Any difficulties, misunderstandings and nuances. Ben Horowitz may also support this cause. Complexity of nowhere you will not get to, so why create them yourself from scratch, and yes even their own hands. I also have One very important point. All genius lies in the simple. And in fact all around you (yes, you, dear reader) are opportunities to implement thousands of successful business ideas. I will give the most simple and understandable for all examples.
I do most of my time I spend at his home in the countryside. Near the forest, river, people once or twice and obchelsya. Krasotischa, shorter. And through all the villages several times a week riding a machine that carries products for those who are too lazy to go into town for shopping. And I just felt like honey to the tea. I go out to this machine and asked the seller if they have sold honey.
Seller shakes his head. No, they say never sold. And then he says: "And here is our Driver – beekeeper, asked him. " I chatted with the driver, but it turns out for many years engaged in bees, and each year he had a headache, how and where to slow to implement. And he sells it as a result of the penny. I tell him: "So Here is your car, sell, along with products and honey, to cheer gets going. " After these words of mine it to me even a little sorry. He almost cried when I realized that he had many years a driver on this machine works, and could calm your honey in this manner to implement.