The present work has as main objective to make a reflection on the humanizao in the formation of the nurse in the course of nursing of the Pontifical University Catholic of Minas Gerais campus Arcs from the education politics and health. conclusion. It also approaches the humanizao concept as ethical principle, mainly, in the field of the health, emphasizes the function of the nursing relating its direct paper with the care to more show the importance of the nurse in a humanizado attendance, analyzes the Project Pedagogical Politician of the Graduation of Nursing of the PUC – Mines Arcs and traces strategies for the inclusion of the humanizao in the Project Pedagogical Politician to become more adequate the curricular grating the reality which the future nurse will be inserted. One is about a research of the exploratria type, where books had been used, scientific articles and dissertaes of the years of 2000 the 2011, without losing of sight previous publications and the Project Pedagogical Politician of PUC Mines Arcs. The inclusion of the humanizao was identified that as proposal of education in the nursing graduation is presented as viable and necessary for the formation of conscientious nurses of the humanizao and capable to act of form more human being, promoting a significant modification in the services of health and, consequentemente, in the quality of the same ones. The present work is a starting point in order to supply to subsidies posterior reflections and to develop new pedagogias for the formation of nursing professionals thus the humanizao if becomes constant goal of the nurse is in the health or the education in nursing. Word-key: Education in nursing. Humanizao of the assistance. Project Pedagogical Politician..