The teacher faces a group of students who have entrusted him (what she could be the patient in the case of the doctor) on which must act responsibly with the greater number of alternatives (strategies) that allow to overcome the difficulties or to develop with them a plan that the future makes possible to being useful the society to them. I excite of the teacher is based on success that reaches the students. The teacher is not only an instructor, must be the LEADER that orients, models, he generates and he sells the idea to its students that everything is possible in the life and that is only required of ATTITUDE. " A leader has changed the destiny of a town, several leaders could change the history of mundo" (Adonai Neat Jaramillo). The teacher who visiono in this proposal is that one that plays the role of the agronomist to whom trusts the responsibility to him of an X culture amount of earth. Which is the attitude of this professional? to verify first of all, scientifically if the land in its totality is apt for the culture and those " focos" of earth that is not to give him the chemical treatment it that is required to place it in equal apt terrain conditionses. That is the teacher who requires this proposal.
Guaranteed the transit by the different moments from the process, the opportunity has occurred him to the student so that it has taken the subject like a pretext or consumption to develop thought abilities that in the end allow to develop competitions him in their different dimensions. In the model To + and + To, they pay several theories of the learning. When proposing the subject, the teacher must be sure that the students know clearly, of consistent and coherent way the previous knowledge that are required to receive the new information to reconstruct a new knowledge (Theory of the significant Learning of Ausbell).