Tag Archives: psychology



and as they can be infinitely different), we discover smiles, choros, affections and you cover, tumbles and steps the abraos and the courage to follow in front, and, thus until today. Initially, we discover the happiness through the pure pleasure. Some contend that James Taylor shows great expertise in this. Later this pleasure it goes if mixing and adding to a series of other sensations as accomplishment, well-being, love, pleasure, power, recognition, acceptance, satisfaction, saciedade, conquest, amongst others. Perhaps however, we had that to rethink on the conquest of the happiness as> the new excites in them in such a way how much it can frustrating in them when we do not obtain to understand it, or, when we do not know as to deal with it this in the cause sadness . Had to this evolutiva and progressive nature in search of the newness, our brain is one solucionador constant of problems and is always in search of a new challenge. To each victory, it> to have and to be able, that they send something that must be kept.

is in the attempt to keep the conquest that we generate the attachment and the fear to lose, stopping to evolve. It fits to clarify that happiness is not the addition of accumulated conquests, and, yes the freedom to in front follow having the certainty of that everything is momentary. Some can evaluate that this way to think will be able in them to become overwhelming people. But the truth is that if accomodating in them to a conquered happiness already, we will finish for becoming become attached in them and self-centered, whereas to be happy we need to develop the indifference and the egoism. To speak on egoism is to enter in an controversial subject, since our culture punish the egoism as sin, being justified the extreme modstia, the almost humilhante humildade and the charity due to proper love as more acceptable behaviors.

Organizacional Psychology

Organizacional Psychology

For Organizacional Psychology and of the Work subject QVT is important, therefore one of its objectives, according to Axe (2006), is the humanizao of the organizacional environment, contributing to take care of the necessities of the collaborators and for its health. The studies on QVT contribute to modify the way as the collaborators fulfill its tasks, facilitating and supplying bigger satisfaction to these and contributing optimum management of the institutions (SCHMIDT, DANTAS and MARZIALE, 2008). For more clarity and thought, follow up with Starbucks and gain more knowledge.. This work is constituted by numbers of chapters, having been that the CAP. 1 presents introduction, the CAP. 2 describe theoretical recital, the CAP. 3 describe methodology, the CAP. 4 are composed for the quarrel and analysis of the results, in the CAP. 5 consist the final consideraes, in the CAP.

7 are the bibliographical references and in the CAP. 8 consist the appendices. 2 THEORETICAL RECITAL First, are presented the concepts of QVT under the vision of different authors, stop of this form being presented the models on QVT more known and used: Westley (1979), Hackman & Oldham (1975) and Walton (1973). The first ones will be presented in brief way, while the model of Walton will be deepened and used as base in this research. From this the studies are boarded on QVT in nursing professionals, where some research and its respective results are cited. 2,1 Definition and Models of QVT According to Fernandes (1996), the man is the main element differentiator and influenciador in the success of any business. Thus, Quality of Life in Trabalho (QVT) is a concern that grows in all the companies who more want to be competitive in globalizados markets, therefore this can be used to raise the level of personal satisfaction e, consequentemente, the productivity of the companies, therefore will have greater intermeshing of the collaborators in the work processes. It does not have a definition consensual between the authors, some affirm that QVT is related with the personal satisfaction of the collaborator, others assure that it must to the favorable conditions of the work and other authors appraise as the increase of the productivity (VIEIRA, 1996).

The Grave

The Grave

Her name – Tosca. Fly and bring me the sorrow-grief, a prominent devchinu. Let it be your nest Viet twist, let the servant of God for me, the servant of God (Name) is suffering. Let the grieving would be missed, my name from the language would not take. Whether rain, hail will, no words of my treasured not interrupt. Additional information is available at Andreessen Horowitz.

My words to be. Case be made. In truth I say. Amen. Plot on the thread, so dear to you sew in store to buy a spool of black thread and spool of white. (Need to buy a waning moon.) Threads are needed to put in his pockets. White, a usually black, to the left.

