The logical thing had even been that the natives will adopt that type of constructions (of material) in construction of its houses and in this way that assumed a sedentary culture. Nevertheless, it did not happen thus. We can affirm that the conquest and the reduction lasted what the presence of the Jesuits lasted. With the going of the same, and the recovery of the freedom, the natives vindicated their old customs and returned to the mount and in this way they returned to nomadism. What happened with the Missions? , then, they became ruins (destroyed, worn down, useless, empty constructions).
To the being reconstructed, at present they are not another thing that sad and ineffaceable memory of the oppression, the repression, the submission and the slavery of the indigenous towns of Paraguay. Today, five hundred years later, the Guarani language follows alive, strong, revitalized and so cool, spoken by almost eight million souls (Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela) and admired by the international community since – besides to exist thousands of sites promote that it in Internet it is studied in important universities of the world, becoming also fatal attraction of numerous investigators of world-wide prestige. Today, after as much persecution and repression, already it is language of the Mercosur next to the Castilian and to the Portuguese. Almost 80% on which we lived in Paraguay, we spoke and we understand the Guarani. His creator the Native was reduced and conquered implacably by the Empire, almost he was even annihilated. Nevertheless, the Guarani Language remained alive and indomitable in spite of the most incredible forms of oppression and repression that suffered.
We can affirm yet that against and with almost anything to favor – thus and all the Guarani reduced to the Castilian. 2. Development From the linguistic point of view, firstly we must clarify that the Guarani and the Castilian are different languages, since typological the Guarani belongs to the Languages Binders; whereas, the Castilian corresponds to the group of the Flexivas Languages.