Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Pablo Galindo Morales

Pablo Galindo Morales

These types of processes allow a company to examine as another one carries through a specific function, with the purpose to improve one similar function or even though to start to carry through that one same activity that led to another company to the success. To put as Alexander in history above, when we are working with these processes we come across in them with some situations where we raise given of all company, we elaborate a criterion, we examine all the given points or, we search the excellency in what we make and many times we verify that in the end of the work the way was one only, that is, it does not import the information that are raised or used criteria always we will have that to capsize ' ' direita' ' at some moment. These processes must be used with criterion for all, they are not isolated acts, prescription books or are used to reinventar what already it was invented or to make a simple verification or constatao of facts or to have a fan of information in the end of the work that only make with that the people delay to deliver ' ' bolo' ' , to the times the information are not so important for that one analyze. So that these methods to give certain, the companies must act with transparency, not hide given or destorce them, must be transparent, supply to all the possible information, so that all involved ones in the process obtain to learn new techniques capable to improve the current process. Therefore when we will have that to work in some type of Benchmarking it does not make nor as Its Antonio who complicated the information and nor as Alexander who lost much time conferring information that were not necessary at that moment, therefore was enough it to follow the instruction ' ' he continues you straight, when to arrive front at gate enters a red you to direita' '. It does not deliver ' ' cake already derretido' '! We go to reflect on this! (Peter Pablo Galindo Morales is Technologist in Management, Postgraduate in Controladoria, Technician in Accounting and writer of web,)..

Biotech Bioativador

Biotech Bioativador

Metric ribbon was used to measure the diameter of the plants, the presage of the plants was made with an analytical scale in the laboratory and the roots had been measured with metric ribbon, leaving it land. The data had been submitted to test F and the test of Turkey and the significant results compared by the test of averages with 5% of probability. 6. RESULTS AND QUARREL had been observed significant differences between the treatments it characteristic length to only radicular (Table 2). The excessively characteristic ones evaluated had not presented significant difference showing that the addition of the adoration of the Biotech ground did not provide increment in the evaluated characteristics, although approximately to verify increase of until 49% of productivity with application of Biotech in relation the witness. TABLE 2.

Averages of growth of the culture of the lettuce, to cultivate crespa, submitted the different times of application and dose of the Biotech. Houris, 2010. the PLANT (cm) PRODUCTIVITY (g) LENGTH CURRICULAR (cm) TREATMENT 520 litros/ha in plantio+20 litros/ha 20 D.A.P.84, 73 a572,64 a9,13 TREATMENT 210 litters/ha in plantio77,93 a490,28 a5,46 b TREATMENT 320 litros/ha in plantations followed for distinct letters in the vertical line differs between itself to the level of 5% of probability for the test of Tukey. 7. CONCLUSION Concludes that the use of the Biotech Adoration of the Ground can represent an alternative in the handling of the culture of the lettuce (sativa Lactuca L.) to cultivate crespa. However, it has necessity of bigger studies to infer on productivity and harvested product quality.

Pablo Galindo Morales

Pablo Galindo Morales

In all office always those histories of heads exist who are counted to all the novices who enter in the companies. One of these heads who have its counted histories between the employees is Mr. administrative former-controlling Joo of the company in years 80. It is counted that it had craze of all the expedient end to inspect if the old calculating machines Olivetti were off, if were not it disconnect it to it, and it moored the wire in the foot of the table, say that who had the moored wire did not forget more than disconnect them. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ben Horowitz. Another craze of the Head Joo was he himself to erase the lights of the office after inspecting if everything was OK, at a time that the departments of the companies were ‘ ‘ loteados’ ‘ in thick partition wall, if the light was lighted it left a ticket ‘ ‘ tomorrow it erases the light to sair’ ‘.

