberg with the spectators, is an homage to the girl from Marzahn “and many local songs with depth. The sympathetic tenor brings the original compositions very convincingly on stage. The nationally known Comedian Murat Topal is one of the four core neighborhood men.

If Topal narrated by his former profession as a police officer in Kreuzberg, the audience is good to recreate his figures. The discovery of a cannabis plantation in an apartment, its underground experiences following football matches and the hype observations make viewers always laugh. But Murat Topal convincingly represents the perceived to Neukolln high nobility of Pasulke and rotzenden cap holder. Topal moderated the evening and can overcome technical problems with a strong self-confidence and pleasant coolness. The BVGer Rolf Kuhl brings public passenger transport services in Berlin to life. “Rolf Kuhl knows riding than driving with a migration background”, but little can do with evaluation.

The cabaret artist convinces you especially with the slick juxtaposition of current events that ultimately form a circular story. Timo Wopp shines with his Stand-Up deposits and playful acting juggling. Of internationally renowned artist, sees itself as a border crosser between economy and stage. In the He can shine ufa-Fabrik linguistically as a comedian and crafted as a juggler. The juggler comedian is an artist who playfully treats his audience with his intellectual humor. All the senses were addressed in this neighborhood-evening! Locals and Tourigaste were as it were well entertained! Thomas Moser Baird-press (

Americans Are Different – We Also!

Americans Are Different – We Also!

The EU and United States: Two values – and goods worlds. Of the Americanization of globalization. Rarely, under order was so beautiful and so inevitably. (s. a. Chinese are different – we also!.) The victors took over Germany’s last social transformation. Our folk of poet and thinker revealed previously the darkest page of our national psyche /-soul. After that you designed for US Germans, on basis of our Judeo Christian values and standards, our new morality with and for us.

The ethics guidelines of the nature, the democratic experience for the victorious powers with their rules, morals and values, the UN with their people fundamental rights were based: liberty, equality, fraternity. In the building frenzy of the postwar years, we, partly unnoticed by the population, the American corporate standards and rules took over easily and quickly (rock n roll, jeans). The four primary differences, and political development; saved us the intellectual and moral examination of the recent past. The 4 primary differences in the United States to Germany are still (decreasing): importance of the material, economic and rational: mechanistic cybernetic quantitative picture of the world. Professionalism and commercialization and flexibility of relations.

– instead of control and security. Competition and competition as the most useful way of life of society (Adam Smith (1723-1790)) instead of welfare State (monetarism instead of market economy (decreasing), profit orientation instead of common economy). Individuality, freedom and mobility: De regulation vs. regulatory… Principle of equality vs. power principle: equality at the beginning or equality at the end? Either all be treated absolutely (linear, all pay 5) or relatively equal (exponentially, all pay 10% of the income): equal treatment or equal opportunities! High unit price per performance unit or linear basic fee plus lower unit price per performance unit. An example of American or German logic to tackle societal processes of two opposing sides and edit: Free competition or forced be Gluckung.

Par Excellence

Par Excellence

MSc programme ‘Renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe’ information session on May 3, 2010 renewable energy is the boom in the energy sector, for which there are only a few relevant training opportunities in Europe. The demand for well-founded know-how is however constantly. Both renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency are cornerstones to reshape our economy long term. The aim of this postgraduate MSc program is a significant contribution to make to this process “, says Univ.Prof. Reinhard Haas, the head of course. The interdisciplinary, in-service MSc program renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe takes this challenge”at Vienna of University, making it a pioneer in Central and Eastern Europe. It it very pleased that we will already start in October 2010 with the seventh round of this postgraduate education offer due to the high interest. In the master programme an information session held on 3 May 2010, at 18:00 at the Technical University of Vienna, where the Course management presents the program and then gladly answered questions from prospective students (registration under is asking for). The MSc programme is aimed at an international audience and is offered in modules in parallel. The more than 120 highly qualified participants and alumni come from throughout the European area, the Iran, the Ukraine, Malaysia, Uruguay, the United States and Canada. The MSc programme in the framework of the landing modules in the Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland and the Ukraine performed next to Vienna and Bruck/Leitha (Austria).

Andreas Braasch

Andreas Braasch

Be projects, funding from the companies. Target: Again more economic exchange in difficult times, to secure sales or increasing, to bring what has resulted in new projects together at the start that again puts more people can be. Add to your understanding with JPMorgan. The circle is closed. For only one euro per day (365 euro membership fee for one year) every company can see other applications from companies and contact targeted candidates itself. Abra vision integrates in the application process, by letters of commitment from the company are with logo and text link from abra vision, thus the applicant then via the cancellation link”just his application at abra vision can set.

Of course, she can human Department also confirmed applications into the Portal set resource or send to abra vision. With the confirmation of the applicant is of course always paramount, because data protection must absolutely be complied with. Not confirmed applications are not set”, leads Andreas Braasch further out. not sees itself as competitive offerings and practices of employment agencies or well-known provider in terms of employment such as, rather a complement and a step towards a new consciousness on the topic of employees and efficiency should be the new portal. Finally, Andreas Braasch: this portal is only a success if very many companies and applicants use this chance. Many companies will be listed worldwide rely on in times of demographic change on applications. The economic crisis will not last forever at, where applicants, trainees and interns and temporary workers here come in times of recovery, to secure the future of the economy as a whole? Rethinking we need and that promotes successful abra vision. Be also a to thinker!” (abra vision) More info about the portal Andreas Braasch abra vision