AP Necessities

AP Necessities

Inside of this conception, we define market segmentation, according to Czincota et al (2001), as aseparao of the market-target in distinct groups being based on caractersticashomogneas. The original concept of product, understood basically comobem material, is the set of physical attributes and psychological that constitute they ecaracterizam the good. (…) Price is the monetary quantification of the value doproduto. (…) Promotion is the set of action that they aim at to divulge produtojunto its diverse public (…) Square understands all the structure dedistribuio of products, in the attacked one and the retail, englobando still oacompanhamento of quality after the sales act. (…) (VAZ, 1995, P. 79-80) of products, in attacked and the retail, englobando still the condicionantes companhamento of quality AP Necessities, desires and demands is bsicasna elaboration of marketing strategies, and must be considered to paraalcanar resulted satisfactory with the public-target for who these sedestinam. Its concepts thus are defined: Necessities describe requirements basic human beings.

Aspessoas needs food, air, water, clothes, shelter to be able to survive. (…) These necessities if become desires when the objetosespecficos capable are directed to satisfy them. An American needs food, masdeseja hamburger, potato fries and cooling. (…) Demands are specific porprodutos desires supported by the possibility to pay. Many pessoasdesejam a Mercedes, but only some can and are made use to buy one.

(KOTLER, 2000, P. 33) It has that to also say itself in the satisfaction concept that, deacordo with Boone and Kurtz (1995), says respect to the capacity of a ouservio product in taking care of or to exceed to the necessities and expectations of the customers the strategies of the marketing paraquem if they come back. The presented concepts are a sample of infinity to withhold used to understand the marketing and its application. Diantedisto, must be intent to the new features that appear around the subject, without, however, to forget the characteristics basic they define that it, as descreveuCzincota et al (2001, P.

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