Monthly Archives: November 2017

Sample Company

Sample Company

Even though throughout our career we have resorted to wage negotiations on more than one occasion, this is a task which we have formed very few times or we have practiced in a seminar of skills. It is why from Experteer blog we want to give you some tips to carry the wage bargaining with success. In general, we do give or ask too, without realizing the overall process of negotiation and the different phases that we passed. The first piece of advice is not to mention anything about salary and benefits until we ask. This can be in the first interview or not.

If we can avoid answering a figure in particular is best to do so, we have time to do so in the future. It is not usual that this happens, since a very important information is the wage location of the candidate. In this beginning of the process much to learn from each other, the candidate of the company and the company of the candidate. As a general rule follow these recommendations: 1. never say how much ganabas before. If it is strictly necessary, we will mention the total package, including all benefits. If you propose a wage, gives a figure higher than expected, but be flexible in negotiations.

2. Looking for information on the salary that the sector is paying at the moment. 3. Use tactics of closing as a technique to enable the other party to support your proposal more quickly. For example, silence is a very powerful technique. When they ask what salary we want to win, answer and then stay silent. A reflection is performed during that time and is given more importance to the situation. 4. Requests more than expected, that increases the limits of negotiation. Never say what is your limit or lose flexibility. 5 Sample any physical reaction to the first offering, as an expression of astonishment. This has a great effect. 6. Friendly show, keep a tone quiet, cordial and relaxed, enjoy the process of negotiation. 7. At the time of accepting a salary, valued appreciates other benefits associated to the job (bonds, vehicle company, etc.) Don’t limit yourself to accept an intermediate quantity. 8. Always present ten if you accept an amount below your expectations, may soon regret. 9 Remember that value and price are not the same thing. Unlike your intrinsic value as a professional on the market and your market price or the salary offered. Don’t forget that they are two different aspects that should be differentiated, especially during the negotiation process. 10. Don’t be overly influenced by the different arguments about the sector, market, or other situation. If the company is willing to end a successful selection process, remuneration according to internal levels must be even-handed internally and externally. And above all, maintain the confidence in yourself.

Roman Empire

Roman Empire

A very important branch within the martial art Pa-Kua is the study of ancient weapons. Coordination, precision, discipline are some of the many benefits of studying the art of combat with antique weapons. Since the dawn of humanity mankind has used different objects such as weapons, initially were Woods, stones, rocks and things found in nature that used them as weapons for their survival, either to hunt or defend themselves against attacks. As he was passing the time this human being evolved, internally and externally. In its inner change produce with the discovery of metals, to be account of this could see that these metals could be molded in the way that the would, there were born the first weapons in court, swords, sabers, knives, arrowheads, arrows, Spears, etc. Made from a very noble metal called copper, we can find these first weapons in bronze age 3500 years BC in the town of the Sumerians, region of Middle East now known as Iraq. This continuous evolution led to discover new mineral and found in the earth metals that made that these weapons were more resistant and durable shock and leaving all those bronze weapons obsolete form. Thus iron age was born 13th centuries B.c., in the Middle East would later reached Europe.

With the expansion of the Roman Empire, it would spread throughout the world. The first weapons of this mineral would come to China just in the 6th century B.c. Swords Oriental swords have a separate tradition, since this manufacture of forging a sword is a very old technique called marled or multi-layered, which dates from the period of warring States in China (470 220 a.C.) Subsequently the combination of different minerals was carrying that weapons are tough and resilient, thus almost indestructible. His main reason for construction was the preserve life, but as all things have their yin and yang, his counterpart is the removal.-the Chinese say a perfect sword must fill the requirements of: strength, hardness, and flexibility. The swords traditionally symbolized authority, power and virility in man. The dexterity and the handling of these, is as old as the history of the construction of them, should be noted that initially the only ones who could carry or handle these weapons were warriors called or caste of nobility, later these became common use in all areas of society.-currently there are more than 300 different kinds of swords and sables, both Eastern and Western-La School of Pa Kua owns within the various formations which has composed the teaching, the master of arms of cutting such mastery is taught in regular classes where the student is both your body and your mind to gradually get the technique for the use and care of these weapons. This teaching is carried out by students who have a stiffness in its conduct within the area martial, taking sufficient flexibility in their lives to bring accurate of its discretion to their daily lives. Being its discipline in practice to take an example into account.Currently many new students come to school to gain access to this knowledge and many already active students are pursuing the path of the study of the ancient weapons, this current in continuous Moose arises by the evident benefits afforded students the practice of this formation: either use the classes as an extension to their martial knowledge or only follow the path of the man of cutting weapons.