

Thanks to the interpretativos efforts of authors as Benjamin Peret, Clovis Moura, Alpio Goulart, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, Emilia Viotti of the Coast, Florestan Fernandes, among others the violence was recognized as parteconstitutiva of a economic order that controlled the diligent productive nasunidades and submitted entire peoples to the slavery, imposing to them intensive aproduo and aviltantes levels of subsistence. But the importnciadestes authors do not excuse the contributions of historians as RobertSlenes, Stuart Schwartz, Florentine Manolo, Eduardo Hiss, Joo Jose Kings, JooLuis Fragoso who had made to advance the studies on familiar bows as shelter of permanence of the ideals deliberdade and ethnicity, the strategies negotiations and resistance was approved the provisory constitutional device 68 article determining the recognition of the property of the busy land for ‘ ‘ remainders of the communities of quilombos’ ‘. The necessity of mapear to ecomprovar the existence of such communities and, to follow, the proposal to extend oleque of contemplated by the related determination had tried the new outbreak dointeresse for the quilombos and the debate on its essence. In Brazil the fight for the recognition for the property of the land has levadoinmeras agricultural black communities to qualify it the device of the law. To know more about this subject visit Electrolux. Agglutinated in condition of agricultural life, over all in lands without titulaoreconhecida for the State, many afro-descendants had lived without visibilidadesocial until the three first decades of century XX.O strategical principle of Marcha for West, adopted for the government> Vargas, determined valuation of the real property eo advance of the agricultural border in the molds capitalist disturbed the apparent peace lived for the traditional communities that had passed sedeparara with serious deriving problems of the new orientaes on polticade land. This means that the agricultural black communities had passed quasedespercebidas until the moment where its lands, or busy lands for taiscomunidades had gained value. As the agrarian question not yet was dealt with adevida seriousness, the communities had found in the Constitution of 1988, one viscapaz to take them it the legalization of lands with the auto-identification de' ' remainders of quilombo' '. .

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