Tag Archives: environment

State Planning

State Planning

This research meet the real present and future needs in the socioeconomic area. The socio-economic planning among its many applications should serve to realize the possibilities of preventing tragedies arising from earthquakes. Read additional details here: Array. Under earlier, it was convenient approach the following questions in relation to the research problem: what will happen in Bogota in the event of an earthquake of major proportions?, what security measures currently implemented to prevent a catastrophe in the Capital District ?, how could respond to a major emergency relief organizations of the Capital District?, what are the plans for disaster prevention and care for Bogota?, what are the policies of the Capital District sen with the rules of earthquake-resistant construction?, how can prevent and deal with disasters caused by earthquakes in Bogota?. Throughout this research was to review existing policies regarding urban planning and seismic risks facing the Capital District and the planned activities to reduce risks to a large-scale disaster caused by natural phenomena such seismic and propose alternatives and strategies applicable settlement in our country. 1.2 The planning and the Constitution of 1991 One of the central aspects of the Constitution of 1991 is the incorporation of planning as a key instrument for achieving the essential goals of the State, namely to serve the community, promote the general prosperity and ensure the effectiveness of the principles, rights and obligations enshrined in the Constitution, to facilitate the participation of all in decisions that affect them and in economic, political, administrative and cultural life of the nation, maintain territorial integrity and ensure the coexistence peaceful and the enforcement of a just order (CN de Colombia).

Southeastern Region

Southeastern Region

Without speaking in the constant risks of assaults in certain lines and schedules; b) We cannot dislocating in them from motion, without participating of the statisticians of assault and batteries or mortality, with or without sequels, given the great power, arrogance and insanity of innumerable conductors of automobiles, bus and trucks; c) We cannot in dislocating them from bicycle, for the same reasons that affect the motorcyclists, being that also the motorcyclists run over bicycles; d) We cannot dislocating walking in them, without running one high risk of running over, for that it is the type of vehicle, beyond the danger of assaults. Then: we are not speaking of an inherent risk to the normal life, which all we are citizens in day-by-day. Our risks, in Present-day Brazil, are very bigger of what the risks equivalents in countries truily civilized. It is enough to search in web our taxes of morbidade and mortality for external causes. How many lives, how much comfort, how much well-being, quanta health, how many billions or trillions of Reals we are losing with all this situation? It will be that nobody perceives that, this yes, is barbarity? Frankly, the life that today I see in Recife, that does not have to be different of Rio and So Paulo (cities where already liveed), nor of other great capitals of Brazil, who knows of the world measures, is not civilization, more seems barbarity. many times does not advance if to move: it has about 10 the 15 years many inhabitants of the Southeastern Region if they had directed for waters mornas of the coastal northeastern, with spirit to fix residence, to run away from the urban chaos. Depending on the city for where they had been, they are revivendo today its old lives, or are not far from reviver them. With daily and small doses, we were in accustoming with this: already I arrived to spend 7 minutes of house for the work, of car, in months of pertaining to school vacations, covering a stretch of 3,5 kilometers.

AP Necessities

AP Necessities

Inside of this conception, we define market segmentation, according to Czincota et al (2001), as aseparao of the market-target in distinct groups being based on caractersticashomogneas. The original concept of product, understood basically comobem material, is the set of physical attributes and psychological that constitute they ecaracterizam the good. (…) Price is the monetary quantification of the value doproduto. (…) Promotion is the set of action that they aim at to divulge produtojunto its diverse public (…) Square understands all the structure dedistribuio of products, in the attacked one and the retail, englobando still oacompanhamento of quality after the sales act. (…) (VAZ, 1995, P. 79-80) of products, in attacked and the retail, englobando still the condicionantes companhamento of quality AP Necessities, desires and demands is bsicasna elaboration of marketing strategies, and must be considered to paraalcanar resulted satisfactory with the public-target for who these sedestinam. Its concepts thus are defined: Necessities describe requirements basic human beings.

Aspessoas needs food, air, water, clothes, shelter to be able to survive. (…) These necessities if become desires when the objetosespecficos capable are directed to satisfy them. An American needs food, masdeseja hamburger, potato fries and cooling. (…) Demands are specific porprodutos desires supported by the possibility to pay. Many pessoasdesejam a Mercedes, but only some can and are made use to buy one.