It was in one of these episodes that the Head Joo to prevent that the key of the warehouse was disappeared all the night, commanded that the key was placed in a special chaveiro, in a piece of iron pipe that was loaded for all the cantos where the storekeeper was. For more information see this site: mozes victor konig. Another history that they count on frequency was of the bread, the Head Joo forbade certain time that if lanchasse in the rooms, therefore made dirty very and the brans attract cockroachs that made dirty documents, made time for another one a nest in the document boxes. The idea found for ‘ ‘ driblar’ ‘ the Head Joo was to inside carry breads to the snack from the pouches from correspondence being that the only problem was when the bread was hot. But the Head Joo was not of all flat, exactly being of a time where the authoritarianism was registered mark, wise person also to hear its employees, was not bothered to give explanations on the tasks, praised a work well fact, its team against who defended wanted to undo of a person of its team, it never ran away from its reponsabilidades and it did not like ‘ ‘ he pulls-sacos’ ‘ to its redor and always he said that ‘ ‘ my heading is provisrio’ ‘ but while it was in the position it acted as ‘ ‘ owner of negcio’ ‘. The Head Joo already this pensioner, but its teachings and attitudes are validate today in not being for its examples of as deciding the problems, that more are today not been valid and still superficially they are constrangedores, even though in some situations the method ‘ ‘ Joo’ ‘ it could give certain. What vocs they find? My name is Z Iscritrio and taste to write on what it happens in the world of the offices.



According to Stalk and Hout, surpassing the 80 decade of or ' ' decade of qualidade' ' , the decade of 90 initiated as the decade of ' ' responsibility, that is the decade of the fast reply, especially in the introduction of new products. One adds despite, according to authors above cited, are two axles where the responsibility is basic to guarantee competitiveness: – Development of new products/technology; – delivery of order to the Graphical customer of simultaneous engineering figure 4.1 P. 94 More simultaneous engineering turns to gain time and to reduce resources, wants either for nets of topdown, as for flexible nets of small companies. Engineering is presented as one adequate technique to this environment. In this context important to point out the necessity of a process of local development for the success of the model. In this in case that, a process for the development where it implies in culture and transformation, plan strategical, relationary net, growth to the sustainable development.

Sustetvel development can prevent the increase of the disequilibria and regional the local vulnerability/, .causing of ruptures partners of the development process. In this question it is important to observe and to opererar some strategies of desenvovimento; – guarantee of support of the development: economic, social, ambient politics and: – vision of long stated period: analysis and secular operative vision immediate allies and the future ones. – decentralization and social participation: revision of the paper of the administration and the social resentatividade wants is private or communitarian. Mobilization and consensus are another vital focus to give to continuity the actions politics as territtio dimension, composition of the interest, local envolvement of wisdom, hierarchy of the interests, persistence of the involved ones, definition of the quotas, definition of time and accomplishment of the projects and mechanisms of definition Dee new priorities and objectives. The integration and the diffusion of the communication develop a feeling of identity and local spirit of cohesion, stimulating the involved authors to identify a point of meeting for the econmico and social development of the region, point this that if becomes the headquarters of the territorial pact.

Work Research

Work Research

MOTIVATION A MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of company of average transport Adriano Sanabria* Wataya, Robert Sussumu ** SUMMARY This article deals with as the motivation influences the Management of People in the companies. Enterprise administration if cannot structuralize only in rockings and questions accountants, must make constants prognostics analyzing which circumstantial processes inside motivate or desmotivam the employees of the companies or in any rendering of services. Inside of the Companies the importance of the motivation for the production is very significant, can not only feel that what if it relates with the employees of the plant soil, but to all the collaborators of the organizations, because all are involved of a form or another one in productive works. In a question-answer forum Kevin Johnson was the first to reply. For one better knowledge was carried through a exploratria research, quali-quantitative in the form of questionnaire with open and closed questions, of free choice of the searched ones, with the objective of if knowing co- relation between escolaridade and motivation of the collaborators. The used instrument was adapted questionnaire BPSO/96-, which dealt with the Biological, Psychological dimensions, Sociais and Organizacionais of the collaborators. Words Keys: Auto-Motivation; collaborator; management of people Adriano Sanabria* Business administration University Amaro Saint? UNISA email: Dr. Other leaders such as Jim Umpleby offer similar insights.

