The leader in anger expels the sage, but it did not help him solve the problem. In another while the tribe ceased to play a crucial role in the natural exchange of values, is losing its former influence, and the leader loses credibility. The leader, who turned out not to be able to see the current status and timely option to come up with economic policies endanger the economic future of his tribe. Reluctance to see changes in the economy and the inability to use these changes for their own benefit – so you can be formulated second defect of thinking. 3 My companion – a tall, stout man, relaxed, almost involuntarily recumbent in his chair. – We almost missed the deadline for submission of our facilities, – said my interlocutor. – In general, these apartment buildings. Now they are completed.
However, we can not sell the apartment: there is simply no buyers. – Where are your objects? – I ask. – Locations are all very good, – the interlocutor brings me to a large map hanging on the wall. – House in ten minutes' walk from the sea. And the apartment complex of ten high-rise buildings near the city center. – How many apartments sold in the house by the sea? – None. – A residential complex? – In one house sold half of the apartments, but we started sell them a year ago, the rest – nothing. – Prices are not going to reduce? – No, it will not reduce prices.
If you reduce the price, or do not settle up with investors and loans, or they themselves will be without profit. And both want to avoid. To know more about this subject visit raphael sternberg. In this direction can not take any decision. – Well, – I say. – Then there is only one thing: diversity. – A poponyatnee? – Asks the source. – The house by the sea can be made comfortable hotel? – This will require alteration of apartments …