

According to Stalk and Hout, surpassing the 80 decade of or ' ' decade of qualidade' ' , the decade of 90 initiated as the decade of ' ' responsibility, that is the decade of the fast reply, especially in the introduction of new products. One adds despite, according to authors above cited, are two axles where the responsibility is basic to guarantee competitiveness: – Development of new products/technology; – delivery of order to the Graphical customer of simultaneous engineering figure 4.1 P. 94 More simultaneous engineering turns to gain time and to reduce resources, wants either for nets of topdown, as for flexible nets of small companies. Engineering is presented as one adequate technique to this environment. In this context important to point out the necessity of a process of local development for the success of the model. In this in case that, a process for the development where it implies in culture and transformation, plan strategical, relationary net, growth to the sustainable development.

Sustetvel development can prevent the increase of the disequilibria and regional the local vulnerability/, .causing of ruptures partners of the development process. In this question it is important to observe and to opererar some strategies of desenvovimento; – guarantee of support of the development: economic, social, ambient politics and: – vision of long stated period: analysis and secular operative vision immediate allies and the future ones. – decentralization and social participation: revision of the paper of the administration and the social resentatividade wants is private or communitarian. Mobilization and consensus are another vital focus to give to continuity the actions politics as territtio dimension, composition of the interest, local envolvement of wisdom, hierarchy of the interests, persistence of the involved ones, definition of the quotas, definition of time and accomplishment of the projects and mechanisms of definition Dee new priorities and objectives. The integration and the diffusion of the communication develop a feeling of identity and local spirit of cohesion, stimulating the involved authors to identify a point of meeting for the econmico and social development of the region, point this that if becomes the headquarters of the territorial pact.

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