Experts in child development discussed in the game there is freedom to experiment with new experiences and to make mistakes. During the game the child establishes its own rhythms and controls the situation, is independent and has time to resolve the problems posed to him. All factors important for effective thinking. Adults should be agents mediators to carry the child to perform meaningful, and effective games approaching him situations and toys that can learn more. Therefore, we must take into account the functions of play in child development since it is the main language of the children. They communicate with the world through play. Children’s play always makes sense, according to their experiences and needs.
Displays the path to the inner life of children; they express their desires, fantasies, fears and conflicts symbolically through the game. It reflects their perception of themselves, others, and the world that surrounds them. Through play children grapple with its past and its present, and prepare for the future. -The game stimulates all the senses. -The game enhances creativity and imagination.
-The game helps to use physical energy and mental productive and/or entertaining ways the game is fun, and children tend to remember the lessons learned when they are having fun, why play facilitates the development of:-physical abilities: grab, hold, run, climb, swing. -Speech and language: from babbling, to tell stories and jokes. -Social skills: cooperate, negotiate, compete, follow rules, expect shifts. -Rational intelligence: compare, categorize, count, memorized. -Emotional intelligence: self-esteem, share feelings with others. Also, the game makes learning about:-your body: skills, limitations. -Your personality: interests, preferences. -Others: expectations, reactions, how to be with adults and children. -Environment: explore possibilities, recognize dangers and limits. -Society and culture: roles, traditions, values. -Own domain: wait, to persevere, to deal with setbacks and defeats. -Troubleshooting: consider and implement strategies.