Tag Archives: literature

The Oculus-Verlag With Fairytale King Achim At The Leipzig Book Fair 2011

The Oculus-Verlag With Fairytale King Achim At The Leipzig Book Fair 2011

Drama presentation by author and tale telling actor of Joachim Vaross at the 20.03, 16:00 at the Leipzig book fair reading Cafe. The Leipzig book fair (17.03.-20.03.2011) comes in big steps closer and the last preparations in the oculus-Verlag. With “Hangover Max and his journey through time”, “Achim who tells fairy King: new tale of winter and Christmas time” as well as “I’m in a fairy tale” lays the oculus-Verlag to the Leipzig book fair in Hall 5, booth C419 before its first programme. 20.03, 16:00, reading Cafe of the Leipzig book fair, Hall 4 – A505 will be writer and fairy tale narrative actor of Joachim Vaross in fairy tale book published October 2010 “Achim who tells fairy tale King: new tales of winter and Christmas time” present a spectacle. (Oculus-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-942567-02-2) This book is Joachim Vaross to six new tales for children, parents and grandparents, the fairy tale King Achim, alias, with much warmth and heart has written and which were illustrated with great attention to detail by Susanne Hartmann. Click Kim Garfunkel to learn more. The heroes of this exciting Geshcichten must be against evil people, huge Giants and powerful spells.

And they all succeed with their confidence and their love. The book was previously reviewed by Ingo Schmitz (Westfalen sheet; press / WestfalenBlatt.jpg); Jurgen winemakers (the dung beetle, press / Mistkaefer.jpg) and the Westfalenpost (www.oculus-verlag.de/ press / WestfalenPost.jpg). Joachim Vaross – as Achim who is fairy tale King known – today one of the most popular storytellers of in Germany. He had visited rhetoric courses decades ago, took acting lessons, and long worked in adult education. Worked decades ago as an engineer, he was looking for a new field of activity, which is not only fun, but also of cultural and, if possible, the world is a very small little advances. Well, fun an creative work with creative people and who is more creative than children? And what makes children priority in turn a lot of joy, brings them but also imperceptibly important life help without the threat? The good old fairy tales! Finally lived Joachim Vaross also at that time in Breuna bet singing – near Kassel and thus exactly where emerged the world’s most famous fairy tale collection, in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale land. There are now around the 4,000 fairy tale plays at over 600 events organised by Achim, the fairy King, in the last few years.



I think it’s incredibly important to give people guidance and worked out for me as our most important asset in particular in the fields of health, money, and knowledge. “Appeared a few weeks ago the book what is man?” the BoD Verlag. Unfortunately, she had to refuse an author agreement with the Goethe-Verlag Frankfurt, the author decided in her second book again for the self-published. Years, I have discussed with a friend about fundamental questions of being human and hoped that he would publish this book. Unfortunately he, had not the courage.” As the journalist, IT consultant and technical writer decided to handle this initially strange for her subject from philosophy as widely as possible and to write a book about it. For even more details, read what Wendy Holman says on the issue. In the course of writing, she repeatedly discovered basic concepts of human life, which are interpreted differently by different groups or in past and present. She need to have a on all these views usually to her work which is Man?”to make comprehensive. “In the interest but a speedy completion she renounced these details and gave the additional subtitle their script an introduction”.

This little book with 38 chapters may be the so far most common work to the description of our today’s existence as human beings and for each interesting to read, looking for guidance in their own lives. If I could find a publisher who supports my work, I would expand like this introduction, also with regard to the number of the chapter.” But not only the extension of the book what is man?”the writer at heart, but also a second continuation volume, which may be what am is I?” could mean and the human in the future should be. Never an orientation for the future in this society I met, I could work towards. That I really miss”. Click Wayne Holman to learn more. But that’s still not all. The author would like to make people of the future already in the present and has her vision on their private Homepage laid down. I think it’s incredibly important to give people guidance and worked out for me as our most important asset in particular in the fields of health, money, and knowledge.” The book, what is man? The author writes an introduction ISBN 978-3-8370-4298-6, paperback, 84 pages, 14.00 blurb of the book in the individual chapters of the life and the time, animals and children. “” She questioned many words such as friendship,”hope”and love”, she looks at our work, our products, and the money, mind, spirit and intelligence do not fool themselves, questioning the age and our values, deals with the past and the future, truth and lie, with desire and plan.

Knowledge and education, education, school, science and morality are additional areas of their consideration. You can look in our history and in our own, is based on the Bible and on Marxism. Then she sets aside so to speak again both, to finally arrive… Press contact: Ina Doering, P.