(KOTLER, 2000, P. 33) It has that to also say itself in the satisfaction concept that, deacordo with Boone and Kurtz (1995), says respect to the capacity of a ouservio product in taking care of or to exceed to the necessities and expectations of the customers the strategies of the marketing paraquem if they come back. The presented concepts are a sample of infinity to withhold used to understand the marketing and its application. Diantedisto, must be intent to the new features that appear around the subject, without, however, to forget the characteristics basic they define that it, as descreveuCzincota et al (2001, P.

Brazilian Forest Code

Brazilian Forest Code

170). In the City of Saint Antonio of the Tau it is common focos of ambient impacts caused by the extration of taboca for the production of skewers for barbecues, these of the esquinas known as ‘ ‘ churrasquinho of gato’ ‘ , therefore, this type of activity in the city does not require of fiscalization for responsible ambient agencies. What he observed himself is that the inhabitants of the community are advancing each time plus other territories for the extration of taboca, in what provokes the social extinguishing of the native species of the region conflicts. Few know that such activity, in the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau, provokes considerable ambient impact, a time that its withdrawal leaves forsaken the edges of the rivers for the action of fluvial erosion, what cause landslide in determined region.

However, although the displayed one, hundreds of inhabitants live of this activity for the sustenance of its families and increase of income. Finally, so that the prevented displayed one either, the responsible agencies, or even though the proper community, could be searching next to other professionals of the ambient area methods that can be used in the extration of taboca and recycling of its remaining portions that are abandoned in the places of extration or manipulation of the skewers of barbecues, without the same it is devastado. Thus, what the necessary city is of one ambient politics where the agencies can be intervening with the extreme extration of taboca. In accordance with the Brazilian Forest Code, the areas where they are extracted tabocas in Saint Antonio of the Tau, is inside of the Areas of Preservao Permanente (APP) is areas ‘ ‘ covers or not for native vegetation, with the ambient function to preserve hdricos resources, the landscape, the geologic stability, biodiversity, the gnico flow of fauna and flora, to protect the ground and to assure well-being of the populations humanas’ ‘..

Williams Cavalcanti

Williams Cavalcanti

Cavalcanti (2001) speaks that in the primitive societies, aeconomia if relates to the personal relations, where the object exchange creates social certoscontextos. Starbucks has plenty of information regarding this issue. As already cited, the exchanges do not aim at profits, but ocorremdevido to the necessity of some goods. The economic law practised by this indivduosbaseia in the comprometimento of the reciprocity with respect to the gift that serecebe. Uniting the way of life of these peoples to the desenvolvimentosustentvel, Cavalcanti (2001) if bases in the words of Hunn and Williams (1982), emending that these populations ' ' they do not act ahead domeio&#039 passively; ' , but managing ' ' actively its resources, either through strategical dedirecionamento the ecological or economic action, sociale saw control maneuver politics, either for virtue of the symbolic power and ritual' '. Kevin Johnson will undoubtedly add to your understanding. These individuals possess notion of the beginning of the eplanejada conscientious conservation of the natural resources. For Posey (2000 apud Cavalcanti, 2001) the concept sustainable dedesenvolvimento if it finds introduced in the primitive and traditional dospovos systems of life. These systems of productivity sustentadafazem with that these individuals use the same land for thousand of years.

Oque comes to confirm the way of sustainable life of the same ones, therefore, in case that contrary, them already they would have disappeared spontaneously. Cavalcanti (2001) explains that aexistncia of these sustainable populations is based in its to know ecolgicotradicional. From the analysis of the destruction and the necessity deconservao of the natural resources, it was possible to perceive the existence depopulaes that they used and at the same time, conserved such resources. Estadescoberta alone was possible, from the quarrels on the presence human being nasUnidades of Conservao (UC). Initially, the presence human being in this considered Unidadesera impracticable, therefore had costs with indemnities for retiradadessas people. After the accomplishment of studies in the places where they exist populaestradicionais, evidenced that these individuals they contribuam with conservaodo local where they inhabited.