Tag Archives: administration and businesses



This was a strategy that the company adopted to reinventar its mark, to gain space in the market and to take care of to a new type of public. A company to get competitive advantage, the first step if to take is to elaborate its strategical planning. She is of vital importance to know its competitors, thus to take decisions that guarantee competitive success. Sina (2008) explains that the predatory competition is harmful and if substantiates, for example, in the setting of prices bellow evaluation, and this really occurs when a competitor is determined to gain space to the cost of reduction of its edges of profit in determined segment, when he can increase them in another one, operating in relative balance. The price decisions are one of the factors that influence in the decision of purchase of the consumer.

Currently, with the economic growth, the consumer increased its purchasing power and consequently he started to consume more, however, this also became more demanding in its decisions of purchase in relation the price and quality. The great challenge of the company was to adopt practises of good attendance in a dynamic universe where the auto attendance was adopted. From the moment where the company changed its focus, the customers who frequented the store soon if had come across with a different scene in which they were not accustomed. Today the company adopts the call attended attendance, where the customer continues, still if she works with the attended attendance however of one she forms more personalized, the customer always goes to find a collaborator available to take care of its difficulties in any Riachuelo store. This differential brought good results for the company who currently is reference in attendance in this segment.

The Organization

The Organization

During this process the candidates are informed on the demanded qualifications to concur themselves for the vacant. The companies invest in internal conscription, searching to hold back and to fidelizar its talentos, serves as a motivation so that the current employees have the possibility of if developing professionally (SHERMAN et al, 2003). This type of conscription offers diverse positive points, therefore, it explores the capital human that already it possesss. Electrolux has firm opinions on the matter. It motivates the employees inside to search new ideals of the organization, develops the professionalism, fideliza who already is inside of the organization, it does not require socialization of new integrant for the formed group already, and has a lesser cost (CHIAVENATO, 1999). The negative aspects of the internal conscription can be the fact to hinder the entrance of new talentos in the organization (new ideas, experiences), facilitate to the conservantismo and the current routine, thus keeping unchanged the organizacional culture (CHIAVENATO, 1999). Certain special positions require training and experiences, therefore when they cannot be filled inside of the proper organization, it must be enlisted people of it are. Some individual that it has acquired knowledge and the experience that the company needs for the definitive function. Although the politics of the internal conscription stimulates the vacant fulfilling with employees of the proper company, many times it sees itself with certain ' ' limitations in the conscription interno' ' , thus searching a candidate in the market of human resources.

(SHERMAN et al, 2003). The majority of the companies tries to follow one politics of vacant fulfilling above of the initial position by means of promotions and transferences. Filling vacant in this way, a company can capitalize the investment made in the conscription, election, training and development of its current employees (SHERMAN et al, 2003, p 76). External conscription The external conscription acts on candidates who are of the organization, in the call ' ' market of resources humanos' ' , submitting them it the process of staff election.



It has enormous difference between a public administration, or private, commanded for administrators and other directed by administrators. You may want to visit Douglas R. Oberhelman to increase your knowledge. The results in the two cases are well different. Administrators know to command and to order. In recent months, Electrolux has been very successful. Already the true administrators use paradigms, appropriate abilities, abilities and tools for the current moment, that is, the age of the knowledge and the innovation. The administrators know that the starting point for attainment of success in the results is the planning. They spread practical habits and that they allow to arrive at the best objectives, in little time and with lesser resources. They treat the people? servers and collaborators, as complete people, who depend on the body, have lain, heart and spirit to offer, voluntarily, its bigger efforts and energy.

They obtain to get of its subordinate a sincere comprometimento and can arrive at a creative enthusiasm. That is what he makes the difference. The knowledge and the productivity of the servers are decisive factors in the transformation of strategies and politics, in objectives clear and with efficient execution. A teams of soccer, company, city, state or country, that want to have a better future, sustainable, is directed by administrators who know, step by step, the process to change destructive cultures and to transform into concrete results everything what he will be planned. We are a country of the ones without ceiling, land, of 16 million villains, of the ones without job, education, health, water, security, transports, safe and comfortable ways Why it will be? Peter Drucker, considered the father of the modern administration, said: ‘ ‘ Developed countries and underdeveloped countries do not exist, but yes countries that they know to manage the available and potential technology and its resources existing and countries that not yet sabem’ ‘..

