Tag Archives: society and culture

Amazonian Research

Amazonian Research

The essence of the relations of meaning inhabits in the circumstances that, in the course of the time historicidade and course of the life, underneath locks up the configuration of a vital trajectory on the base of the structure of the life and of the conditions of the way (Dirthey, 1986, p.266 apud FERNADES, 2009, P. s/n). It is understood, then, that the Man if constitutes as meant its form to act, to feel, to see, and its form of being in relation to everything what it is important for it? being thus, it discloses an identity, a culture. It in its considers itself despite evolutivo process was capable to generate symbols. White (1955) apud (LARAIA 2003, p.55) continues affirming that All culture depends on symbols, and that it is the exercise of the simbolizao college that creates the culture and the use of symbols that its perpetuation becomes possible. Without symbol he would not have culture, and the man would be only animal, not a human being. White continues saying that all the symbols must have a physical form, therefore opposes of it cannot penetrate in our experience, but its meaning cannot be perceived by the directions.

In other words, to perceive the meaning of a symbol it is necessary to know the culture created that it. Therefore, to think about capoeira as leisure is essential to adentrar itself in lives deeply of this manifestation through the groups practises the capoeira. In 2009, one got a investigativo study for half Nucleus of Studies and Amazonian Research in Sport and Leisure? Nepael of the State University of the one Stops. That through 20 capoeiristas, both the sexos, in the etria band to break of 18 years of age, integrant of the Groups of Capoeira of the region Metropolitan of Belm searched through the necessity to understand and to deepen the subject – Capoeira as Leisure, considering that the subject little is boarded for the communities scientific and capoeirana.



The purpose of the tourist planning consists of commanding the actions of the man on the form territory to prevent the negative impacts in the resources ambientais.' ' To plan is to decide in the gift what it wants to make in futuro' ' (Philip Kotler, 493). Plan is a project that includes a commanded series of operations and ways destined to an end. One programs to be elaborated with a purpose. Strategy is to plan, is a study of an environment in which if it can prepare tactics to be followed, to get resulted in long stated period, with sight to the achievement of specific objectives. Already the strategical plan is a model of planning, in this in case that, a planning of a tourist locality. Credit: Investment Banker-2011.

The strategy serves stops of the one route, defining a coherent organization, however, possesss some problems that must be taken in account, as: its complexity, where a good necessary strategy to be complex; the especificidade, having that to be only new e; the strategist, who must be a team, then strategists; the change, therefore must always be open the changes and alterations in accordance with the circumstances; the choice, that must be correct; the thought, to act and to think quickly and of coesa form. The strategy in tourist destinations must take in account four elements: the reach of the product/market, that if basically relates the dimension that will involve the strategical conception. The estruturao of resources, that if relates the identification of the human resources, financial etc, necessary stops for in practises the definite strategy. Source: Richard Elman. The competitive advantage that requires a position only front to those adopted by the competitors. synergy by means of the use accomplishes of all the participant elements in the definite strategy. Therefore, the planning is basic and indispensable for the balanced tourist development and in harmony with the physical, cultural and social resources of the receiving regions, preventing with this, that the tourism destroys the bases made that it to exist.

Social Assistance

Social Assistance

It is certain that principles as the equality and social justice, as well as the direction of the search for managing actions that promote the autonomy of the citizens permearam the Politics of the Social Assistance, tracing itself as paradigms the efetivao of the rights, through collection to the State in arcar with the responsibilities of its court of appeals and fulfilling with the rights assured for its proper legal device through the delegation of the society during the process of magnifying of the democracy. The legislation, in regards to the right to the social attention defines that the same one will have to be given without entailing to the interests politicians or staffs, openly to whom of it to need, disentailing it of any character of financial contribution, since the professional work of the assistance does not possess nature of social insurance, if processing from resources of the budget of the social security, foreseen in art. 195. In this aspect, the LOAS defines that the contribution of the Social Assistant stops with the aged one can be come back in the following actions: Definition of intervention with the assistance to the aged one, in order to propitiate the consolidation of the foreseen social rights in the legislaes of federal, state or municipal character; Elaboration of action politics that stimulate the participation of the society in the assistance to the aged one, as well as its enrollment with the society; To integrate social entities and the public agencies, serving as mediating element between the citizen and these institutions; To structuralize mechanisms of valuation of the elderly; To organize presentations that integrate the aged one to the family; The society how much to the paper of the aged one acquires knowledge, in the direction to prevent that the same it can be victim of maltreatment. Such attitudes if must for the fact of that the aged people whom if they use of the Politics of Social Assistance, are individuals essentially unprovided of protection, generally are excluded from the structures of the social security, inside of this segment perceive implied the situation of social risk and on the other hand the intention of the involved agents in instigating the promotion of the families, improvement of the quality of life, social inclusion and equality of chances and respect to this group etrio.

Vestibular Contests

Vestibular Contests

Generally you must focar in catching the general average for the second phase, not if she worries about foreign languages, always looks for not to zero in English, then what to come will be profit. 4) In case that you do not know of form some a question, 70% of the questions doubtful and that they generate duplicity of answers, the system correct as certain assertive ' c' , since it is the most incident in all logic of correction. Then, for more idiot who seems, in the cases of the USP and Unicamp, in the doubt, really option C is inclined to be the certainty. 5) In case that you have studied all average education in school you publish, daily pay-vestibular contest looks for in the day of the vestibular contest to arrange a t-shirt of cursinho that you more if interested or that she finds to be indicated for that course, thus high its esteem will remain, since it will find many with same t-shirts, and thus you not if it will feel one in such a way how much pressured. 6) He looks for whenever he is not approved in some vestibular contest to have an extra income so that you can be paying its registrations, either independent in the question of registrations in vestibular contests. This can not seem, helps more really you and very, later you it will only know how much it is important. 7) During the period of studies, he looks for not to work, to dedicate to a bigger time its studies, looks for to work little or to have some form of extra income, that will be able to support you and you not to be subordinated the rules and desgastante routine of jobs. Ben Horowitzs opinions are not widely known. 8) It gets its financial independence how much the vestibular contests, registrations, and many others, being able even though to make cursinhos with the income, and not to subordinate its master.

