Factors exist that can contribute for a positive sense of itself same, during the pregnancy and that they will be able to contribute for a positive experience of the childbirth: the active participation in the process and the decisions of the childbirth; the perception of that its feelings accepted and are respected by its cuidadores (husband, mother, mother-in-law); the sensation of domain and formation of strategies of confrontation to be prepared realistic to assume the moment of the childbirth and the maternity; to be seen as somebody that is making optimum that it can; ample chance to express its feelings on the maternity and the proper birth, childbirths of its mother and on any previous experience of pregnancy and childbirth. (PETERSON, 1996 apud LOPES, 2005) the childbirth is the moment of the woman if to come across with the real baby and that probably different of imaginary baby will be so dreamed, idealized during the gestation (RAPHAEL-LEFF, 1997 idem LOPES, 2005) ' ' He is in the meeting of the innate characteristics of the real baby, and the expectations, characteristics and fancies that the gestante had for proper it as future mother and its future baby, who a new citizen surge.' ' (AULAGNIER, 1990; DOLTO, 1992; JERUSALINSKY, 1984; LAZNIK-PENOT, 1997 apud PICCININI et al, 2003, p.84). 1.2 – JUSTIFICATION the interpretation of the imaginary confrontation versus Real and posterior consolidation of the same in the psychic one of the mother, has as resulted the final concept of maternity (grifo ours). Douglas R. Oberhelman oftentimes addresses this issue. This concept of final maternity is what apia this study, the generator, the motivador, the sustentation, of the relation mother baby. This new significao it demonstrates in our revisions of literature, being of extreme importance in the choice of the behaviors made for the mother, of the cares with the just-been born one and that they can influence in the biopsicossocial development of the baby. .