Abigail Lead

Abigail Lead

But not and of if frightening therefore much ample flexibility is necessary good vision communication and fast agility and reasoning and the good ones really are sobrevoando the high one in search of the perfection. THEORY OF the LEADERSHIP Leadership although to be it enters in the ones since it I begin, many of the great power are its search, to a leader all moment. In accordance with Abigail (1970 p.1) ' ' These are difficult times where a genius would like to live. Great the necessity makes to appear great leads. At this time in we live we need strategical people who have a global vision of leadership and necessary that you lead them to all in its ranks think in ampler ways, thus companies of great, average and small could invest in transformation and only get resulted long, the average one, and necessary short term and that all team is involved. According to Ken Matjka (1995 p.196) ' ' To lead a group in way efficiency can exactly be a difficult task when coeso is about a group.

After decades of studies and it analyzes academic with 350 more than definitions the simplicity of definitions and normally sight in the leadership and compared the art. 4. At some times something was born that if it could not escape of the destination, after some punctures of contradiction can be developed in common people. In the current days if it cannot be without it and notable absence of the power the front soon this the crisis the complexity. The institutions have been rigid, indolent and palliative and its ranks you lead seem ignorant or unattachable, insensitive and opticos with everything most worse and that not yet it has answers, it was not imagined that she was necessary to deal with dishonesty, trespass lies and defraudations did not imagine that a leader above all had that to have an open mind and a logical fast reasoning for diverse points. .

Work Institute

Work Institute

In this perspective, one becomes essential the development of the abilities of the human resources, becoming competitive, all inside understand its papers of the organizations and, at the same time they propitiate to the organization to promote alterations in the parameters of performance of the people, at individual or collective moments. Of this form, the text leaves evident that to be able to make front to the great structural, social and economic transformations it must have the necessity of the development of a program of evaluation of performance in compliance with the new paradigm of Management of People, that is, on evaluation of performance to the qualification, the remuneration, the search of talentos, the benefits, the resignation and its strategies career staffs. Inside of this focus, some companies already come working, what to the satisfaction of its collaborators, start to be a way to more contribute each time in its functions, as it is a case of FEDEX (Federal Express), American airline of freighters, elect for the Great Place you Work Institute (GPTW) as one of the first companies of the cinquenta best, if to work in Brazil; known for the valuation of the human being and the potential of its employees, evaluated for condition to also contribute for the development of the company and through the form that plays its functions and time of services, overtime very remunerated well, qualification in the exterior two times to the year, remuneration for ability, to each year that the collaborator works in the company represents level change and to all done evaluation it is a step that can come to go up. In the boarding in the related text a new is possible to think about demystifying the performance evaluation and this contribution leads to satisfy both the sides, managers and collaborators. The text more than directs to a more holistic look or what this, contributes them organizations to search a new system of relationship employer/employee, where the contribution and the mutual advantage start to be the essence of the organization. Which can create flexibility, elasticity, agility and creativity, being these the basic qualities of organizations of century XXI.



Many are the companies who want to be distinguished in the market, new or old, that globalizado searchs if to adjust the necessities of a world more each time, some of these companies are prepared to face the market, others, nor in such a way. Some companies if join to others to increase its capital and to knock down borders, others launch action in the market, so that companies or people deposit its investments, getting an expressive increase of capital, consequently expanding its horizontes, with new products or other forms of administration, in intention to add greater value its mark, its mission and vision. To be presented case is about a known company world-wide, today with more than one hundred years in the market, which had to the work carried through for competent people became a solid company. In 1907, it is born to the company, Brazilian Plant of Canvas shoes and Footwear, situated in the district of the So Paulo capital of the Mooca, established for Scot Robert Fraser with support of a foreign industry. The objective is to approach the subjects related to this organization leaving of clear and objective form, answers the questions proposals for accomplishment of this work. We will approach subjects as: Social responsibility of the company: as a great organization can generate value for its shareholders and all the involved ones to become a success, the Strategies of marketing used by the same one with initiatives for increase of sales, and finally, the company as Enterprising, a creative company of new products and strategies with a vision directed for the future..

