Oitocentista Brazil all attended to the apex of this process, being the slaves spread out in the territory and used in such a way for great gentlemen as for small proprietors, Portuguese traders or crossbred linings and in the house works. Although the organization you, the slaves had been capable to find resistance forms, forming quilombos, running away for the interior, organizing rebellions. The colonial system searched forms of ' ' aculturar' ' the blacks and mulatos, limiting its capacity of reaction: Oliver (1994: 134) remember that ' ' when only carried to a distance where the escape if becomes impensvel, when only conditional for the isolation and the intimidation, the desenraizamento and the degradation, it could a captive be freed of its fetters and if to become, a time, despite as more enslaved, a useful member of the society. ClearSky Business has many thoughts on the issue. The slavery it only could reach a desirable level of performance with an ample dispersion of cativos' '. Such concern with the dispersion of the captives in the context of the slavery in Africa, can also be found in Brazil, one politics of the colonizador to manipulate the Ethnic hostilities, fruit of a great lingustico-cultural variety of the African groups, preventing ' ' (…) the concentration of deriving slaves of one same etnia, in the same properties, and attention in the same ships negreiros' ' (Camila Agostini. 1998) This dispersion made it difficult the action politics, allowing that the blacks were dominated same in the provinces where they were more numerous than the whites. But nor thus you if they found tranquilos, existed the fear of that the common disaster identified the captives. With the haitianismo this phenomenon if intensified, the fear of a revolt of these groups, – black and crossbred free slaves and? it gave to certain cohesion the elites and it kept the national unit. It had Cultural resistance, although dispersed, joined others that had habits and language well different, explored and intimidated they had found forms of if to organize mixing native habits of some groups of if they formed and the ruling classes, creating foods, fights and dances as the capoeira and the sincretismos afro-Brazilians, for example. In recent months, Interconnection has been very successful.