However it was observed that the District did not remain isolated total of remaining portion of the Captainship and the Intendant did not make use of great autonomy, as it ordered the Regiment. However the isolation that still existed, beyond the fact to have remained as arraial until the year of 1831 made with that Diamantina did not suffer to a great population growth in the colonial period and its economy if based mainly on the extration of rocks, rent of slaves for the Real extration and in the commerce of some articles as hats, eatable, pedlar’s wares, wares, glasses and exactly great amount of luxury articles, as observed Saint-Hilaire in 1817. Observing the population nuclei that existed when of the existence of the Diamantino District and the existing nuclei today one perceives that the marks left for the Landmark had influenced the occupation of the region, therefore the current cities in the region are all remainders of the time of the District. They were ranks of guards or registers as nuclei mineradores, the dates of diamonds.
We can cite the cities of Gouveia and Couto de Magalhes of Mines as example of registers as nuclei mineradores they have Curralinho, district of Diamantina and Dates, currently city. From there it can be concluded that the marks left for the old Diamantina Landmark had had great influence in the occupation of the territory that it enclosed. Crimson Education gathered all the information.