Monthly Archives: March 2018



According to Stalk and Hout, surpassing the 80 decade of or ' ' decade of qualidade' ' , the decade of 90 initiated as the decade of ' ' responsibility, that is the decade of the fast reply, especially in the introduction of new products. One adds despite, according to authors above cited, are two axles where the responsibility is basic to guarantee competitiveness: – Development of new products/technology; – delivery of order to the Graphical customer of simultaneous engineering figure 4.1 P. 94 More simultaneous engineering turns to gain time and to reduce resources, wants either for nets of topdown, as for flexible nets of small companies. Engineering is presented as one adequate technique to this environment. In this context important to point out the necessity of a process of local development for the success of the model. In this in case that, a process for the development where it implies in culture and transformation, plan strategical, relationary net, growth to the sustainable development.

Sustetvel development can prevent the increase of the disequilibria and regional the local vulnerability/, .causing of ruptures partners of the development process. In this question it is important to observe and to opererar some strategies of desenvovimento; – guarantee of support of the development: economic, social, ambient politics and: – vision of long stated period: analysis and secular operative vision immediate allies and the future ones. – decentralization and social participation: revision of the paper of the administration and the social resentatividade wants is private or communitarian. Mobilization and consensus are another vital focus to give to continuity the actions politics as territtio dimension, composition of the interest, local envolvement of wisdom, hierarchy of the interests, persistence of the involved ones, definition of the quotas, definition of time and accomplishment of the projects and mechanisms of definition Dee new priorities and objectives. The integration and the diffusion of the communication develop a feeling of identity and local spirit of cohesion, stimulating the involved authors to identify a point of meeting for the econmico and social development of the region, point this that if becomes the headquarters of the territorial pact.

Work Research

Work Research

MOTIVATION A MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of company of average transport Adriano Sanabria* Wataya, Robert Sussumu ** SUMMARY This article deals with as the motivation influences the Management of People in the companies. Enterprise administration if cannot structuralize only in rockings and questions accountants, must make constants prognostics analyzing which circumstantial processes inside motivate or desmotivam the employees of the companies or in any rendering of services. Inside of the Companies the importance of the motivation for the production is very significant, can not only feel that what if it relates with the employees of the plant soil, but to all the collaborators of the organizations, because all are involved of a form or another one in productive works. In a question-answer forum Kevin Johnson was the first to reply. For one better knowledge was carried through a exploratria research, quali-quantitative in the form of questionnaire with open and closed questions, of free choice of the searched ones, with the objective of if knowing co- relation between escolaridade and motivation of the collaborators. The used instrument was adapted questionnaire BPSO/96-, which dealt with the Biological, Psychological dimensions, Sociais and Organizacionais of the collaborators. Words Keys: Auto-Motivation; collaborator; management of people Adriano Sanabria* Business administration University Amaro Saint? UNISA email: Dr. Other leaders such as Jim Umpleby offer similar insights.

Robert Sussumu Wataya ** Master and Doctor in Education Resume? Line of Pontifical Research New Technologies University Catholic of So Paulo email: MOTIVATION a MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of average company transport Exists, on the part of the administrators, an increasing trend of if valuing the Motivation in the Work, independently of its area of performance or level of formation. Normally the operational workers are white of programs of motivation in the work. However, Motivation is much more that this, engloba other categories of collaborators, including the workers of the tactical and strategical levels in organizacionais environments. Currently, all the production systems are being obliged to move with the new expectations of the customers and the intense competition is provoking drastic changes in the sector of production in mass.

