Amazonian Research

Amazonian Research

The essence of the relations of meaning inhabits in the circumstances that, in the course of the time historicidade and course of the life, underneath locks up the configuration of a vital trajectory on the base of the structure of the life and of the conditions of the way (Dirthey, 1986, p.266 apud FERNADES, 2009, P. s/n). It is understood, then, that the Man if constitutes as meant its form to act, to feel, to see, and its form of being in relation to everything what it is important for it? being thus, it discloses an identity, a culture. It in its considers itself despite evolutivo process was capable to generate symbols. White (1955) apud (LARAIA 2003, p.55) continues affirming that All culture depends on symbols, and that it is the exercise of the simbolizao college that creates the culture and the use of symbols that its perpetuation becomes possible. Without symbol he would not have culture, and the man would be only animal, not a human being. White continues saying that all the symbols must have a physical form, therefore opposes of it cannot penetrate in our experience, but its meaning cannot be perceived by the directions.

In other words, to perceive the meaning of a symbol it is necessary to know the culture created that it. Therefore, to think about capoeira as leisure is essential to adentrar itself in lives deeply of this manifestation through the groups practises the capoeira. In 2009, one got a investigativo study for half Nucleus of Studies and Amazonian Research in Sport and Leisure? Nepael of the State University of the one Stops. That through 20 capoeiristas, both the sexos, in the etria band to break of 18 years of age, integrant of the Groups of Capoeira of the region Metropolitan of Belm searched through the necessity to understand and to deepen the subject – Capoeira as Leisure, considering that the subject little is boarded for the communities scientific and capoeirana.

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