Robert Sussumu Wataya ** Master and Doctor in Education Resume? Line of Pontifical Research New Technologies University Catholic of So Paulo email: MOTIVATION a MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of average company transport Exists, on the part of the administrators, an increasing trend of if valuing the Motivation in the Work, independently of its area of performance or level of formation. Normally the operational workers are white of programs of motivation in the work. However, Motivation is much more that this, engloba other categories of collaborators, including the workers of the tactical and strategical levels in organizacionais environments. Currently, all the production systems are being obliged to move with the new expectations of the customers and the intense competition is provoking drastic changes in the sector of production in mass.

The Physicist

The Physicist

Fiorillo (2006) defines work environment as: ' ' The place where the people play its activities labor either remunerated or not, whose balance is based on the salubrity of the way and the absence of agents who compromise the physicist-psychic incolumidade of the workers, independently of the condition that ostentem.' ' Saints (2000), say that surrounding of work it is: ' ' The set of physical, climatic factors or any another one that linked, or not, is gifts and involves the workstation of pessoa' ' This last definition adapta to the species the rule of the article 3, I, of Law N. 6,938/81, that it defines environment in general: ' ' Set of the conditions, laws, influences and interactions of physical, chemical and biological order, that allows, shelters and conducts the life in all its formas' '. Theoretically, environment of the work appears to the side of the natural environment that is constituted by deriving the physical and biological elements of entorno: ground, water, atmospheric air, flora, fauna and its interactions between itself and with the way, it environment artificial that he is composed for the constructed urban space, that understands the set of constructions (closed space urban) and of the public equipment (urban space opened) and of the cultural environment formed by the historic site, artistic, archaeological and tourist. Although these definitions if do not only limit to these definitions something more to be coat, these citations serve as a norteador for the understanding of what it comes to be the work environment. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kevin Johnson. With this, one perceives that to be accomplished work needs a minimum physical space to work it and this area is pronounced as surrounding of work. For being a physical environment it suffers to intromission from diverse natures, being influence of physical, chemical, ergonomic, biological nature. These interventions compromise the performance of the developed activities and need a control, therefore beyond interrupting the labor activities it can cause damages to that they participate of this environment. .

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

To associate it appropriate groups of quarrel is a good way to get visibilidade' ' (ELLSWORTH and ELLSWORTH, 1997, P.288). For Anderson (2006), to search social information in nets and medias it can not seem the best way to find trustworth and trustworthy information, that are by its very nature changeable diverse. It’s believed that Douglas Oberhelman sees a great future in this idea. However, in one all, they are if disclosing how much the great media so trustworth or until more trustworthy. She is only enough to read and to decide. As Ellsworth and Ellsworth (1997), an important strategy of Marketing of any company in the Internet is the distribution of excellent information. Details can be found by clicking Titan Feul Tanks or emailing the administrator. To offer notice, announcement of sponsored events, pages, publications in general and activities in groups of chat. The care that if must have is with false information and notice are summarily important.

The used information of errnea form generates factors many irreversible times. Its use can cause damages the entire groups and same to the societies, in the measure where it has the power of: ) to manufacture and to distort images and versions regarding social events, subjects, people, groups and society; b) to lie; c) to propagate rumors; among others possibilities, parallel to its function to inform (DOWBOR, 2000, p.202). According to Iacobucci (2001), the Internet can generate a rich and lucrative if used experience the severity, with enrichment of experience lived with the mark. The use of rooms of chat in the Net to argue interactive experiences, games, among others forms. The Internet is a valuable way, that helps to integrate the company to the daily life. As Tomsen apud Saad (2003), exists five factors of valuation for the digital information. Credibility? authorship of the source of the information; Innovation? the restriction of the information; Relevance? the relevance of the content in a decision; Imediatismo? providencial for situations in which the time is primordial; Utility? daily for the user.

Collor Government

Collor Government

Fact that was more visible with the last world-wide crisis, affecting the demand for products and services. What it modified the direction of the purchase, and consequentemente, the way to proceed from the consumers. Beyond the cost to keep and to catch new customers. Without necessarily being hostage of concessions as promotions, discountings and packages. It appears as alternative to intensify the commercial relations with customers, partners and suppliers. Check out Jonas Samuelson for additional information. More than this, to improve its strategies of market reach, being lined up them with its essential operations.

