Beyond allowing one strong integration between Health department, the state secretariats, cities, local community and other partners, for the benefit of all. The ESF is part of an action proposal that involves the three spheres of government, competing to the levels state, federal and municipal to contribute for the reorientation of the attention model the health aiming at to the organization of the municipal systems of health, evaluation and accompaniment of its performance and the envolvement in the qualification and permanent education of the human resources. The ESF comes if consolidating as a strategy of reinforcement of the SUS after fourteen years of formularization, that to the few comes gaining legitimacy from fruns and collegiate of management that also if it has reflected in the field of the formation of RH for health (VESTIBULE OF the EDUCATION, 2008). From the considered subject it was objectified to search and to understand the strategies of the Health of the Family and its including ones, such as the trajectory of the program, the intersetorias actions, the attributions of the communitarian agents of health (ACS) and of the members of the Team of Health of Famlia (ESF) emphasizing the activities carried through for the Nurse and which other professionals of superior level are inserted to the program and finally the Nucleus of Support of the Health of Famlia (NASF) and the legislaes of the Strategies Health of the Family and to explain then this thematic one of comprehensive form through seminary. 2.
METHODOLOGY the present work is a study exploratrio-description, based on the survey of literatures on the subject. In accordance with Gil, (1999) the exploratrios studies are developed with the objective to provide general vision concerning definitive fact. This type of study emphasizes the discovery of ideas and discernimentos. They had been searched in the bibliographical quantity of the College San Francisco de Barreiras you vary literatures of the subject boarded that they had contributed for the theoretical construction – scientific aiming at agreement better on the Program Health of the Family.