

' ' that semelha in very to the space of the primitive man of the caves, dark and located in refo- it them of the quarter. What it indicates a place of difficult access, where the ones would only go to venture themselves that was obliged for a survival question. In this exactly stretch the author places in evidences one another space, as the reality of the dream of the reality of the life was divided: Azevedo (2005. p, 1) ' ' … when leaving master Par frog the land … ' ' The reality, a laborious one and sacrificed life for some changed, the dream was the progress of the industries that had forced this exactly master to launch it the world in search of wealth and, for which, returned now as Sir.

We can perceive in the form as the spaces are placed in relation the individual that both are real. One represents the reality that one day banished from its limits the man who now will return as master after to have extorquido the wealth of a people who exists in another reality, the other space, the reality of Romo, that it supports and it finances the reality of the old Par tro, that was dream, while it did not make use this of the ways necessary to return it. Romo Joo represents the evolutionary jump of the primitive man, with its limited and deficient original capital, for the mercantilism, that requires the ownership of the ballast capital for its operations. Capital this that most of the time were fruit of the brazen exploration by means of the land ownership and lives on behalf of a bigger power that if constitua in the state monr- quico absolutist. According to Nicola (2004. p, 125): ' ' … While in Brazil predominated the manufacture and the hand of enslaved workmanship, in the European countries the industry if it developed fully.

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