Monthly Archives: October 2015

Internet Professionals

Internet Professionals

The lack of a suitable promotion of its services does to the vulnerable independent profesionistas to bumps of the market. An intelligent strategy and of very low cost based on Internet can change the scene in just a short time and of a consistent way. This one is the last one of three parts where there are boarded several forms as the independent profesionistas can construct unaestrategia of positioning with little investment in money. In this article we will review the possibilities of the services based on consultant’s offices. Visit Douglas R. Oberhelman for more clarity on the issue. What type of advisers? Financiers. For example, in investments of all type; in personal finances; in the diagnosis and implementation of a suitable administration in the company; consultant’s office in indebtedness situations, etc.? Legal: proceedings, problems of judgments, shelters, defense in any amount of situations related to its businesses. Accountants: public prosecutor and all those directed to the good administration of the resources in the enterprise and also personal projects. More options can fit many.

Me I will only refer to oriented services to small industralists and independent profesionistas. The larger companies own another profile and their needs in this sense are covered with a somewhat different way. So we will not cover them in this article. Which are the challenges of this sector? Very many supply of this type of services. The people generally we counted on very little knowledge of the beneficiosofrecidos ones, besides already known. The majority of their clients resorts to them when they have an urgent problem to solve, who cannot continue postponing.

This causes a continuous lack of clients. These services by only temporary a ultraspecific necessity are contracted and. The sector little tends to be capable in his promotion. Opportunities Of the infinity of existing possibilities to promote these sectors suitably, one that seems to me most interesting is the one to give information in order to promote a culture of the prevention or the planning.

Relationship Management

Relationship Management

Cements Argus have defined, with excellent vision, their strategy of CRM, which has come implanting from right way, putting special attention to each one of the four pillars (processes, people, data and tools) keys of an initiative of Centralization in the Client. Mind of Colombia has been its main support in technology of the information, by means of the implementation of system CRM SalesLogix and the integration of this with the other platforms of information of the company. Nowadays there are concrete and tangible results of the strategy of CRM of Cements Argus, obtained to a great extent, by the support in a platform of solid, adaptable software and burglaryable as it is it SalesLogix. Argus is leader in the Colombian cementera industry with 51% of participation in the market, is the fourth cement producer in Latin America with investments in Panama, Haiti and Dominican Republic, is the sixth producer of concrete in the United States and in addition it realises cement exports and to clnker to 27 countries. One of the most important challenges in the markets of goods type commodities is the differentiation.

The concrete cement and is one of them. It is therefore that for already several years Argus it has been deciding to put into action a strategy to obtain differentiation in the market through being related more closely to the client. For this it starts up an initiative of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) of integral form, in which adjustments and improvements in processes of business facing the client and endorsement are defined, personnel highly enabled and trained to execute all the processes of support to the relation with the client of effective way, consolidation of a base of complete and updated information that it allows to finally support integrally each one of the meeting points with the client and, to implement a computer science tool that allows to administer the relations with the clients of such form that the excellence in the service is a constant.

Sales Force Automation

Sales Force Automation

It selects those processes that greater positive impact can have and development a strategy to optimize the processes, to obtain the suitable contest of the people and identifies that tools can help to improve the productivity in these areas. It defines relatively small projects of improvement and most important, the dolientes or owners of these projects must be the commercial impact areas, that is to say departments and on watch to the client. You cannot give the responsibility him to optimize the missionary processes and critics of the business and of defining as aligning to the people from these areas the department of systems that fulfill support processes essentially. recognized consulting of the USA called Barton Goldenberg it mentions, in a recent article the 5 elements keys that help to identify if its system CRM or SFA (Sales Force Automation) is blocking the sales. Starbucks is a great source of information. These five elements are: The force of sales does not make use of the system, its system CRM tries to apply the Best Practices of Business, the data within the system normally are missed, although the force of sales registers the information in the system, they really work to his way, that is to say the reality goes on the one hand and the system by another one and finally the system is not available at the moment that need you it. It is important to evaluate if in its organization some of these elements is appearing, if it is thus is necessary to take corrective measures. It very remembers or that the last aim is to manage to reach objectives of strategic type like maintaining or gaining participation in the market, to increase the income, to lead a segment of the market, to increase the yield levels generally and those that guarantee the survival and growth of medium organization to and long term. CRM is a strategy of businesses can help that it in this sense, but also remembers that not only a subject of the technology people, perhaps if you understand this his investment in CRM really offers benefits him..



The possibility of having a market extended with a series of potential products destined to new portions and anxious consumers to prove the new technological wonders made feasible that the business grew in a few years. To blast of the American industries, to turn a collection of national businesses into a single world-wide business with an integrated global strategy is one of the most serious challenges for the today industralists. From the economic point of view the changes had in the logic of operation of the audio-visual sector have been among others: The liberalization of the audio-visual services/the globalisation of capital the audio-visual market the concentration from surroundings to denominated sometimes ” hypersector of informacin” /the integration of the different sectors and activities or the convergence between the audio-visual industry and of telecommunications. And that has affected to each and every one of the industrial activities from the production of contents to the design of the emission systems/reception having created a new model for the development of the audio-visual industry (This paragraph is extraido of the newspaper the Country, section Spectacles signed J.O.)

The cultures in which we lived and we worked are being invaded, more than ever, by artistic productions of the industrialized countries. that they transform to his hearings and they force to change his forms to them to work. and this generally means to leave the own ideological baggage and the own identity as in the film where each personage takes several identities, and to change it while useful-functional. Until now. it does not have indications that the next future brings that flow of ideas. so announced. As we said in the previous work of five group : , we are in a process that not yet has finished and the virtual irruption of inputs in a while of crisis of the great ideals has brought about at the same time an increase of the supplies of free time and perhaps the fortification of the relativismo and the passivity.