

The employees are the differential, the human and intellectual capital capable to mobilize and to propitiate the success of an organization. Therefore, they must be valued, be motivated and be developed, in order to get the internal cohesion to reach the objectives of the company. It is important to stand out that the human being brings obtains feelings, ambitions; he creates expectations, he becomes involved yourself, he searchs the growth inside of what he develops and he carries through. Then, she is necessary that let us leave of side that idea of that the man so only works for the attainment of the wage, that denies its feelings, that not if frustra with the growth lack, that does not annoy yourself with the total indifference of its managers who only charge it the task and they do not guide it for the real situation of the company, that the information deny the access to it, that they only deal with as a part more in the process production. It is necessary that let us know that, each time that it enters in the company, is entering one & ldquo; ser& rdquo; integrated and indivisible, with right to all dreams of auto-esteem and auto-accomplishment. To create an environment where to the people they can be felt well with the management, same them and enters its fellow workers, and to be confident in the satisfaction of the proper necessities, at the same time where they cooperate with the group. The question of the motivation has an important starting point and inhabits in the understanding of the necessities of the employee.

Part of the motivation of a person comes of the fact of it to know that it has an important paper in the organization and that other people count on it. The people work for reward. These do not need to be tangible, as money.

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