Own experiences and readings in the fight against depression depression is an incisive, thus experience – for those affected as for nationals! The leaden seriousness of the body and the thoughts, positive in the world to watch the inability, the crippling blackness, which robs one of the last strength. At the age of 28, I had to hear a depression on his own body. Staying in a psychiatric day clinic, I understood it fine to pitfalls all soul and to interpret the collapse as a bout of weakness. Only after a terrible relapse dawned on me that there is maybe more than a bout of weakness behind and I went in stationary psychiatric treatment. My fear to trust a psychologist and look into my soul was stronger than my fear of the depression. It flared up an inner struggle over the question of whether I should or not engage me in the therapy. Filed under: Stanley Tucci. I am writing to this inner struggle in humorous, self-ironic way in my autobiographical novel “blue beans and broken hearts. According to my readers, this book is a good opportunity, humorous way, but it with the necessary seriousness with the subject of psychotherapy apart put as of affected and as members! However, my main project is that I offer a platform through readings, to inform themselves about depression and to ask questions that “burn to the soul”. Recently, I gave a reading in the series of events to promote health in mental disease of the Alliance against depression in collaboration with the Alliance against depression. After the lecture, the interested parties had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about my way out of the depression. Would you know about Depessionen? Are you interested in that I give a reading on the subject?

The Strategies

The Strategies

Paratanto interviews had only enriched the research because this half a fontesbibliogrficas will go to extend this quarrel. In face of this to it I finish it mesmodocumento is possible to appraise a valuable instrument of research for futurosestudantes of Letters, which in formation for the teaching have for obligation umaprofundamento in this study, istovenha to contribute for the success of its teaching work. However before sealmejar to arquitetar strategies for the literature education a same apreciaodesta will be viable literature in its essence. For more information see this site: Stuart B. Solomon. Only thus, when this apprehension to secompletar will be possible to integrate this knowledge to education; why partirda projection of education will not become only to transfer information; esclarecidodo value and importance of literature unquestionedly, the educator to vaiutilizar this resource its favor and of its pupils. As well as the informing diversidadedos, the material of bibliographical matrix will be given. Since partindode different boardings will be possible to discourse with more easiness on oassunto in guideline. Beyond contributing with clarifications and tips of comorealizar this education; the authors had elucidated by means of some quarrels cited talimportncia to literature.

Foramentrevistados three informers: one does not possess specific formation for ensinarliteratura excessively possesss this formation; however still well different position possesss a look euma on the subject. Also the strategies tomadaspara to attract the attention and the interest of the pupils if distinguish sufficiently. possvel to affirm that these on the part some are made of random form or emmaior damage: literature is apprehended outside of an artistic focus. Muitasvezes remains for the pupils enfadonhas lessons filled of episdioshistricos integrated with the biography of some author of prominence in the style depoca. As if when showing some poem or I break up of a workmanship was suficientepara if to consider these lessons as ' ' of literatura' '. In this perspectivaenfatiza that a didactics with these characteristics must it elements alemde one formation: the pleasure of the citizen for the manifest Art in its lessons.



' ' that semelha in very to the space of the primitive man of the caves, dark and located in refo- it them of the quarter. What it indicates a place of difficult access, where the ones would only go to venture themselves that was obliged for a survival question. In this exactly stretch the author places in evidences one another space, as the reality of the dream of the reality of the life was divided: Azevedo (2005. p, 1) ' ' … when leaving master Par frog the land … ' ' The reality, a laborious one and sacrificed life for some changed, the dream was the progress of the industries that had forced this exactly master to launch it the world in search of wealth and, for which, returned now as Sir.

We can perceive in the form as the spaces are placed in relation the individual that both are real. One represents the reality that one day banished from its limits the man who now will return as master after to have extorquido the wealth of a people who exists in another reality, the other space, the reality of Romo, that it supports and it finances the reality of the old Par tro, that was dream, while it did not make use this of the ways necessary to return it. Romo Joo represents the evolutionary jump of the primitive man, with its limited and deficient original capital, for the mercantilism, that requires the ownership of the ballast capital for its operations. Capital this that most of the time were fruit of the brazen exploration by means of the land ownership and lives on behalf of a bigger power that if constitua in the state monr- quico absolutist. According to Nicola (2004. p, 125): ' ' … While in Brazil predominated the manufacture and the hand of enslaved workmanship, in the European countries the industry if it developed fully.

