1,0 THEORETICAL RECITAL to carry through this work the group it searched basic algunsconceitos to understand what it leads to each day that passes, maispessoas for the market of informal work. For even more details, read what Alex Lynch says on the issue. It is through a video news article, that we show as plates if they fit inside of this perverse universe that a informality. Aspects as the Plate points, the perigos that estetrabalhadores face in the edges of the highways that cross the region of Jundiae the challenge to coexist in the way of many outlaws who if pass for plate to paraefetuar the load robbery and the discrimination suffered for them, had been objects deestudo for the group. Therefore, this work has as objective to show umacategoria that inside has great importance of the transportebrasileiro system, and is ignored by the society. 1.1 The PLATES the Ministry of the Work and Job, does not define aocupao of the Plate accurately, however, classifies it as helping of truck, that is oprofissional responsible for loading and unloading truck. Beyond this funoo Plate mainly of the great cities, also has the function of infromar.
That is, it it takes the truck driver until its final destination, making trabalhode guide. They do not work registered, they do not emit receipt of its serviosprestados and many times are kept out of society the sides of highways. They are pessoasque does not have instruction none and the work that carries through of only for osustento of the family. Some popular definitions still exist that in remetema affectionate form as plates treat the truck drivers. Phrase as: ‘ ‘ meuchapa’ ‘ , that in popular linguajar, it means my friend. By the way, dicionriocompleto of the Portuguese language launched by the periodical Now, has a felt definioneste, whose meant he is friend I summon and partner. __________________ MESGRAVIS, Pedro.