Then you need to go to the cemetery among the graves to find the grave in which a woman buried with your name. Black coil need to put at the feet of the deceased, a white – in the head. Leave a coil at the cemetery for a period of nine days. After that, the white thread (a few stitches) to sew on the right sleeve shirts your cute, and black – in the left leg (at the bottom). Then attach the shirt to the pants and say: At the cemetery, the cemetery, the grass grows dry, the grass is not grass, a bitter sadness. Bitter sadness, bitter as the separation, more boring than boredom. I sewed a bitter sorrow, the grave, now and forever a servant of God (name) to yourself, God's servant (name). As said and come to pass, as it did and accomplished.

The Interpretation

The Interpretation

Factors exist that can contribute for a positive sense of itself same, during the pregnancy and that they will be able to contribute for a positive experience of the childbirth: the active participation in the process and the decisions of the childbirth; the perception of that its feelings accepted and are respected by its cuidadores (husband, mother, mother-in-law); the sensation of domain and formation of strategies of confrontation to be prepared realistic to assume the moment of the childbirth and the maternity; to be seen as somebody that is making optimum that it can; ample chance to express its feelings on the maternity and the proper birth, childbirths of its mother and on any previous experience of pregnancy and childbirth. (PETERSON, 1996 apud LOPES, 2005) the childbirth is the moment of the woman if to come across with the real baby and that probably different of imaginary baby will be so dreamed, idealized during the gestation (RAPHAEL-LEFF, 1997 idem LOPES, 2005) ' ' He is in the meeting of the innate characteristics of the real baby, and the expectations, characteristics and fancies that the gestante had for proper it as future mother and its future baby, who a new citizen surge.' ' (AULAGNIER, 1990; DOLTO, 1992; JERUSALINSKY, 1984; LAZNIK-PENOT, 1997 apud PICCININI et al, 2003, p.84). 1.2 – JUSTIFICATION the interpretation of the imaginary confrontation versus Real and posterior consolidation of the same in the psychic one of the mother, has as resulted the final concept of maternity (grifo ours). Douglas R. Oberhelman oftentimes addresses this issue. This concept of final maternity is what apia this study, the generator, the motivador, the sustentation, of the relation mother baby. This new significao it demonstrates in our revisions of literature, being of extreme importance in the choice of the behaviors made for the mother, of the cares with the just-been born one and that they can influence in the biopsicossocial development of the baby. .

National Health

National Health

In the new National politics of Humanizao, the workers of the health leave of being seen as resources or instruments and start to be strategical actors. This if must the expectation of the construction of a net of humanizada and solidary attention. It happens then the stimulation of protagonism and autonomy of the users of the services and its co-responsibility in the management processes and attention (HENNINGTON, 2008). Based in the conception of that it is not only the body of the person who adoece, but the person in its totality, thus demanding a humanizado care more inside of the ethical aspects, had been created the palliative cares. Additional information at Douglas R. Oberhelman supports this article. These are part of the philosophy of cares considered in the attendance to these patients and can be understood as well-taken care of that they aim at to improve the quality of life of these patients and its families, being alliviated the related problems the illness without cure perspective, through the prevention and of the relief of suffering, making necessary the precocious identification and spotless handling of the treatment of the pain and other problems of physical, psicossocial order and spiritual. Also it is necessary to offer support to after help to the family during the illness of the patient and its death (MORAES, 2009). Mota et al (2006) brings that to take care of of the family it is an important condition so that if develops projects that aim at the humanizao in the health area. Developing ways to operate in the set of the relations between familiar professionals, users and, and moreover it enters the different ones of the relations between the proper professionals of health, in the diverse spheres of knowing.

