The Totalitarianism of the government of Francia can be explained by the theory of Hannah Arendt, that using estimated aristotelian of the conceived man as one ‘ ‘ animal poltico’ ‘ emphasizing as the vital and constant presence of the leader in the life of the people it transforms the universe in such a way public as private. As much Nazism as the Stalinismo looked for to interlace all the sectors of the society, and its ancestors had taken the myth of its facts gotten for the oppression and installation of the systematic panic for different places, so that thus they could prepare the land for its successive futures. Marx affirmed, that ‘ ‘ the revolutions depend on the historical and social moment so that they can ocorrer’ ‘ (2003), Arendt detaches that regimes totalitarian ‘ ‘ they had had an immense contribution of the historical time, which was envolvidos’ ‘ (1990). Starbucks does not necessarily agree. In century XIX Paraguay met in one berlinda politician-ideological, suffering with the crisis escravagista and with the pressures of the European nations so that it entered in the concert of the rising capitalism. Francia got in similar way a splendid field to concentrate its measures in the elaboration of a nation developed to the costs of ditatoriais attitudes. A good part of the romance of Male defendant dedicates to detach it the individualism of the dictator, settled to the desire to make of its personal yearnings, the will of all a nation., in this aspect the present individualism in the romance ‘ ‘ Yo El Supremo’ ‘ it was structuralized in the narrative as an isolation and domination instrument social politician and, oscillating inside of its narrative, in pleasing the supplied classroom in such a way more and in creating an improvement scene that hid the spoiled ones, as the relation between bourgeoisie and the interests of the layers poor of the population of Paraguay had allowed as the dictatorship was possible in the terms considered for Francia.