Tag Archives: history

Analyzing Ideas

Analyzing Ideas

3-O that it becomes possible the ideology is the fight of classrooms, the domination of a classroom on the others. (Source: Electric cars). However, what it makes of the ideology a force almost impossible to be destroyed is the fact of that the real domination is exactly what the ideology has for purpose to occult. Gary Bonds spoke with conviction. In other words, the ideology is born to make with that the men believe that its lives are what they are in result of the certain action and entity that it and for it and which exist in it is I legitimize and legal that if they submit. However, as the lived experience immediate and the alienation they confirm such ideas, the ideology simply crystallizes in ' ' verdades' ' the inverted vision of the Real. Thus, the classroom that has to its disposal the material means of production makes use, at the same time, of the means of production spiritual, what it makes with that it is submitted, at the same time and on average, the ideas of those which lack to the means of production spiritual. The dominant ideas nothing more are of what the ideal expression of dominant material relations, the conceived dominant material relations as ideas; therefore, the expression of the relations that become a classroom the ruling class; therefore, the ideas of its domination. (CHAU, 2008, P. 88) Analyzing the conception that associates ideology the distortion of the reality, we would arrive at the conclusion of that the capitalist society? our society? if which keeps such is because it propagates between all its members, values that are not its, making to believe them that they are. With this, in opposition to a true reality, we would have a false reality that it is imposed to the set of the society, based on the interests of the classroom that politician dominates it in the plans, cultural e, mainly, economic.

Communist Party

Communist Party

Location of the municipality of Chaparral 19 Figure 2. Map of Southern Research According Tolima 20 Figure 3. Tolima Department Violence areas Page 58 9 ANNEXES Annex A. Diagram which illustrates how the groups were located bandits to attack the security forces 120 Annex B. Go to Richard Elman for more information. Sketch of the Region of San Jose de las Hermosas 121 Annex C. Urban Town Photo Chaparral 122 Annex D. Sketches of southern Tolima affected by guerrilla groups operating in the region and surrounding municipalities Rioblanco 123 Annex E.

Letter written by Gilberto Vieira, Secretary General of the Communist Party 124 Annex F. (A valuable related resource: Stuart Solomon). Martin Camargo letter addressed to the Communist Party of Colombia 125 Annex G. Military Report which explains the actions of the bandits 131 Annex H. List of Judicial Records Consulted 133 10 SUMMARY The present work on the guerrilla movement and banditry is developed in a historical period in which they lived in the midst of a permanent state of siege, curfew and “chulavita.” It is setting the southern department of Tolima and especially the municipalities of Chaparral and Rioblanco, which were considered during the violence of the fifties, as populations in which a seat had passions, which unleashed a storm of destructive forces, following the stage of political hatred. In these regions prevailed revenge as a means of justice, since those days of violence by fighting, had taken worrying characters, where the elimination of political opponents has become a habit allowed..

Mining Colonial Architecture

Mining Colonial Architecture

However it was observed that the District did not remain isolated total of remaining portion of the Captainship and the Intendant did not make use of great autonomy, as it ordered the Regiment. However the isolation that still existed, beyond the fact to have remained as arraial until the year of 1831 made with that Diamantina did not suffer to a great population growth in the colonial period and its economy if based mainly on the extration of rocks, rent of slaves for the Real extration and in the commerce of some articles as hats, eatable, pedlar’s wares, wares, glasses and exactly great amount of luxury articles, as observed Saint-Hilaire in 1817. Observing the population nuclei that existed when of the existence of the Diamantino District and the existing nuclei today one perceives that the marks left for the Landmark had influenced the occupation of the region, therefore the current cities in the region are all remainders of the time of the District. They were ranks of guards or registers as nuclei mineradores, the dates of diamonds.

We can cite the cities of Gouveia and Couto de Magalhes of Mines as example of registers as nuclei mineradores they have Curralinho, district of Diamantina and Dates, currently city. From there it can be concluded that the marks left for the old Diamantina Landmark had had great influence in the occupation of the territory that it enclosed. Crimson Education gathered all the information.