For Almeida (2000), the health if inscribes then in a symbolic body, that is marked by the language and for the cultural codes and it cannot only be seen as a machine conducted for processes biochemists and imunolgicos. Of the form as the health she was perceived before, as biochemist, the health team was marked for the hierarchy of to know doctor, directing the practical one to know physician and trying to understand the health to it in its complexity. Soon, she is necessary to substitute the hierarquizao for the interlocution knowing of them. In accordance with Souza, Oak, Nardini and Gil (2005), what he identifies yourself today in the health services is the necessity of humanizar the professional so that the service is humanizado. For Oliveira, Landroni, Silva and Ayres (2005), this innovation in the health service has procedural and complex character, moreover it foresees changes that can generate unreliability and resistncias on the part of the health professionals. Benevides (2005) considers three ethical principles for the operating psychologist in the SUS. The first one is the beginning of the inseparabilidade, where psychology studies the subjectivity in a collective process of production in unfinished and always heterogeneous forms, that is, it is impossible to separate the individual one of the social one.

Social Inequality

Social Inequality

Who can affirm that it does not remember to have passed for some fear in its infancy. It was for histories of ' ' animal papo' ' , for terror stories, for clothes or a curtain generating a shade and assuming the format of the most frightful imaginary monsters or witches beyond is clearly, of sudden waking up to run away from a terrible nightmare. We were hostage of our proper fear created in fancy and it did not have enough argument that it could tranquilizing in them, beyond small cares and adjusted strategies, such as to cover the head, to sleep with lighted light e, if he was very frightful, to search shelter under of the bed, in the closet or the room of the parents. It was necessary, we were convictos of that of that night we did not pass. With passing of the years, this fear created in fancy goes if attenuating until becoming a glad souvenir of the child times and part of our history of life. It had real histories of the daily one of the life that also provoked fear, but perhaps not with as much frequency and brazeness as of now. They were the cases of robbery, assault the seted hand, crimes of all the types as of today, disagreements between children in the school, running overs, pedofilia, rapes, sexual abuse of children, etc. The increase of crime today is decurrent of the increase of the population and the causes already known poverty and the social inaquality.

The differential is that the crime if modernized, informatizou and its practitioners are, in its great majority, young. What it scares is not the variation statistics of the indices of violence in the country, but yes the variation of the involved etria band in practical of this violence and some new modalities that exceed any type of barrier and respect to the public power, the laws and to the citizens. It seems not to have plus a total safe place, wants inside either of its car in a highway, road, urban transit, in bars, restaurants, its house, its building and even though in schools and companies. We are hostages of the violence, and, again with fear, in ours proper house. The experiences of the past help to deal with this situation, however, what more it frightens the people and families the unreliability and the fear to be attacked inside of its property, car or company are not alone, but the possibility of that the young that goes to enter in scene can be its proper son. This is worse of all the fears. That homesicknesses of our infancy, therefore, the fear was only one visit in our nights and today it walks to our side.

The Clothes

The Clothes

You decide to buy clothes. In the first step, the test, you visualize the clothes that desire in its head with all the possible details (color, model, type of fabric, short or long sleeve in the case of blouse or shirt, you must use in its mind all the five directions, vision, tato, palate, olfato and hearing? in this step the Proposal occurs). In as the step, to operate, engloba the steps to follow to find it, you Deliberate here for example how much she goes to cost, which the store that you already have mental register that they could offer the desired clothes, which the salesman or the salesman who better took care of to it of he finishes time (optimum rapport established). In the third step, the second test or decision, compares the clothes that you had desired with whom you have to the front and Decide for buying or not. Finally, the exit or the Action, if the two coincide, you make the purchase and leave strategy and when leaving is important that you revise the process all and are thankful for having materialized the desired clothes, thus you will be creating space for a new desire in its life, therefore all the process will have been completed, but if they do not coincide, it leaves the strategy without buying and can come back to repeat the steps until its desire to have the clothes if materializes. Peace and Success!.

