Cements Argus have defined, with excellent vision, their strategy of CRM, which has come implanting from right way, putting special attention to each one of the four pillars (processes, people, data and tools) keys of an initiative of Centralization in the Client. Mind of Colombia has been its main support in technology of the information, by means of the implementation of system CRM SalesLogix and the integration of this with the other platforms of information of the company. Nowadays there are concrete and tangible results of the strategy of CRM of Cements Argus, obtained to a great extent, by the support in a platform of solid, adaptable software and burglaryable as it is it SalesLogix. Argus is leader in the Colombian cementera industry with 51% of participation in the market, is the fourth cement producer in Latin America with investments in Panama, Haiti and Dominican Republic, is the sixth producer of concrete in the United States and in addition it realises cement exports and to clnker to 27 countries. One of the most important challenges in the markets of goods type commodities is the differentiation.
The concrete cement and is one of them. It is therefore that for already several years Argus it has been deciding to put into action a strategy to obtain differentiation in the market through being related more closely to the client. For this it starts up an initiative of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) of integral form, in which adjustments and improvements in processes of business facing the client and endorsement are defined, personnel highly enabled and trained to execute all the processes of support to the relation with the client of effective way, consolidation of a base of complete and updated information that it allows to finally support integrally each one of the meeting points with the client and, to implement a computer science tool that allows to administer the relations with the clients of such form that the excellence in the service is a constant.