By: Oscar RossignoliEditor of. image-business. com when an event or event that directly involves our company is capable of generating negative publicity and subtracts to the Steering Body of his usual work to devote himself to solve it, can enter into suspicions that we could be about to face a crisis media situation. And how can we be so confident that we are in a crisis situation from the communicational point of view? From the moment that an internal situation of the company transcends to the media and becomes a negative news. What are the first effects of a media crisis? A loss of confidence in the company’s environment and its interior, which mainly affect their leadership breaks out. The company becomes a media object, and media pressure is coupled with the consequences of the crisis.
Growing uncertainty among the company’s clients, which often translates to cancellations of orders, loss of contracts and in the alteration of its commercial activity. Managers and officials, as well as employees suddenly are prey to panic, especially if the situation and the news impact occurs with unsuspected dimensions and, at first sight, very difficult resolution. Officially they begin to manage audit institutions of government interventions. In general, the company appears facing society, resulting in public opinion a prosecuting attitude. What to do to respond to the media attacks until they destroy the corporate image that has cost much time and money building? Crisis management specialists must design a communications strategy for contingency, which must have a heading, a clear and well-defined direction.
Effective communication makes everything. However, obvious as it may seem, is not easy to establish a communication that allows you to public or private institutions (or individuals) to achieve their political objectives or business. For a program to be effective in situations of crisis, must develop communication strategies that, while respecting its essence, to give direction to his dialogue with each of their different audiences.