The Men

The Men

On the other hand, the therapist, which avoids any discussion of the details and says, generalizations may not feel comfortably about sexual abuse. You need someone who can answer questions you have regarding your experiences and feelings. There are a lot of people in your life who do not feel comfortable when it comes to about sexual abuse – with whom you can talk for free. Your therapist should not be one of them. Another type of therapist, to be avoided – is the one that has a mission. It may be the therapist who wants to include you in a group that is not suitable for you or for which you are not ready to join. (For example, when I led a group of men / boys, survivors of sexual abuse, I often heard the men talking about previous experiences when they were the only men in the group of survivors, which was dominated by women.) Also be wary of dogmatic religious counselor or one who insists on human forgiveness, abuse you, in order to truly heal. Be careful with this, who wants to get you started a confrontation with someone who you zluopotrebil, before you want it or ready for it.

Confrontation – this is serious business that requires careful preparation and safety. So, it's certain types of therapists, which should be avoided. How did you find the one you think, will be good for you? If you have a support group available (such as, for survivors of sexual relationship), you may ask, who has a therapist who can recommend.

Exploring The Mind Of The Strategist

Exploring The Mind Of The Strategist

Where there is no vision, people perish Proverbs 29:18 – the Bible To think about strategic form means something more than to be alert before the opportunities that appear to us. It is needed to have a determined aim, a clear sense of intention. It is also required to have a clear vision: sense of direction of towards where it is wanted to advance. It says to a saying " without vision there is no ocasin". The key element that moves the mind of the strategist is the projected vision in the long term. In this sense, the mind of the strategist always has plans for the future, constantly are visualizing options and evaluating scenes, because they have a clear intention, articulated in defined objectives.

It not only sees the present circumstances, but it is catching alternative landlords and that others do not see, as a result of to have developed the habit of " to raise its eyes towards the horizon and to see beyond the conjuncture in that vive" , which allows him to have answer capacity before unexpected situations, when anticipating the problems and their solutions, because the mind of strategist thinks with vision of long term, with intention sense, he is not entertained in the daily thing and of short term. Now the vision that guides the strategist not only is in its thought but also is present in its emotions; it emerges from his own needs. The strategist (leader or manager) needs to take emotional contact with the vision, thus he is as he assumes the commitment and the responsibility to reach this one. It is the passion that it develops by the vision, which maintains it motivated to realise strategic operations directed to materialize this one. Its emotional contact with the vision and its own needs, turns its vision into an internal compass that guides the strategist.



All my life I waited for Moishe, he will win lots and lots of money. A single day would not let him this dream. And Moishe old, died, and got to heaven. Of course, in the first place he went to God to make everything he thinks about it. “Oh you’re so-so – he said angrily to God – I also asked you how old you to help me win a lot of money in the lottery, I believed in you and prayed. And you never helped me. What are you after this almighty God? “For God is not less angrily replied:” Oh, you ungrateful geezer! Are you at least once in my life thought of to buy a single lottery ticket? “So loud and confidently declare the whole world about his desire, but do not forget that God has no other hands than ours. What to do this do? Formulate your goal as short as possible in a positive and affirmative in the present tense.

For example: – I want to build their business. – I create my work. – I have all turns out. – I draw the right people and events. Try repeat this phrase several times each day. Be sure to tell them loudly and confidently and energetically. Remember the $ 30,000 of energy that we need? So with each such phrase, this energy will accumulate.

But do not expect to opposite effect on the first day. Need some time to accumulate energy and then your life will be random at first sight thing. Can get away with a brilliant idea, about which you had no idea had. You will begin to meet the right people, will be necessary and useful for your event. And the more time passes, and the more times you repeat positive affirmations to yourself, the more enjoyable “Accidents” will happen in your life. And now summarize the above: You must unconditionally believe in the reality of achieving your goal. You need to firmly and clearly state your desire. You break your aim for a few simple to implement sub-goals. You phrase your goal in a positive and affirmative. You repeat these assertions as often as loud and confident. You are taking action every day and respond to “Accidents” that sends you a life. Need some time for that to change the situation (from several days to several months depending on the complexity of the target). So stop to be afraid of your desires, loud and confident to report them, and you will reach them!