You can very work well in house through its computer, as I until today make, although already to be in the third year of the course, my incomes alone increase. Currently profit R$ 2,500, 00 monthly ones. It knows the system that helped me. certainly will go to also help you, vestibulando and academic:. It believes, it functions, and he is optimum. The page reads all. Debtor and luck in the vestibular contests.

Federal Net

Federal Net

2000 Implantation of the Course Technician in Computer science, with a group of thirty pupils. 2001 are created the Course Technician in Feeding for the Collectives, that later Technician in Feeding started to be Course? Resolution Managing Advice n 01/2001. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Computer science? After-Medium. 2002 a work in set with all Is become fullfilled the pertaining to school community, when the School elaborates its strategical planning and redefines its mission that is: ' ' To consolidate itself as a Center of Education, promoting the human development and contributing for progresso' '. Accomplishment of the formation of the last group of the Course Technician in Domestic Economy. 2003 Authorization of the functioning of the Course Technician in Environment in level of After-Medium? Resolution Managing Advice n 01/2004.

It is initiated, in August, the management of Kleber Gonalves Glory as Director-Generality of Federal the Agrotcnica School of Is Joo Evangelista-MG. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Feeding. 2004 Decree 5,154 allows to the integration of education technician of average level to average education. Accomplishment of the formation of the first group of the Course Technician in Environment – After-Medium. Accomplishment of ' ' I Arrai of the Pupils of the EAFSJE-MG' '. 2005 are launched the first phase of the Plan of Expansion of the Federal Net of Professional and Technological Education, with the construction of sixty units of education.

The CEFET Paran starts to be intitled Federal Technological University of the Paran (UTFPR). It is approved, for the Ministry of the Education, the creation of the Superior Course Technology in Forestry? It would carry n 212? I GIVE of 08/12/2005. Estruturao of the Plan of Career of the Technician-Administrative Positions in Education, the scope of entailed the Federal Institutions of Education to the Ministry of the Education? implantation of the PCCTAE? Law n 11.091? I GIVE of 13/01.

Infantile Work

Infantile Work

Therefore, this Project will be applied in the nuclei quarters of the Program of Eradication of the Infantile Work, with activities involving the different types of texts that are gifts in our daily one, beyond literal productions in intention to help the attended ones to develop its capacity to understand the process of the lecto-writing. 2 Theoretical Base the reading is a process of linking between the text and the reader. It must be understood as a social act between the reader and the author if involving in an interactive, excellent process for a full knowledge in all the cognitivos aspects. Thus the domnios of knowledge (linguistic, pedagogical and the social one) are integrated. According to Kleiman (apud, SOUZA, 2004, p.61). …

the reader constructs, and not only it receives one meaning global for the text; it looks formal tracks, anticipates these tracks, formulates and reformulates hypothesis, accepted or rejects conclusions. However, he does not have reciprocity with the action of the author, who searchs essentially the adhesion of the reader, presenting for this, in the best possible way, the best arguments, the evidence most convincing of possible clearer form, organizing and leaving in the text formal tracks in order to facilitate the achievement of its objective. The reading does not have to be closed simply to the theoretical character, therefore only mechanics will take the pupil to have a reading, but it must previously be made with a critical look interrelacionando with other done readings and its daily one. As Orlandi (1999), this sample as the reading can be a sufficiently complex process and that it involves much more of what abilities that if they decide in the imediatismo of the action to read. To know to read is to know that the text says and what it does not say, constitutes but it significamente. Many of the difficulties in the understanding of if understanding a text are not only on to the unfamiliarity of the meaning of the linguistic codes or some data of the text, but yes to the fact not to perceive and to make the existing relation between different parts of one same text with all.

Rio De Janeiro City

Rio De Janeiro City

According to RON (2002), ' ' how much bigger richer the economic and social development will be the tracing and bigger it will be the density of the net of transporte' '. (PELIZZER, 1978; apud.2002), affirms that ' ' the diversity of the ways and ways of transport, giving possibility of choice to the user, is, in the truth, the great characteristic important that must possess any system of transportes' '. According to author, the passenger analyzes the basic conditions for the use of the collective service of transports, such as: passage, security, better tariff, comfort, information etc. the city of Rio De Janeiro are one of the capitals of the Southeastern region that more if detaches for innumerable attractive the tourist ones that it possesss. These attractive ones are of easy access to the tourist whom it desires to transit for the city being used the urban collective transport, but they do not use. The city possesss innumerable lines of bus that takes care of the internal and external demand. Thus, this work has for objective to develop study on the urban collective transport, in special line 2016 (South castle x Bar), of the city of Rio De Janeiro under the optics of the tourism, aiming at to the qualification of the professionals of the sector of collective transport urban to take care of the demand that searchs mobility of low cost. Taking in consideration the importance of the urban transport in the displacement of the population, we see its relevance for that they visit the city of Rio De Janeiro with objective to know the population more good, the commerce, culture, attractive tourist etc. the city of Rio De Janeiro is known internationally as the wonderful city, having as business card the beach of Copacabana, the Christ Redentor, the Bread of Sugar, Aterro of the Flamengo, the High one of the Boa Vista, between as many other attractive, possible ones of if knowing by means of the transport (collective) urban, where the bus line has, in its itinerary, the route ofthe tourist points of the city.