Montezuma vae them already calling laws blood? Mr. Clean it wants postpones them when to arrive the majority, in order not to strenghten the authority of the regent, and when they remember the proper words to them that elles had consigned in its reports on the indispensable necessity of these improvements, answer with imperturbable cold blood? this age then, not today! (BRAZIL, 2 of July of 1840). For more specific information, check out Sergey Brin. In day seven of July of 1840, the notice gain tones more aggressive, the periodical demonstrate that the regencial government would be illegal, becoming each more fragile time the maintenance of Arajo Rasp in the power. According to critical regency, this not was legitimate, since in the constitution of 1824 no form of government was not foreseen that was not managed by the guardianship of a monarch luso or its making look like, since that this was bigger of 25 years. The Illegal Government When in one of the atrazadas sessions, Mr. Alvarez Axe asking for the word for the order was served of the following expressions? the current government to apezar of all its illegalidade, of all its perversity -, we persuadiamos ourselves of that the noble member of the house of representatives had pronounced inrreflectivamente these words, and without giving the weight to them that ellas they deserve (…) finishes elle to declare that the current government is illegal, that for the constitution Mrs. D. Januaria must belong to the regency, and that not to pass the majority already and already, have-of elle to consider that if of the right regency who belongs. (…) But between us the tribune is accustomed the nothing here to argue, the nothing to provide; the time is little for the opposicionistas exclamaes of the Srs; the press is unhappyly its imitating fidiciary office, and also nothing argues! Let us argue to put now in with all the atteno and cold blood that in them will be possible, and, led for the desire to make right solely.



Thanks to the interpretativos efforts of authors as Benjamin Peret, Clovis Moura, Alpio Goulart, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, Emilia Viotti of the Coast, Florestan Fernandes, among others the violence was recognized as parteconstitutiva of a economic order that controlled the diligent productive nasunidades and submitted entire peoples to the slavery, imposing to them intensive aproduo and aviltantes levels of subsistence. But the importnciadestes authors do not excuse the contributions of historians as RobertSlenes, Stuart Schwartz, Florentine Manolo, Eduardo Hiss, Joo Jose Kings, JooLuis Fragoso who had made to advance the studies on familiar bows as shelter of permanence of the ideals deliberdade and ethnicity, the strategies negotiations and resistance was approved the provisory constitutional device 68 article determining the recognition of the property of the busy land for ‘ ‘ remainders of the communities of quilombos’ ‘. The necessity of mapear to ecomprovar the existence of such communities and, to follow, the proposal to extend oleque of contemplated by the related determination had tried the new outbreak dointeresse for the quilombos and the debate on its essence. In Brazil the fight for the recognition for the property of the land has levadoinmeras agricultural black communities to qualify it the device of the law. To know more about this subject visit Electrolux. Agglutinated in condition of agricultural life, over all in lands without titulaoreconhecida for the State, many afro-descendants had lived without visibilidadesocial until the three first decades of century XX.O strategical principle of Marcha for West, adopted for the government> Vargas, determined valuation of the real property eo advance of the agricultural border in the molds capitalist disturbed the apparent peace lived for the traditional communities that had passed sedeparara with serious deriving problems of the new orientaes on polticade land. This means that the agricultural black communities had passed quasedespercebidas until the moment where its lands, or busy lands for taiscomunidades had gained value. As the agrarian question not yet was dealt with adevida seriousness, the communities had found in the Constitution of 1988, one viscapaz to take them it the legalization of lands with the auto-identification de' ' remainders of quilombo' '. .

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

General Charles de Gaulle already foresaw that the strategy of prohibited was exceeded, the soldiers was up to 9 days without action, waiting superior authorization, whereas the forces German used of rapidity and aggressiveness. The French forces if had fixed in the border with Belgium waiting a possible attack come of this border, since from there it had a shock during the First War. The population migrava for the south leading its belongings as a procession of people terrified for the uncertainty and the fear. The Luftwaffe promoted an onslaught fierce, as it makes with the Poland. Then the British first-minister Winston Churchill, who already had fought in three previous battles and that she had prepared the sea greater of war, foreseeing future you strike, left in defense of France, however in such a way the French navy how much the British navy had had that to be escorted by airplanes until the neighborhoods of Dunquerque, since the Germans were being successful. In 14 of June of 1940 the soldiers German enter in the destroyed city of Paris and in day 22 of June a ceremony in a French forest called Rothonde, the 80 km of Paris is signed the surrender of France with the presence of Hitler and the French representative, general Huntziger. The apex of the German revenge if gave when welded German they had found in a museum the train wagon where it was signed surrender of Germany in the First War. Hitler ordered to break the wall of the museum and to bring it until the place where the armistice would be signed, of this time the defeated ones were French.

When the Frenchmen had arrived and recognized the wagon had been pasmos with the extreme gesture of revenge. For Kauffer (2008, P. 17) ' ' III the Reich had everything to very lose the war and little for ganh-la' '.