The possibility of having a market extended with a series of potential products destined to new portions and anxious consumers to prove the new technological wonders made feasible that the business grew in a few years. To blast of the American industries, to turn a collection of national businesses into a single world-wide business with an integrated global strategy is one of the most serious challenges for the today industralists. From the economic point of view the changes had in the logic of operation of the audio-visual sector have been among others: The liberalization of the audio-visual services/the globalisation of capital the audio-visual market the concentration from surroundings to denominated sometimes ” hypersector of informacin” /the integration of the different sectors and activities or the convergence between the audio-visual industry and of telecommunications. And that has affected to each and every one of the industrial activities from the production of contents to the design of the emission systems/reception having created a new model for the development of the audio-visual industry (This paragraph is extraido of the newspaper the Country, section Spectacles signed J.O.)
The cultures in which we lived and we worked are being invaded, more than ever, by artistic productions of the industrialized countries. that they transform to his hearings and they force to change his forms to them to work. and this generally means to leave the own ideological baggage and the own identity as in the film where each personage takes several identities, and to change it while useful-functional. Until now. it does not have indications that the next future brings that flow of ideas. so announced. As we said in the previous work of five group : , we are in a process that not yet has finished and the virtual irruption of inputs in a while of crisis of the great ideals has brought about at the same time an increase of the supplies of free time and perhaps the fortification of the relativismo and the passivity.