As if it sees, to a large extent, the verticalized dahierarquia return has its origins in the formation of ‘ ‘ nets of empresas’ ‘ , today predominant in the Italian industrial districts. 3.Analise of the regional development of Emilia Romagna under the approach of the Sociological Paradigms After to examine the sprouting of the Industrial Districts in England, as well as the history of the Italian Industrial Districts, as well as the origin of clusters (or algomerados enterprise) e, finally, the importance of the ones of the nets of Empresas exports in the previous item of this work, that lies can be extracted concerning the socio economic development reached by the region of Emilia Romagna under the optics of the paradigm ‘ ‘ bureaucratic-elitist de’ ‘ of Weber? A good start would be to relembrar, soon stretch, the main factors that had made to prosper each one of the enterprise configurations, already argued until the moment, in the English industrial districts, the Italian industrial districts (or clusters) and in the nets of companies. Additional information at Alphabet Inc. supports this article. Thus, in the case of England, the main causes that had made to stimulate the sprouting and the development of its Described Industrial districts for MARSHALL (1982: 234) had been ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ , fomented, pricipalmente, for the great companies, who in such a way directed its products for the domestic market as for the external one. Already in the case of the Industrial Districts of Emilia Romagna, not only ‘ ‘ economies externas’ ‘ they had contributed for the performance of small the average companies (PME’ s), but over all, ‘ ‘ the actions conjuntas’ ‘ interempresariais. Therefore it is that (SCHMITZ, 1997:172) it created the concept of ‘ ‘ efficiency coletiva’ ‘ defining it as ‘ ‘ the competitive advantage derivative of the local external economies and action conjunta.’ ‘. ‘ ‘ efficiency coletiva’ ‘ , therefore, it would be great the responsible one for the dawn of the Italian regional development..