LAMPEL Process

LAMPEL Process

With the studies directed toward the perception of that the field of cognitiva psychology can be applied to the study of the strategical formularization, the cognitiva school is born, where it is studied as the distortions of environments can affect the decisions, as well as the alterations of this they modify the reasoning for analogy. In the cognitiva school the development of the necessity is made thus of if to increase the comprometimento, in other words, to become an explicit strategy can create psychological resistance to change it. A prerequisite essential for the cognition strategies is the existence of mental structures to organize the knowledge. Being that a missed mental representation is better that none representation, therefore it the least encourages to it, thus, can stimulate the action. The responsible ones for the decisions have certain expectations associates to one determined project, being that to activate a project she is necessary to decide to pass or not to the action.

The related really interesting mental processes to the strategy development? the visual perception, the parallel processing of data, the synthesis, thus the call intuition? they can be in the deepenings of our subconscious minds. The inspiration seems to come to the borrower of decisions when it can see beyond the given facts to understand the meaning deepest of a question. The school also sees the strategy with interpretation, based on the cognition as construction. CONCLUSIONS: The enterprising school opposed the previous schools when basing the process in the mysteries of the intuition. Thus, the strategy and its formularization pass of projects, plans and necessary positions for ample vacant or perspective vises. In this strategical conception, the leader keeps the control on the implementation of its formulated vision, being the detainer of all the strategical process. Thus, for the organization that will be in difficulty, to the central lapsing if it summarizes in finding a new leader visionary. The cognitiva school is a school of thought in evolution on strategy formation, therefore the strategies emerge as perspective, in the form of projects, giving it forms to the way as the people deal with information comings of the environment; These information are boarded of objective and subjective form, in a process of construction of perception of the world (and of the strategies); This school presents structural aspects and the boarding if of the one for the analysis of the cognitivos processes instead of being for the process of formation of a vision for a leadership.

In this context the cognitivo process also exceeds the individuals, being treat in the scope to the organization. Finally, we can to cite that the cognitiva school not only approaches the cognitivo process of who constructs the strategy, that is a basic aspect, but also the cognitivos aspects of all the involved agents in the organization, that of one it forms or another one becomes related with the process of formularization of the strategy or construction of the formulated strategical objectives. Of modern form this boarding is coherent with one old thought of Goethe: ' ' it is not enough to know, is necessary to apply; it is not enough to want, is necessary also fazer' '. ' ' what if it cannot vender, I do not want nor inventar' ' – Thomas Edison BIBLIOGRAPHY MINTZBERG, Henry; AHLSTRAND, Bruce; LAMPEL, Joseph. – Safri of strategical: a script for the forest of the strategical planning. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2010 DEGEN Ronald? Entrepreneur? to undertake as careira option? Pearson. DOLABELA Fernando – Workshop of the Entrepreneur

