Just published I SAW National Survey of Conditions of Work keeps awake that a 17% of the workers do not receive aid of their superiors it asks for when it, that a 10% indicate as the relation very annoying and worrisome that it has with his head, and that almost a 3% (a 3.4% in the specific case of the women) declare to have been 12 months of conducts of harassment in the last psychological object on the part of their superiors. These last ones, say that this exhibition to conducts of harassment psychological has derived in a group of symptoms whose more remarkable signals are: insomnia, continuous sensation of fatigue, headaches, mareos, difficulty to concentrate itself, under ramillete and mood, more of undesirable symptoms. It would seem that our happiness depends to a great extent on the relation with our heads. It is necessary to also review that a negative labor climate, repels in the benefits, doing to decrease the account of benefits. The belief that is extended they are the aggressive leaders, vain and arrogant most successful.
Success of heads associated to its authoritarian capacity del that by all the sides to us the news arrive. Nevertheless this seems that he is at issue, since every time there are more studies than they assure that if the leader has positive an emotional style, and therefore it generates a climate of harmonious work, the account of benefits is greater, since the workers, far from to only give what he is requested to them, offer the best thing of they themselves, in the optimal development of his functions. Yes, to the inverse one, to the workers it dislikes the treatment to them that gives its head them, they feel unwillingly in his job, are scared to be related or to ask what they need, are going away to limit to fulfill his function strictly, which in the long run, ends up being disadvantageous for the company. Peggy Harper does not necessarily agree.