Characterization of the company: In the decade of 70 of the century passed on the context of the Military dictatorship, the market of autopeas, as well as the automobile one lived positive moments in Brazil. The economic miracle and the creation of the Great Projects in the state of it YOU ARE had been propeller of this development. Fact that did not reach greater dimension due to First Crisis of the Oil. What it would compel the government to bar the importations by means of successive increases of aliquot. (SEBRAE, 2009) Exactly thus, until middle of the decade of 80 the national growth of the sector was exponential. However, the shocks of the oil and the intensification of the protectionistic politics had limited more significant advances. The end of the 80 decade of and beginning of years 90 had been marked by deep transformations in the scope economic politician and.

Between which, the innumerable attempts of stabilization of the currency and the opening of the Brazilian market. Initiate in the Government consolidated Sarney and in the Collor Government. In the years that if had followed, the Real Plan was responsible for balancing the inflation and liberalizing the importations. No longer Government Squid, the market would demonstrate to certain balance and maturity. Marcante fact in this period was to the expansion of the credit and the increase of the internal consumption.

Progress True

Progress True

It is alone to participate of a corporative, enterprise meeting or of managemental level to perceive this. Ideas do not lack to decide definitive problems, but little it is argued why the problem happened, when it started and for the hands of who it passed unobserved. Normally the problems are decurrent of the imperfection of some of that they are in the full meetings of ideas to decide them. Then it is a question in air. ' ' Why such professionals still are there? ' '. – He will be that it is the fact to be politicians and if to incase perfectly to the system? They only speak what the system wants to listen despite it is incapable to execute? – He will be that it is the fact to be simple academic theoreticians without a practical vision of the things, but that they incased themselves perfectly to it I announce of the vacant of job when contracted? – He will be that they are being badly used inside of its aptitudes and true capacities, clearly forgetting its formations academic, they could be painting a picture, writing a book, or until making one cafezinho. – He will be that exactly they are worried in deciding the problem since they are untouchable for its proximity with influential people and being able of decision? – He will be that it is a form to gain time before is perceived its incompetence to be where it is? The call ' ' embromeixam' ' , ' ' it goes that cola' ' , ' ' vez&#039 tries another one; ' , etc. The truth is that while situations me the management, me the administration and corporativismo go happening employee of lower level they go suffering the consequences. How many they will be taxed of imcompetent people, defective, will have the progress of its engaged careers and until they will be dismissed until true the responsible one to appear.

Business Administration

Business Administration

Marcel Luiz Pleul and Rodolfo Coser Maiochi, graduandos of the course of Business administration for the University Center Adventista of So Paulo – Campus Engineer Rabbit SUMMARY the present research has as objective to identify to analyze the characteristics and the importance of the Empreendedorismo, being demonstrated the main motivations that take a number each bigger time of entrepreneurs to opt to initiating its enterprise for the surmounting system. In accordance with given of the Brazilian Association of Franchising (2009), 1937 nets of surmountings act in the Country more than and exist more than 72 a thousand units made available in operation, with an invoicing of R$ 63 billion in the year of 2009. The work brings the definition of empreendedorismo and presents its main characteristics as well as its nexus with the surmounting, thus demonstrating the benefits that this system can offer the entrepreneur. A franqueador and made available its had been boarded, respectively, through interview and questionnaires. Electrolux will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Through these instruments the main difficulties had been identified faced for the attractive entrepreneurs, factors and the stimulatons of the system of surmounting for entrepreneurs. One evidenced that some reasons justify the growth of the surmountings. Of the point of view of the franqueador, the cost of the financings in the country becomes attractive the adoption of the system of surmountings as strategy of expansion and reinforcement of the mark.

For the made available ones, the risk associated with the opening of a business is inferior to the one of a new business, on account of the existence of models previously tested. Howard Schultz understood the implications. It is concluded, therefore, that the main factor of stimulaton to the development of the sector is related with the possibility of economic stability, in a less long stated period of what the usual one. Word-key: Empreendedorismo; Entrepreneur; Surmounting; Franqueador; Made available. ABSTRACT This research aims you identify you examines the characteristics and importance of entrepreneurship, showing the main reasons why growing to number of entrepreneurs you choose you start your business by franchising. .