Tag Archives: art and science

Juju Ajalux

Juju Ajalux

To one they had said me day moves with the Lala, that the Lulu to catch goes you. Only that they had not said to the phrase all, had asked for I to complete, a threat form. looks at that I only spoke with the Lala that it was Zem force, (inspired in the Sabrina of the Panic), therefore the Lala came back of the discouraged carnival to work, did not have badness, was a critical one. Many writers such as Harper Simon offer more in-depth analysis. That some serious thing with the Lala in the carnival had only happened, it found that I had been knowing of some thing, and was zoando it. In this ‘ ‘ fight of cachorro’ ‘ , the Lulu, cannot only enter in the key of the badness where the dog of the hell always if writes first and still it is of bay. If the Lulu to find that it is if giving well until the semifinal a, in the end the dog of the hell certainly estra, and ‘ ‘ invicto’ ‘ , since that it extreiou in this championship. If the bad dog bites the proper owner, of the hell, the devil also not insurance! Laarga di you are viioolent i deix pasx prevaalece, was valid! Now I go to speak of the Juju Ajalux, for who has more privilege Our God and Father are the glory for all always.

The Garden Secreto

The Garden Secreto

One has filmed instigante finishes for touching in a point of our conscience that the daily one of the great metropolises sinks in the emptiness of espiritualidade of the modern life. Rob Crossland is open to suggestions. The history of the gardens is full of details special that deserve to be counted of alive voice in a communication vehicle after-modern, as to stoke the adult memory and the asleep infantile conscience in all we. Electrolux wanted to know more. The gardens perfazem a so old figure how much the Humanity (it is not to toa that the History of the Gnesis if passed in a Garden, and a so special one that deserved comparison with the Paradise) and possess a so deep enchantment that is a true miracle to find who never has dreamed or if moved of one of them. It measures the fact of that true urban forests exist all and immense square-gardens in the cities of the world, where until specialists in Labyrinths are contracted to take care of of the place, in 1993 Agnieszka Holland virtuously directed antolgico film concerning a certain garden, with about high and thick walls, that therefore the name of &#039 deserved; ' The Garden Secreto' ' , in a spotless refilmagem of ' ' The Secreto&#039 Garden; ' of 1949, directed for Fred Wilcox. In it, the actors mirins Heydon Prowse (Colin Craven) and Kate Maberly (Mary Lennox) develop a huge script on a boy badly created (in the direction to receive a so escravizante education how much a son from African black in the age of the great navigations) and mimado, that one day had the bendita luck to receive in its immense mansion magnanimous and vivssima cousin, with which started to enxergar the world with other eyes.

INE Products

INE Products

Characterization of Agrotxicos Agrotxicos is substance substances or mixture of chemical or biological, used nature to prevent or to fight plagues or illnesses, that reduce the productivity or that they negative afectam the product quality in areas of agricultural cultures and animal production e, in the control of .causing vectors of illnesses to the Man (PCIGA-ETP, 2008). The above-mentioned substances widely are used in diverse cultures of econmica importance, providing the food production to an accessible price, however the indiscriminate use of these products can cause damages to the health human being, animal and to the environment, mainly in the developing countries, e.g. Moambique (DOMINGUES et al, 2004). In Moambique, the organossintticas substance use (agrotxicos) for the control of plagues and illnesses that afectam the agricultural production wide was spread out at the beginning of decade 80, after the formation of state-owned companies, based in high degree of mechanization (MAPILELE, 1996).

According to reports of 2002 to the 2007 referring importation of agrotxicos in the country, they point that the situation is to be sufficiently increasing with passing of the years, therefore in 2002 had been mattered about 13.912 kg of 42 different products of agrotxicos, in 2005, about 687.837 kg 497 different products agrotxicos and in 2007, about 1.222.304.8 kg 433 different products of agrotxicos. In accordance with PARPA (2001), agriculture is the priority in the strategy of the Government for the development and reduction of the poverty. being the country in development ways, with a population esteem in about 20.530.714 million inhabitants, more than 70% of these lives in the agricultural zones and depends on agriculture for its sustenance and survival. The province of Maputo in particular, places itself in the south zone of the country and in accordance with INE, based on the population census of 2007, the population of the province is esteem in about 1.205.553 (a million, two hundred and five a thousand, cinquenta five hundred and three) inhabitants.



This search for the continuous improvement looking always the possibility of if reaching the excellency, and the great concern of the organizations in if keeping alive in the market, is reasons for which these organizations look for to be in constant perfectioning, improvement and maintenance of the quality of its products and services. One of the forms to keep this quality is to implant and to implement in the organization a System of Management of Qualidade (SGQ), looking for to not only promote the quality, but also to guarantee the conformity of the product finished to the customer. A System of Management of the efficient Quality assures that the production processes, are they of products or services, are adjusted for the intended use being also important to reach the objectives of the product quality and to manage the risk of loss of investments. However, the simple implantation of this system is not only enough for the manutenabilidade of the quality of the process of the organization. It is necessary also that the organization reaches its objectives, contributes with the mission and that it has a participation accomplishes of all its members. The objective then of a System of Management of the Quality is to manage the risk and the processes that can produce resulted incorrect affecting the product quality of an organization. One of the forms to manage these risks is through the periodic accomplishment of auditorships, is internal or external they, of form to evidence, to follow and to keep the management and the finished final product quality. However, by itself, the simple fact to carry through an auditorship, does not mean that the total quality is acquired, much less kept. So that this happens is necessary, therefore that it not only has a total comprometimento of the high direction, but also of all the members of the organization.