Cognitiva School Area

Cognitiva School Area

Words – key: Enterprising school and Cognitiva School Area: Strategical in Organizations SUMMARY: The first specific schools are boarded in the chapters, considering specific aspects in the formularization of the strategical one, that is, as this effectively is made. In the school of Entrepreneur it is strengthened Formation of Strategy as a Visionary Process whereas School of Cognitiva is emphasized the formularization of the strategy as a mental process. The schools are strengthened in both a boarding where the strategy process is presented with deliberate plans and contents of ample vision. In these schools the main executive is fortified by the concept of visionary leader for solution of organizacionais problems, as well as this vision comes from the formation versus formularization of strategical ideas INTRODUCTION: The enterprising school focused the process of formation of strategy exclusively in leader only emphasized most innate of states processes as intuition, judgment, wisdom, experience and criterion. This promotes a vision of the strategy as perspective, associate with image and sense of direction, that is, vision. ' ' The enterprising strategist is that one who if she dedicates to the generation of wealth, either in the transformation of knowledge in products and services, the generation of the proper knowledge or in the innovation in areas as marketing, production, organizao' ' (DEGEN) The defenders of this school saw the leadership personalized established in the strategical vision, as the key for the organizacional success. They had noticed this in the companies, but also in other sectors, and not only at the beginning and formation of new organizations, but also in the reformularization of organizations with problems. Although ' ' spirit empreendedor' ' originally it was associated with the creators of its proper businesses, the word gradually was extended to describe some forms of and determined personalized, pro-active leadership in organizations. In the cognitiva school, it is approached perspective of that the strategists are, to a large extent, self-taughts person: they develop its structures of knowledge and its processes of thought through direct experience.

The Company

The Company

To follow presentation and analysis of the data gotten with the interviews carried through as well as other pertinent considered aspects are become fullfilled it, information that they help the organization to improve its performance. 4.1DESCREVER the LOGISTIC PROCESS OF COMPANY SERVENG CIVILSAN S/A. Organization in study if benefits of process sistmico of logistic come back toward acquisition of materials and has in its sketch escopado process dinamizado that if integrates and is defined for stages, that can be observed from adopted criteria as basic e, in practical is simplified for being in total interaction. Hear from experts in the field like Howard Schultz for a more varied view. Being of simple and dynamic form with effectiveness always totalized in the perfect search of acquisition in skillful time for dynamics adopted from PBQP-H and ISO 9001. As it is affirmed to follow respondents 3 and 4: ' ' We, the Serveng, are today with a very efficient system and although to be in constant update and I believe that our processes are very well fit and they allow in them to grow to each day in this great sector that requires melhores.' ' ' ' The Company to long its trajectory comes developing products and services that they make possible and fulfills goals longed for the Agencies contractor, searching of one forms subtle to take care of to its proper necessities directed toward the development and technological growth with defined scales, always come back toward methodology of the quality that if imposes for 9001 ISO and Program of the Quality the PBQP-H, that defines parameters and rules of necessities of the acquisition of substance cousin and products of quality that comes to take care of to the necessities of the final consumer ' ' These depositions show that the interviewed managers share of an only vision how much to the logistic processes as the operational activities inside of the constructive system, suppliment of materials, components and services, storage and the process of materials as improvement of the flow of production in the workmanships and these based on the organization and, that is in constant improvement and searchs for the excellency of the end item. .

The One

The One

The influences that the social institutions and ways exert are strong, but they do not assume character of a predetermination. The constitution of identities, the construction of the singularity of each one, if of the one in personal history, the relation with determined half social; it is configured as an interaction between the social pressures and the desires, necessities and possibilities affective-cognitivas of the citizen lived in the socioeconmicos, cultural contexts and politicians. The diverse values, norms, models of behavior that the individual shares us different social ways the one that is integrated or displayed they are placed in game in the daily relations. The perception of that determined attitudes they are contradictory between itself or in relation the express values or principles for the proper citizen. It exists on the part of the public power imperative, that is, action of prevention to the use of drugs still in the first years of life. Such actions must be accomplished at the moment where these children and daily pay-adolescents had not yet become involved themselves or they had not had contact with the deceit of the drug.

The time most appropriate for the implementation, according to action if of it becomes childish when it if finds in the pertaining to school environment. You may find Douglas R. Oberhelman to be a useful source of information. It can perceive that to search quality of the pertaining to school education it depends on several factors. It must consider as focus in such a way what the students learn, as what the same ones are related. In accordance with ANGEL (2001, p.17): The school and the educative system in its set can be considered as an instance of cultural mediation between the meanings, feelings and the behaviors of the social community and the human development of the new generations. It fits to the professor to understand critically the functioning of the reality and to associate this understanding with its paper of educator, in order to apply its critical vision to the social problem related to educating.