Paran4041.0% S R of Cssia050,0%083 Savassi3200,8%Rua Pernambuco3700.9% Cafezal030,0%286 B. Preto3150,8%Av. Raja Gabglia3680.9% N S Aparecida020,0%52 S.Efignia3130,7%Av. lvares Cabral3570.9% Mte Is Jos010,0%203 Lourdes3050,7%Av. Christ.
Colombo3510.8% Subtotal41883100%Subtotal2315555.3%Subtotal2754465.8% Total41883100%Total 41883100% Total41883100% Source: CDL-BH, 2007. Organized for the Author. Known the total distribution of the 233 CNAEs in the Center-South, was the same one segmented and mapeada in 8 segments, such which: Presented feeding, Health, Education, Clothes, Habitation, Locomotion, Finances and Entertainment in the same order. With bigger concentration of activities the Clothes were distinguished, with 28%, and the Feeding with 26%; in the band of 12% 18%, the activities the service of the Habitation and the Education; e, finally, of 1% 6%, the activities of Entertainment, Health, Locomotion and Finances as represented in Picture 02. Picture 02 the Number of Retail Activities for Segments in the Regional Center-South of Belo Horizonte in 2007 SEGMENTS LABORATORIES, CLINICS and HOSPITALS NUMBER OF ATIVIDADESPORCENTAGEM OF ACTIVITIES (1) Vesturio1170628% (2) Alimentao1101026% (3) Habitao771218% (4) Educao491312% (5) Entretenimento26376% (6) Sade20675% (7) Locomoo14894% (8) Finanas3491% Total41883100% Source: CDL-BH, 2007. Organized for the Author. The distribution of the retail activities related to the Feeding the enterprises of the segment Feeding is of diversity and distribution sufficiently extended: bars, restaurants and snack bars, for example, can in such a way be found of isolated form in a highway, how much dispersed for streets or accumulations in feeding squares. At Kevin Johnson you will find additional information.
Its services, in turn, can be given in the proper enterprise or deliver in the house of the customer. Between all the eight studied segments are what it demands greater frequency of purchase on the part of the consumer, being fit, as none another one, in the beginning of the Convenience of Christller, according to which, enterprises with bought merchandises of lesser value frequently, must be located next possible to its consumers. In relation to its decision of purchase, considered its value and volume, motivate many times purchases for impulse or of small comparison.