With the studies directed toward the perception of that the field of cognitiva psychology can be applied to the study of the strategical formularization, the cognitiva school is born, where it is studied as the distortions of environments can affect the decisions, as well as the alterations of this they modify the reasoning for analogy. In the cognitiva school the development of the necessity is made thus of if to increase the comprometimento, in other words, to become an explicit strategy can create psychological resistance to change it. A prerequisite essential for the cognition strategies is the existence of mental structures to organize the knowledge. Being that a missed mental representation is better that none representation, therefore it the least encourages to it, thus, can stimulate the action. The responsible ones for the decisions have certain expectations associates to one determined project, being that to activate a project she is necessary to decide to pass or not to the action.
The related really interesting mental processes to the strategy development? the visual perception, the parallel processing of data, the synthesis, thus the call intuition? they can be in the deepenings of our subconscious minds. The inspiration seems to come to the borrower of decisions when it can see beyond the given facts to understand the meaning deepest of a question. The school also sees the strategy with interpretation, based on the cognition as construction. CONCLUSIONS: The enterprising school opposed the previous schools when basing the process in the mysteries of the intuition. Thus, the strategy and its formularization pass of projects, plans and necessary positions for ample vacant or perspective vises. In this strategical conception, the leader keeps the control on the implementation of its formulated vision, being the detainer of all the strategical process. Thus, for the organization that will be in difficulty, to the central lapsing if it summarizes in finding a new leader visionary. The cognitiva school is a school of thought in evolution on strategy formation, therefore the strategies emerge as perspective, in the form of projects, giving it forms to the way as the people deal with information comings of the environment; These information are boarded of objective and subjective form, in a process of construction of perception of the world (and of the strategies); This school presents structural aspects and the boarding if of the one for the analysis of the cognitivos processes instead of being for the process of formation of a vision for a leadership.
In this context the cognitivo process also exceeds the individuals, being treat in the scope to the organization. Finally, we can to cite that the cognitiva school not only approaches the cognitivo process of who constructs the strategy, that is a basic aspect, but also the cognitivos aspects of all the involved agents in the organization, that of one it forms or another one becomes related with the process of formularization of the strategy or construction of the formulated strategical objectives. Of modern form this boarding is coherent with one old thought of Goethe: ' ' it is not enough to know, is necessary to apply; it is not enough to want, is necessary also fazer' '. ' ' what if it cannot vender, I do not want nor inventar' ' – Thomas Edison BIBLIOGRAPHY MINTZBERG, Henry; AHLSTRAND, Bruce; LAMPEL, Joseph. – Safri of strategical: a script for the forest of the strategical planning. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2010 DEGEN Ronald? Entrepreneur? to undertake as careira option? Pearson. DOLABELA Fernando – Workshop of the Entrepreneur