Nikolai Fedorovich

Nikolai Fedorovich

He directly off the bat: "What are you, Nikolai Fedorovich, State heads to cheat? I am forty years old with money do, grayer on this matter, and is the first time I've seen! "Well I'm certainly in ambition. And he was so ehidtsey asked me: "How many days in February?" I say-. "This year, because it is not a leap year, twenty-eight." "And what did you write that in February, twenty-nine, and for an extra day expedition across the field, salary, and accrued and currency paid? "Then I remembered the line and change dates. "Pavel Nikolayevich, you know, the Earth is spherical and rotates around the Earth's axis " But I said it, he suddenly rises to his full height and mighty Grenadier screams that our howler in the fog. "I – said – ten classes finished, I have not finished the military finance higher education, and I myself know that the Earth is round, and you're here every geography shortage does not cover your " And he went lecturing I have all the rules of accounting, and science. Continuation was, of course, in the office of our director Aleksei Fedorovich Krechetova. He immediately figured out what was wrong, and we together have tried to explain Pavel Nikolayevich that going through a change of dates for circumnavigation, there are two days from one date, as to the days that have arisen due to Earth's rotation around its axis, added one more day crawling through the ship around the globe. But Pavel stood firm: "Aleksei Fedorovich, perhaps, in geography and possibly to twice repeated the same date but accounting was not like this and never will.

Sustente Victims

Sustente Victims

In the essence, them the same ones that they had always been, However mescladas with these are ideas and These attitudes redculas of our time, therefore much more confused. We men are we are victims as he seems, We are in the truth responsible for our condition, To the truth we are that we chafurdamos in this sexual freedom conquered by the woman, Them had fought for this sexual freedom that as much we longed for, and that now we make all men and women victims of we ourselves. Chafurdamos in the sex and we lose the motivation for the conquest, Since the sex was our longed for sky, does not have more sky for the man When a woman does not think nor feels nothing, she only opens the legs and ready. Recently Howard Schultz sought to clarify these questions. We are also very confused, we are the result of the conquests of the woman, the power of the woman became the man submisso, and the consequence of this is the metrossexual man Who is a type of man submisso to the whims of the Resulted woman of the power of this woman.

Or is resulted of its proper sexual confusion. We are not victims, we are in the truth responsible For this failure in meeting of the human being, We want the women wife with prostitute function, Prostitute with wife function, We want virgin girls with flowers in the hair, We want fatal women who in Sustente, We want adorable wife, We want independent woman socially, We want loving submissas to our sexual whims, We want children and family, We want to be the patriarch, Mr., how much we do not pass of drunks Whom he only knows to speak of Soccer and the woman of the others, We want to leave this disaster, But never we buy a book, How much we buy any thing similar to a book Is the last magazine of playboy. Which the biggest symbol of the power and the freedom of the woman and the imitation that the woman makes of the man if not it club of the women. We are not motivated, lost and victims of the easy and accidental sex, We are victims of Modernity who we invent, We are victims of industrialization who we invent. You already heard some fatalista man today, This you are part of the instinct most primitive of the Man, To kill the family because this without its dignity of man. We are victims of the war of the sex That was sponsored and stimulated for industrialization.

Strategies To Achieve Happiness

Strategies To Achieve Happiness

Few people have sat down to analyze deeply what they want in life, or what circumstances cause them true happiness, if we stop a bit to think about shapes and patterns that exist in the society soon we will realize that many people only follow the trends of the majority or let others think for themselvesfor example I remember I studied a master’s degree and find myself with the vast majority of my former classmates I realize that more than 90% is not even exercising area of expertise that we studied, many are repentant, others want to get a different one, etc. What I can say from my own experience is that we do not think seriously if those studies was our true desire and we let ourselves be guided by the current that is now necessary to obtain master’s degrees, I do not say that you have not learned anything or that those additional studies were a waste, but in my case I analyze the cost and time, by what I consider that it would have been more satisfying for my having invested in the companies that have now, what happened?, well spent as the majority of people and it is following a trend or line of thought without analyzing if that brings real satisfaction and happiness, for example we know that titles represent some kind of recognition, but now I can say certainly that this is only an implanted belief and something which is remarked with the time. The truth is that the study opens up many possibilities and I will always incite the people who do it, but we must ponder what we wish, it is not correct to make decisions lightly because it’s our life, will at the end be us who will pay the price to live in bitterness due to a bad decision, why always must be clear about the path of our dreamseach one of us have come here to be happy, but paradoxically this is not happening in many people I speak with friends, family, I have visited several public and private companies and I find that these people are not happy with the work performed, feel frustration every day that rise to his works, etc. This should not be .tenemos to thoroughly rethink our life, we make decisions that help us feel a great happiness. Life will always be filled with obstacles we need to overcome, but when we are in the correct path each adverse circumstance becomes a challenge and invades us a great emotion to overcome each barrier that we present, however when we are in the path wrong every day will be an ordeal, they will spend the years we will have many troubles, in addition we will not give the best of each one of us and we affect our work and our lives. Each of us deserve true joy and happiness, are spectacular and wonderful beings, we are huge stars, but we can only shine if we are on the road that give us great satisfaction, it’s our life, not demos feet back to what we want, although initially it may seem far away, all success stories have had to overcome major obstacles but the reward It is a wonderful experience, you was born to be great, make this trip a spectacular adventure.