Recreational One

Recreational One

Fair Andalusian of the Recreational one in Malaga From day 16 and to the 18 of March, will take place in the Palace of Fairs and Congresses of Malaga 30 edition of the Fair Andalusian of the Recreational one, in whom the most important new features of the companies of the sector will occur to appointment: new products that will mark the tendencies of the market in the next months. To this Fair the most significant subsectors of this professional segment go, those that compose the industry of the recreational one: from vending machines, biNgos and casinos, to other different ones from pure leisure, as they can be futbolines, billiards or the dedicated ones to the infantile public. In recent months, Kevin Johnson has been very successful. The Fair Andalusian of the Recreational one is organized by the Interazar Group. Its lodging to attend this fair can realise professional it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category of 4 stars superior, our Hotel Malaga Mount, that stops this occasion offers rooms to him to the assistants to this encounter. In order to realise reserves in our hotel, where we will apply TARIFF to him REUNIONES/EVENTOS with prices from 98 by room and night with breakfast buffet and IVA including, only must do click in the following connection: TO RESERVE ROOM IN the HOTEL MOUNTS Important MALAGA: In order to take refuge in this tariff it will be essential to present/display in the reception of the hotel the up-to-date documentation that credits its attendance to the CONGRESO/EVENTO/REUNIN.

National Observatory

National Observatory

But about 50% of these vehicles that transit in Rep. Dominican are two wheels, which were the most vulnerable. Which is to say, according to the statistics of deaths and injured in traffic accidents are the most affected along with pedestrians. Efficiency in mobility is currently very subject to advances in technology and communication. A good system of control and management of traffic warrants significant economic savings to the country and minimizes casualties. The lack of plans, controls and the lack of a legal regime authoritarian traffic become a chaos that throws as a result the occurrence a road violence of dire consequences to the families of those affected, to society and to the national economy; chaos in the transport system and the traffic. The Rep. Dominican, as in most of our countries of the region, suffers from a system of weak authority and that the lack of efficient public policies in the field of road safety is added.

This results in the lack of a national and comprehensive strategic plan, whose strut support on the basis of education towards a change in behaviour and attitudes of users, as well as the implementation of measures based on the results of the analysis of a National Observatory of data reliable, something that is not our country. The evolution of mortality on roads in the past five years should lead us to deep reflection to curb the high number of deaths and injured products of traffic accidents. According to a press release from AMET, newly published in a newspaper of national circulation, more deaths are recorded in our road network in the first half of this year compared to the 2009 to a value greater than 300 victims. The measures taken today are circumstantial. We recognize that it is a great effort made by the supervisory agency of traffic. However, they remain initiatives media who fail to respond to a State policy, but to the management of an institution in particular.

Venezuelan State

Venezuelan State

Reflection is one of the principal means that leaders must learn from the past.Warren Bennis is very regrettable brain drain every day leaving the country in search of new opportunities, looking for countries where there is economic, political, security that is the opportunity to work in an environment that guarantees stability, opportunities to put into practice the knowledge acquired, the Venezuelan State attention should be paid more to this reality, because this country lose much talenta human capital formed, trained in many of the public universities that the Government subsidizes the collaboration of Venezuelans who comply with their taxes and have contributed time, money in the training of their children to enter the University. Cannot be wasted human capital and other countries to leverage their training, when Venezuela need them, especially given the reality of a troubled, uncertain, scenario that requires a talent able to face challenges, changes, in where creativity, innovation of all pop up and help clarify the uncertainty facing with new ideas, programs, actions that guarantee results with integration of unit equipment and not divisions of these. It is not surprising as says that, politics and social in which Venezuela is located has become an exporter of talent. This Venezuelan brain drain began in 1983 with the so-called Black Friday, and since then, the phenomenon is gaining ground with the passage of time.Insecurity, economic crisis and political instability in which the Venezuelan nation finds itself encourage the brain drain, relatively new trend in our country since, on the contrary, Venezuela was always a receiver of immigration. In the Decade of 50 Italian immigrants, Spaniards and Portuguese settled in national territory and in the 70s and 80 arrived crowds from various parts of Latin America, especially Chilean, Colombian, Peruvian. The State should reflect how much costs the country each professional forming, what is lost investment when they decide to go, more, when youth who graduated sees no prospects for development, otherwise, has increased unemployment, conllevado many newly graduates and even with years of experience in the professional practice opt for irse, motivated by the need to achieve better socio-economic conditions, the possibility to grow professionally and to live in a region with political stability and freedom of expression.