You decide to buy clothes. In the first step, the test, you visualize the clothes that desire in its head with all the possible details (color, model, type of fabric, short or long sleeve in the case of blouse or shirt, you must use in its mind all the five directions, vision, tato, palate, olfato and hearing? in this step the Proposal occurs). In as the step, to operate, engloba the steps to follow to find it, you Deliberate here for example how much she goes to cost, which the store that you already have mental register that they could offer the desired clothes, which the salesman or the salesman who better took care of to it of he finishes time (optimum rapport established). In the third step, the second test or decision, compares the clothes that you had desired with whom you have to the front and Decide for buying or not. Finally, the exit or the Action, if the two coincide, you make the purchase and leave strategy and when leaving is important that you revise the process all and are thankful for having materialized the desired clothes, thus you will be creating space for a new desire in its life, therefore all the process will have been completed, but if they do not coincide, it leaves the strategy without buying and can come back to repeat the steps until its desire to have the clothes if materializes. Peace and Success!.